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+ sexual assault warning +

"What the fu—!" Jungkook started to yell as someone covered Jungkook's mouth with their hand. As much as Jungkook tried to fight, he wasn't winning and he was dragged to an isolated space on the other side of the arcade.

"Miss me?" A strangely familiar voice asked in a creepily smug tone.

"Miss you?" Jungkook was all sorts of confused, until he saw the mysterious man's face. A face he hasn't seen in far too long.

"No way. No fucking way. What are you doing here? Of all fucking places."

"That's no way to treat an old friend."

"Baekhyun." Jungkook spat.

"Jungkook." The bastard smiled. "Long time no see."

"Why did you just drag me away like that? Are you fucked up in the head?"

Baekhyun ignored everything Jungkook currently asked. "Listen, what I said before— like months before—I take that back. You ended up being really hot so like how about you just ditch the kid and have someone like me?"

"You're actually sick. You fucking broke my heart, you piece of shit."

"Well— How the fuck was I supposed to know you'd look this good in months time?"

"Why do you care so much about my looks, Baekhyun?"

"I like attractive things and people and I like getting what I want. Is that so bad?"

"Just a little— scratch that— It's actually really fucking sad."

"Oh come on, Kookie." He cooed and Jungkook's face scrunched up in quick disgust.

"Don't call me that. You don't get to fucking call me that anymore."

"You're just gonna forget about all of the good times we had online? All of the late night talks? After all of the sexting?"

"Could you fucking keep your voice down?" Jungkook hit Baekhyun on the shoulder harshly which shut him up quickly. "I was fucking lonely and you know you just used me to get off. You never actually cared about me."

"Oh please, don't act like you didn't enjoy it either." He scoffed.

"I don't know why I'm still trying to talk to you. I need to find my fucking boyfriend." Jungkook was about to stop trying to compromise with this man, but then a sudden thought occurred to him. "Wait— How the fuck did you find me again? I blocked you on everythi—"

"Are you dense? I created a new twitter account and stalked you online. You kept the same username after all this time. And you actually started posting your face and constant location. I put two and two together."

"That's so fucking weird, dude. Don't you have something better to do?" Jungkook scowled.

"More like someone." Baekhyun licked his lips while looking at Jungkook up and down.

"Not gonna ever fucking happen."

"Like hell it won't." Baekhyun pressed Jungkook against the nearest wall and held him in a position where Jungkook was actually struggling to get out of. Him squirming around to get out of his hold wasn't working one bit.

"You're so fucking hot now, Jungkook. Like I'm surprised. Did you decided to become hot all for me?"

Jungkook didn't even know how to respond to that, so he didn't and kept trying to escape his hold. "Silent treatment? Big mistake. I'll make you love me, Jungkook."

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