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I can't sleep
how can I sleep when I'm meeting my fav deep voiced bby boy tomorrow
or wait.. todaYDJKFKGKFF

@guccitae: you can't sleep either?

In literal seconds, Taehyung called Jungkook.

Tae 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 is calling..

Jungkook was genuinely heartened at the sudden gesture. He told Taehyung he couldn't sleep and Taehyung immediately called him.

He was too lucky.

"Hi, baby." Jungkook cooed over the phone.

"Hello, Jungkookie!" Taehyung squealed.

"I can't sleep at all! It's like Christmas. It's like what if your mom was like 'you have a very special gift waiting under the tree and you can't open it until the morning of Christmas Day' how can one sleep after that?"

"Am I your special gift, Kookie?"

Jungkook blushed and eventually nodded, holding a big smile on his own face. "You're the only gift I want, Tae."

"Awwww!" Taehyung exclaimed. "You're so sweet and cute and beautiful and— did I say sweet— because you're definitely that—"

"Shut it, Kim." Jungkook teased.

"Okay, before I forget. Are you sure you know the directions to my house?"

"Yes, oppa. I checked it over a million times. I know what to do and how to get there."

"Did you make sure that your car is filled with gas? So you don't run out and have a delay?" Taehyung asked for more confirmations. Even Jungkook could tell Taehyung was actually nervous despite how hard he tried to act calm and collected.

"Yes, baby! Everything is fine! Everything is going to be fine." Jungkook assured.

"How long are you staying?" Taehyung bit his lip and was curious with how long this meet up would last. He truly wanted it to last forever.

"How long do you want me there?"

"I don't know if this is too weird to ask but would you want to sleep over? I-I could just take the couch and you could take my bed. So you can be comfortable."

"Tae, don't be ridiculous. I don't mind sleeping in your bed with you. I'm your pillow, remember?" Jungkook giggled.

"Heh.. oh yeah. I-I just didn't want to push it but since you're okay with that.. I should warn you. I'm going to apologize beforehand because I'll most likely just randomly cling onto you during the night."

"Hey, no need to warn me! You said that holding something or someone in your sleep helps you sleep better so hold me all you want. I won't have to worry about you clinging to me during the night because that's how we're gonna fall asleep anyway! I don't mind, Taetae." Jungkook was sure of it. He truly wanted to be held by Taehyung for as long as he could.. He wanted to feel secure.

"Ah, okay.."

"Are you done being so nervous?"

"I'm not nervous!" Taehyung stubbornly protested.

"You're giving me all of the rundowns and asking for constant confirmation, but watch you end up oversleeping and answering your door with drool running down your chin and crust in your eyes." Jungkook laughed.

"I won't! I set like four alarms, okay?"

"Sure, I'll believe it when I see you."

"You will! I'll be dressed in my very best and everything is gonna be perfect." Taehyung already had his outfit picked out and he was going to spend the whole morning preparing his place for Jungkook's arrival.

"I think I should actually try to head to bed again since you claim it's gonna be such a busy day. I don't wanna be tired on that case."

"Yeah, me either. I'll see you soon baby cakes."

"I'll never get tired of being called that. See you soon, oppa." Jungkook smiled to himself.

"I'll never get tired of being called that." Taehyung found his heart pounding even more.

"Goodnight." They both said in unison.

Tomorrow's the day.

It's finally time.


but hey okay
I know
This was just some cute short filler or smth

But I PROMISE they're gonna meet in the next chapter and I'm PULLING ALL THE BIGGEST UWU'S

you're gonna be SCREAMING

I'm kidding I'm not that great of a writer
it's just gonna be cute and stuff

You know the deal uwu

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