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When Taehyung and Jungkook finally arrived back home, they were coming down from an extreme performance high

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When Taehyung and Jungkook finally arrived back home, they were coming down from an extreme performance high.

"Can you believe we did that? We just sang our hearts out just now?" Jungkook squealed. He honestly didn't realize how much he loved singing until tonight.

"I believe it. It's our song and it's a part of our story. I had no doubts about singing it whatsoever."

Jungkook smiled and nodded, pleased with tonight's events. Pleased with the whole day and the events that took place.

"Tae?" Jungkook piped up softly when they were on the way to Taehyung's room to finally change out of their clothes. But Jungkook's heart was racing for some unknown reason. He could sense something was about to happen, but he couldn't place his finger on it.


"You have more in store for tonight, don't you? I can just sense it. I don't know how, but my heart can't stop racing." Jungkook admitted.

"Damn, Kook, you got me." He chuckled.

"Well? What is it?!" Jungkook jumped up excitedly.

"Just follow me, okay?" Taehyung held Jungkook's hand and led him to his bedroom. When Taehyung opened the door, Jungkook gasped and looked back at the older boy with a wide opened mouth.

"You fucking didn't."

Taehyung laughed, "I fucking did."

The setting was completely different. The comforter and pillows were softer, even fluffier than Jungkook remembered seeing them before and not to mention the rose petals on top of the bed sheets.

Also not forgetting the bouquet of an organized assortment of thornless pink and red roses on the nightstand. Each resembling a different kind of affection. Pink for perfect happiness and red for passionate love. Both kinds of roses being thornless also represented something. Something just as powerful.

Love at first sight.

Taehyung was already falling for Jungkook when he merely went through his tweets, but then the more he got to know and eventually hear, see, and touch Jungkook, it was clear how purely infatuated he was with the boy. More than he wanted to realize sometimes.

The room simply smelled of a mixture of fruit and flowers, a tropical mixture, as Jungkook stepped further into the room to scan the decorated environment. He could easily tell the room was sprayed with one of Jungkook's favorite fruity aromas.

"God, Taehyung. How did you- How?"

"Just a little help from Jimin and.. Hoseok actually. Before you freak out, Hoseok and I still text and all, but it was because he actually helped me plan things with you. He felt really bad for how things played out before and offered, practically insisted, to help make this the best first date ever for us."

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