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"He wanted me to give this to you since you wouldn't talk to him last night." Taehyung tried.

"I don't want it and I don't care." Jungkook instantly refused without even looking at what the item was.

"Jungkook.. don't you think it's about time to listen to him?"

"Don't you think it's about time to stop taking his side?" Jungkook snapped.

"God, what are you taking about? I'm not on anyone's side! I just want things to be resolved."

"Why aren't you still upset, Tae? Why do you want me to forgive him so quickly?"

"I'm not saying you should forgive him right now, right this second. I'm just saying you should hear him out. If you don't like what he has to say, then fine. But you should at least listen to his side."

"I just don't get how you're just suddenly not upset."

"I just don't get how you're always upset."

"He kissed you, Taehyung! I can't get the stupid image out of my head."

"God, how do you think it felt when I saw you kiss Yoongi, huh?"

"Taehyung, you know there's a difference."

"Really? Because I don't see it. You kissed another man in front of me that night too. You don't see me being massively upset at Yoongi."

"Yoongi doesn't have feelings for me. I don't have any for him. That's the difference. We were playing a gay ass party game. What Jimin did, that wasn't anything but a fucking mind game to hurt me. Are you not getting that, Taehyung? He intended to hurt me and here you are acting like it never happened."

"Regardless, you guys kissed in front of me and I really didn't like it. I got over it, though. I'm not holding that against you or Yoongi or anyone. Why can't you get over this? When he's trying so fucking hard?"

"Well? Maybe, he should try harder."

"You're being so stubborn." Taehyung groaned.

"Yeah, well. Damn it, Tae. I fucking love you and he tried to take you away from me. How the fuck am I supposed to feel?" Jungkook was already sobbing and shaking violently from how passionately he defended his emotions.

"You should know better than anyone else how sensitive I am to this shit. I finally found someone who loves me for all of the things I used to hate about myself and then someone I fucking trusted just betrays me in front of all of our friends? Like I wasn't even fucking there? Taehyung, do you not see what this shit has done to me? I'm so broken over a kiss. I'm tired of being mad, I truly am, but I can't help it. I can't fucking help it. I don't know what to do."

Taehyung wrapped his arms around the boy and ran his hands through his hair in comfort, kissing his forehead every now and then. "Jungkook, god.. I'm so sorry. I know. I know this is hard for you. I really do. I didn't mean to push it. I can see how much this is hurting you and I just wanted to help."

"I know. You're always there to help me. But I just don't see how you can help me this time."

Those words almost broke Taehyung entirely.

Jungkook was actually breaking inside all because of a kiss. A kiss that seemed small but it only hurt Jungkook twice as hard.

Taehyung got over it so quickly because Jimin explained everything to him, so he was sure if Jungkook just let Jimin do the same, it would all gradually get better. But this case was still so much more difficult. Jungkook needed some sign that showed him that Jimin really cared for him. He needed something that showed that Jimin could be someone to be trusted again.

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