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They finally arrived at the restaurant. The car ride was too long, in Taehyung's opinion.

It consisted of Jungkook and Taehyung being in the front, with Taehyung driving and Jungkook in the passenger's seat, occasionally holding hands and being all cute. Jimin was in the backseat, partially annoyed with the couple and that's when the insults started. They were mostly towards Taehyung, similar to how he acted in the house earlier.

Hoseok and Yoongi were just silently cuddling in the back and amusedly watching Jimin bicker with Taehyung about something stupid like dick sizes or who has the cuter relationship.

Everyone knew it was just friendly banter, which actually made them all appear more like a family. Believe it or not, it was nice.

Once pulled into a parking space, Taehyung groaned and threw his head back, hitting the head rest.

"What's wrong, Tae?" Jungkook asked.

"We really should have left the annoying puppy at home. That's all."

"Hey! I'm not gonna miss out on good food!" Jimin defended himself, not even realizing he accidentally accepted the 'annoying puppy' insult.

"Listen up." Yoongi suddenly sat up from cuddling with Hoseok, which the latter only pouted because he missed Yoongi's touch already. "I'm talking to mostly Jimin here when I say this. Behave yourself when we get inside." Yoongi suddenly put on a more stern expression. "This is a really special visit for our roommate, Seokjin. You're going to behave, Jimin. Understand?"

"Yes, hyung." Jimin instantly sat back in his seat and followed orders.

"Oh my god. Jimin is Yoongi's total bitch." Jungkook whispered as silently as he could to Taehyung, in a way that no one else could hear. Taehyung giggled and nodded and that was their little inside joke of the evening.


They all walked in together and they soon saw Seokjin himself, talking to a family. From what the gang could overhear, the family were only giving their most sincere compliments to Seokjin about the meal.

He deserves it. Jungkook thought to himself, with a smile. He really does.

They walked up to the podium, to tell the hostess how many there were and if they had any preferences on where to sit. Before they could do any of that, Seokjin noticed them and excitedly walked over.

"I can take over from here." He nodded to the hostess and she walked off to do another task on her busy list. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?"

Jungkook smiled brightly, "We just wanted to surprise you!"

"We heard you're one of the best!" Taehyung added.

"Ah, you're all so sweet. Really. I just hope you all enjoy the service here, I'll make sure to make things special for you guys." There was one thing Jungkook always admired about Seokjin. His ability to stay humble and professional about his abilities, no matter how skilled he was in that area. He was labeled as one of the best chefs and he still doesn't go around bragging.

"I have the perfect spot for you all. Follow me." Seokjin said in a professional tone.

Yoongi and Jungkook never really visited Seokjin during his shift, so it was a big surprise for him. He was just ecstatic to know they supported him and his work. They all followed Seokjin to a more private area of the restaurant so they could have the utmost quality of service.

"Ah, Jin. You didn't have to do this for us." Jungkook spoke up after they found their seating.

"I wanted to. You guys are really deserving of a nice meal. Plus, consider it a little congrats on your new relationship." Seokjin winked at Taehyung and Jungkook especially.

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