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"Tomorrow is the day, Jungkookie." Taehyung announced on their Friday afternoon FaceTime call.

"I know! I-I can't wait to see you. Like see you see you. Like actually see you—"

"Jungkook, breathe. You're rambling again." Taehyung chuckled. "But yeah, I'm just as excited! Probably even more than you!"

"Nuh uh! Total bullshit!" Jungkook argued.

"Uh.. not total bullshit! I'm so much more excited. I'm the one who planned out the entire day months ahead of time!" Taehyung stated.

"Fuck.. you're right." Jungkook gave up, knowing that Taehyung has put so much into this meet-up. "But I'm still really excited."

"What are you gonna wear? Do you know yet?"

"Nothing—Wait— Not nothing, but like nothing too fancy— But like maybe fancy?" Jungkook rambled on about a hypothetical outfit choice.

"Breathe, again." Taehyung said calmly in his soothing, deep voice.

"How can you be so calm?" Jungkook asked after taking several deep breaths.

"I'm not afraid of things going wrong. I'm not hesitant on taking you to any of the places I chose for our first day together. I'm not nervous about not being able to say all the things I've wanted to say to you in person. You know why?"

Jungkook shook his head and leaned more into his phone camera in interest. "No, why?"

"Because nothing could ever go wrong with you by my side. As long as you're there with me, everything will be okay." Taehyung closed his eyes briefly as he spoke ever so passionately about how he truly felt. Before he even opened them again, he heard soft sniffling. His eyes snapped open to see Jungkook with eyes filled with tears to the brim.

"That was beautiful. That was so beautiful." Jungkook kept softly crying.

"No, no. You're beautiful."

Jungkook wiped his tears and grabbed a nearby tissue to blow his nose, which became reddened as he did so.

"Your nose is so red now! You're like Rudolph! It's so cute!" Taehyung giggled.

It was so comforting knowing that Taehyung could be serious about his feelings when he needed to be but also be goofy and silly when the time was also convenient.

"What should I bring, Tae? My camcorder or my Polaroid camera?"

"Why not both?"

"True. Even more possibilities for footage. Did I ever tell you how obsessed with filming I am? I love filming nature and even my friends at times, but never myself."

"Why is that?"

"Well.. I didn't think I looked pretty enough to be the subject of a video or simple picture. So I just put all of my effort into making everyone else look good."

"Hm.. I disagree."

"Well.. of course you do." Jungkook sighed.

"I'm gonna show you."

"Show me? Show me what?"

"I'm gonna show you how wrong you are."

"How? I can't help but see myself that way, Taehyung." Jungkook frowned. "How could you change that in just one day?"

"Just give me a chance. I'll change your mind. Tomorrow, you're going to see yourself as one of the most beautiful humans to ever walk this earth."

Jungkook stayed silent and only nodded. He had no clue what he was in for.

"Do you trust me?" Taehyung genuinely asked. Jungkook quickly nodded, his faith in Taehyung growing stronger.

"I trust you."


the meetup
it's coming soon guys I SWEAR

would it be horrible to say I already wrote like special bonus chapters for later on
when all of the seven bangtan boys all finally meet each other

we're so far from that period of time in the story but I have it already written lmao

and I already have drafted chapters that include a lot of twitter jokes and banter for when things are good and fluffy again

I like to plan things SO ahead of time yeehee

also a lot of you seemed really fond of the whole discord idea?? I'm really happy about that so that's something I'll consider now!!

thank you for always interacting with me and telling what you guys like and even don't like it really helps me tbh 💞💞💞💞

I'd like to say I'll have the discord all set up later tonight?? or earlier!! I just really want to make it a cool server for you guys!! you guys deserve the best????? truly

I'll rlly put my blood sweat and tears into it

for those who participate, you'll probably see previews of chapters and cool stuff like that! something to get you guys excited for the updates!!

aH I can't wait to do this tbh I've always wanted a discord server to connect with my readers/followers and stuff 🙏🙏🙏


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