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Jungkook specifically mentioned to Yoongi that Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung would be over today

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Jungkook specifically mentioned to Yoongi that Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung would be over today. But they don't know Jungkook was bringing a friend of his own. A perfect time for Yoongi to meet the squad. Jungkook pulled up to Taehyung's place and parked in his driveway, as he's done before.

"Yoongi, you've gone pale. Like paler than you usually are." Jungkook noticed.

"I'm just nervous, okay! How the fuck am I supposed to act in front of the two guys I like?"

"Just be yourself. Talk about what you like to do if given the chance. Give them each a compliment, if you feel like it's necessary. And don't forget to show them your adorable gummy smile."

Yoongi blushed softly and then exhaled deeply. "Okay.. okay. Thank you, Kooks. God, when did you get so knowledgeable about this stuff?"

"When I finally captured a boyfriend." Jungkook giggled.

"Right, of course." Yoongi playfully rolled his eyes.

"Now, come on! They're waiting for us!"

They approached the door and before Jungkook even interacted with the door, Hoseok opened it up. Something told him that Hoseok was just waiting by the window just to open the door at the very sight of Jungkook walking up.

"Hi, Jungkook!" He greeted and waved with the brightest smile. Yoongi's heart was already swooning at the sight. "Oh! Who's this? Hi, I'm Hoseok!" Hoseok stuck out a hand to greet Yoongi and then instead spontaneously pulled him into a soft hug. He was definitely a confident one.

"I'm Yoongi." He said squished up against the boy's torso.

"Yoongi? Ah, that's so cute!" He complimented Yoongi right away.

"Oh! Thanks.." He smiled, showing the gums he was known for.

"Whoa! Your smile is adorable!" Hoseok squealed and then remembered the two weren't even in the house yet. "Oh! Come in, you guys!" Hoseok dragged both of them further inside and led them towards the couch where Jimin and Taehyung were conversing.

"Kookie!" Taehyung raced over at the first sight of his boyfriend and jumped into his arms, kissing him immediately.

"Someone missed me?" Jungkook smiled and Taehyung was really showing his clingy side this visit. It was really cute to see this other side of Taehyung. A more soft and squishy side.

"Missed you? That's putting it lightly. He wouldn't stop talking about you the moment you left the first time." Jimin walked up. He then spotted Yoongi and his heart rate started to increase rapidly. "Oh! Who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Yoongi! I just wanted to tag along with Jungkook this time. Don't mind me." He simply introduced.

"I'm Jimin! And sorry Yoongi, but that's gonna be a big issue. You're really cute. Where has Jungkook been hiding you all this time?"

"I know, right! He should have visited the first time. Then, we would have witnessed his cuteness much earlier!" Hoseok agreed.

Yoongi blushed and hid his face in his hands. He's never been overwhelmed with two attractive strangers being so forward with him within five minutes of them meeting. Not to mention how they're both his crushes.

Taehyung and Jungkook finally ended their couple's moment and joined the other boys in conversation.

Taehyung couldn't put a finger on it, but the boy Jungkook brought with him looked familiar. Taehyung walked closer to Yoongi and the two bothersome males flirting with that same Yoongi.

"So, you're the infamous Yoongi?" Taehyung smiled. "I'm sure you know who I am by now. But I'll still introduce myself. I'm Taehyung!"

"I've heard so much about you. Way too much about you." Yoongi chuckled, which triggered a blushing Jungkook and laughing Taehyung.

"I knew he talked about me back home!" Taehyung boasted to Jimin and Hoseok, who both nodded.

"So do you!" Jungkook argued back. An outburst that Jimin and Hoseok also nodded in agreement with. And so the couple playfully bickered and stuck tongues out at each other.

"So what do you do, Yoongi? I heard you produce music?" Taehyung inquired when he was done bantering with Jungkook.

"Yeah! I've been producing and rapping verses for a while now and it's finally starting to take off."

"Do you have a rapper name or something? If I ever went into the music business I'd totally go by J-hope or something. Because like— I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-hope!" Hoseok yelled out his newly made up catchphrase for his only hypothetical music career.

"Jesus.." Jimin scoffed.

"But yeah, I go by Suga. Or Agustd."

Why did that name sound so familiar? Taehyung thought.

"Wait.." Taehyung faces Yoongi and looks him up and down, squinting his eyes, scanning every detail. "Did you happen to have mint green hair in the past?"

"Yeah! How did you know?"

"That's him." Taehyung's eyes widened and gasped, turning to face the rest of the gang.

"Huh?" Jungkook was probably the most confused now.

"He's the one who sent me your tweet in the very beginning."

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