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Jungkook and Taehyung invited all of the gang over to discuss very important news.

They were so excited to finally disclose how they were engaged and they were excited to see everyone's reactions.

"So either you guys got in legal trouble or you're engaged or something. In that case, I'm already dying to hear the first one." Namjoon teased.

"Shut up, Joon. And for your information, smartass, it was the latter."

"Oh, for real? You guys are—"

"Engaged?!" Hoseok exclaimed. "Oh my god! You guys are gonna dance at the reception right? I can help you guys with the choreo. Better yet—" Hoseok gasps in realization. "I can choreograph something myself! O-Only if you'll let me, of course."

"Of course we will! I wouldn't give the job to anyone else, Hobi." Taehyung smiled at how excited Hoseok was about the whole thing already and how he already wanted to participate.

"So.. who proposed to who?" Namjoon asked in full interest.

Taehyung pointed to Jungkook as Jungkook pointed to himself, accompanied by a very smug look.

Everyone was actually in shock for a moment.

"Aw, Jungkook proposed to you?" Yoongi cooed. "So that means it must have been in his pajamas and have no actual plan to it, right?"

"Hey!" Jungkook protested. "I was actually wearing regular clothes, you know?"

"Oh my god, so you didn't have a plan!" Yoongi laughed.

"Shut up! It's the thought that counts, right?" Jungkook pouted while turning to look at Taehyung, hoping he'll back him up.

"That's right, baby cakes." Taehyung smiled but then in the next breath, the teasing towards his emotional and unorganized fiancé began.

"But like I'm telling you guys, Jungkook was practically shaking." Taehyung went in for the kill.

"Hey!" Jungkook pouted and crossed his arms.

"Like he dropped the ring and everything!" Taehyung continued as the rest of the boys laughed in much amusement.

Jungkook wasn't amused at all and was just sulking in his comfortable seat on Taehyung's lap.

Taehyung leaned in to kiss Jungkook in attempt to apologize for making fun of him and Jungkook stubbornly leaned away.

"And now he's mad at me."

"Yet he stayed right there, planted on your lap." Yoongi noted amusedly.

"He's annoying but.. comfortable." Jungkook mumbled.

"Because you love me." Taehyung said confidently.

"Sure, whatever." Jungkook kept his sour attitude and Taehyung ended up sneaking in a kiss anyway, catching Jungkook completely off guard.

Jungkook being Jungkook was massively blushing but still grumpy as Taehyung stoke a kiss from him, in rapid succession. He wiped his lips in fake disgust and lightly slapped Taehyung's cheek.

"Not fair." Jungkook mumbled after performing the light slap.

"Totally fair. I know you love my kisses."

"Whatever." Jungkook repeated, while not being able to hide a small smile.

"Wow, you guys are so adorable? I was going to try and argue the whole 'Don't you think it's too soon?' argument earlier but no— I truly think this is the right timing." Yoongi spoke up.

"I'm really happy for you guys, honestly." Jimin suddenly spoke up, as he finally decided to say his piece. Everyone turned to Jimin with a soft expression, as he continued.

"I know I've caused a lot of issues. And I'll be forever sorry for everything I did. But I am happy that you both are happy together and that you want to take this big step together. It's actually comforting knowing that you're confident in this decision and that your bond is so strong to where you know you'll be alright in the future, being married and all. I'm really proud of you guys and I hope this lasts for many many years." Jimin finally finished his little speech and looked down in embarrassment to how long it turned out to be.

Taehyung nodded in approval and gave a smile while the younger boy was falling apart on his very lap.

Jungkook was actually in tears because of it. He hopped out of Taehyung's lap and went over to hug Jimin which definitely took the soft mochi by surprise. But nevertheless, he comforted and held Jungkook tighter than ever.

And before they knew it, that single hug triggered an entire group hug.

Jungkook still in tearful mode whispered a small, "I love you guys." And they boys all confidently murmured their love for each other right back, just as passionately.

To say the least, this was the warmest hug of all.

A hug surrounded by people who you know you can depend on and trust with your life, almost.

A hug so warm and close to where you feel the weight of the world's stresses fall completely off your shoulders.

A hug with people that you've realistically known for a short time, but it feels like an eternity.

What kind of hug was this, to be more specific?

A hug between brothers.

A hug between family.


howdy y'all
this was rushed per usual

college is kicking my ass and it's JUST becoming September

WHICH ALSO MEANS ITS JK'S BDAY HERE SO I WAS LIKE HEY LETS UPDATE SMTH SHORT REAL QUICK before I have to find time to write an ENTIRE wedding AND reception scene

oh god

also you know how Joon irl always accidentally exposes important info before it's actually released..... well..... I just HAD to incorporate that in this chapter at the beginning :P


stream idol

stream idol

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