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Jungkook whipped his head around to the sound of a soft whimper escaping Taehyung's lips. Jungkook has been awake for maybe an hour now, mind clouded with a bunch of thoughts so he just let Taehyung sleep unbothered for the time being.

Taehyung was still clinging to Jungkook and the latter didn't mind of course. He loved being the other boy's pillow.

But when Taehyung moaned Jungkook's own name in his sleep, the whole mood of the room changed.

Ironically enough, Yoongi was right about something. Taehyung was definitely feeling the same way. It just wasn't Jungkook who happened to moan in his sleep.

Taehyung subconsciously bit his lip and slightly grinded himself against Jungkook leg and that alone drove Jungkook even more wild. "Whoa.." Jungkook's eyes widened. "Is he—"

Taehyung's breathing increased in intensity and volume as he slept, his face glowing with sweat and a reddish tint.

Jungkook was practically frozen. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to embarrass Taehyung by waking him up and telling him what he observed, but what else should he do?

Jungkook couldn't help but to look at the overall sight, one last time before actually waking Taehyung up with a soft kiss to his lips. Jungkook already knew they needed to have this kind of talk eventually so, in a way, he's ultimately glad Taehyung moaned in his sleep to trigger a deep conversation.

"Mm.. Baby?" Taehyung muttered as he woke up and Jungkook's face came into view. "Why are you looking at me like that?"



"You were kinda.. moaning.. in your sleep and dry humping my leg. Care to tell me why?"

Taehyung was already upset with his unconscious self for exposing his own intimate thoughts and actions in front of his boyfriend like that. He clearly didn't even want to explain any of this, as he just stayed silent.

"Come on, Tae. You can just tell me. I confessed to you earlier about what I wanted to do."

"Well.. You were— I was— We were—"

"We were what?"

"Look, I had a small sex dream, okay?" Taehyung finally admitted. "You caught me, okay? I lied before about how I haven't thought about us having sex. I can't help it! The last time we really touched each other was like that first night we met in person. I was way too afraid to ask for anything in exchange that night, so I didn't. And we haven't had any time lately to do anything like that again. I just— I've been feeling so worked up."

"So you have been thinking about it! All this time, I just assumed you weren't ready or maybe it's still too soon or that I was just being annoying." Then, Jungkook wondered about a crucial detail. "Wait.. How many dreams have you had like this then?"

Taehyung looked down embarrassingly and held up four fingers.

"Taehyung.." Jungkook gasped.

"Hey, to be fair, this was apparently the first time I actually spoke out loud during one."

"You wouldn't have to dream about it, if you just talked to me!"

"What am I supposed to say? Jungkook, let's have sex like in my dreams?"

"You've asked once. You couldn't just ask again?" Jungkook remembered that same day when Taehyung wanted Jungkook to stay longer at his house and offered to have sex.

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