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"He's the one who sent me your tweet in the very beginning

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"He's the one who sent me your tweet in the very beginning."

Those words rang over and over in Jungkook's mind before he finally yelled, "What?!" His eyes blowing up with utter shock.

Yoongi went pale once again.

He actually completely forgot about that whole detail. It's been months and he just initially did it as a blind act of wingmanship. To help Jungkook just talk to the dude.

"You're telling me that Yoongi is the main reason you found me in the very beginning?" Jungkook asked Taehyung and then turned to Yoongi. "Yoongi?"

"I completely forgot I did that. A-And I know you didn't want me to meddle. I'm so sorry, I just wanted to help. Please don't be mad at me."

Jungkook just pulled Yoongi into the biggest and tightest hug, with tears streaming down his face. "Thank you so much, Yoongi." He sobbed harder.

Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, and Yoongi himself were in shock at how Jungkook was just clinging to him and crying really hard.

Nevertheless, Jimin and Hoseok saw Yoongi in a new light, which was ultimately for the better. They saw how caring he was and how he did a selfless act to make Jungkook happy and that's all it took for them to accept Yoongi into their hearts.

"Hey.. Kooks.. don't cry. I know they're happy and appreciative tears, but it still hurts to see you cry so hard." Yoongi consoled.

"Yoongi.. I don't think I could ever repay you."

"You don't have to? I just wanted you to be happy, Kooks. And you wouldn't make the damn move, so I had to. I know you don't like it when I do, but I couldn't let you regret never making the first move and living in fear of commitment for the rest of your life."

"I had no clue they were the same person until you mentioned his artist name because it matched his twitter handle. But yeah, if anything you should thank him for bringing us together in the first place. I'm pretty sure if it weren't for him I wouldn't have ever even seen your tweet." Taehyung expressed, which didn't make things better as Jungkook cried more.

This was all so much to take in for Jungkook, to be quite honest.

"I've been such a fucking neglectful brat to you. All this time.. it was you who went out of your way to make me happy from the start and I didn't even realize.." Jungkook sniffled into Yoongi's body.

Yoongi just immediately rubbed his back in a comforting manner, letting the boy get it all out.

"Y-You really wanted me to slip up, so then it was proof that I was talking about Tae all that time." Jungkook also realized, his face still drenched with tears.

"Ah, Kooks.. It's okay. It all worked out, right? That's all I truly wanted. For things to work out."

"Y-Yeah.. I know, but what if you didn't help me? What if I never got to even meet someone like Tae?" Jungkook sniffled and then when the realization hit him, he started crying again.

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