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Gasps erupted around the room, Jungkook's being the loudest. He didn't want to interfere with the fear of getting accidentally hit, but he didn't want Taehyung to hurt Jimin that badly.

"Why are you still being such a fucking brat?" Taehyung punched Jimin again, this time in his stomach.

"Why are you always so fucking uptight?" Jimin gave out a strained yell as he was trying to get out of Taehyung's range of frequent punches.

"Because you make me uptight with your constant immaturity!" Taehyung yelled and only pinned Jimin down in a tighter hold, ready to punch him again.

He finally escaped Taehyung's grasp by stunning him with an infamous kick to the balls. Taehyung grunted loudly and fell right the the floor and Jungkook rushed over to him, as fast as he could.

"Tae! Oh my god!" Jungkook exclaimed when the impact first happened. "Baby? Why did you do that? Why did you even punch him in the first place like that? What is going on?" Jungkook started spewing out questions and comforting his boyfriend while he was hunched over on the floor in pain.

Yet Taehyung just ignored his boyfriend's constant concerns and went back to focusing on Jimin. He was too focused on Jimin to let Jungkook distract him right now.

"Jimin, what the fuck is with you lately? You're being more rude and bratty than usual and I'm so sick of it! What the fuck did I do to you?"

"What did you do? Please, check your privilege. You know what you did."

"What the fuck are you getting at?" Taehyung just wanted Jimin to just say whatever he needs to say so they can all get past whatever this was.

When Taehyung finally recovered he approached Jimin who was just sitting on the floor, hugging his knees. Taehyung simply crouched down in front of him.

"Look, I'm not gonna hit you again, but I'm gonna ask you one last fucking time. What is your fucking deal?"

Jimin did something he knew he shouldn't have.

He kissed Taehyung in front of everyone.

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