Karma, you moron.

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On a windy school afternoon, when Shuu was on his way home, he saw a red-haired boy walking across the street, possibly on his way home.

Of course, he knew who it was because who else had these bloody red hair in school then Karma Akabane. Shuu continued to follow him with his eyes, but it wasn't surprising as they were walking in the same direction. Gakushuu, however, did not know what led him to observe the red-haired boy. Then, Gakushuu pulled out his phone to look at the received message. When he looked back up to see where Karma had gone, he was nowhere to be seen.

Shuu tilted his head slightly to the side in confusion and started to turn around to look for the red-haired boy. "Maybe he turned into an alley? ... what's the matter anyway, I don't care about my enemy," Shuu thought, rolling his eyes. Suddenly he felt something at the very end of his scarf, as if it was being pulled. He turned around confused. To his surprise, the red-haired boy was holding his scarf and pulling on it slightly.

Red, straight hair gently hangs over a bony, charming face. Heavy gold eyes, set concealed within their sockets, watch fondly and amused the confused Shuu. There's something enthralling about him, I myself don't know what it is exactly.... perhaps it's his atittude or perhaps his simple, in my eyes pathetic sense of humor. But nonetheless, people tend to befriend him, while spreading rumors about him behind his back. I'm not even surprised, his character is hard to knack, so hardly anyone knows what he actually is thinking. Shuu thought to himself.

,,A...Akabane. What are you doing.'', he asked, grabbing his scarf and tugging on it for Karma to release it. Karma released the scarf, grinning at him. ,,Hey'' he said, putting his hands into his pockets. ,,...What do you want'', Gakushuu asked sighing. ,,Were you looking for me?~ You looked so hilarious desperate that I just couldn't help it and shop up behind you." He said as he laughed out. ,,tsk.'' Shuu mumbled annoyed as he looked away. ,,I didn't look for you, moron.'' He said turning away. ,,Ohhhh then why were you so desperately looking around?~'' he asked him, coming a bit closer. ,,What does that even have to do with you? Its non of your business.'' Gakushuu snapped. ,,Well... it kind of is'', Karma grabbed Shuu's scarf, making him turn around. Karma managed to turn Shuu that fast around, that their foreheads touched softly. Shuu started blushing with panic and his hands started shaking slightly as he held onto his school bag tightly.

,,W-What the-", he pushed Karma away, slowly going backwards. He then turned away, running home.

What an idiot!! Bakabane you'll pay for this!

Shuu thought to himself annoyed as he opened the door to his house. He went inside, slamming the door behind him, and leaning against them, hiding his blushing face behind his hands. ,,What is he thinking?! The Audacity!! Plus, we are also boys! I am not gay! And so is he!......... right...?'' The last question he asked himself was very unsure. ,,Okay, shut up Gakushuu. Focus on yourself and not on this moron.'' With that said, he went to his room, sitting down at his desk, taking out his homework to work on it. His desk was opposite to the window, overlooking karma's house, and more precisely, its backyard. The backyard has a luscious bed of grass is framed by aromatic bushes and shrubs... a fountain standing in the front of the garden, offering a welcome bath for birds... the rows of flowers are growing without boundaries,... there's not even a single weed insight from where I am looking; they're growing in all sorts and sizes. Gakushuu thought to himself as he looked out the window bored, and to his surprise, Karma was out in the backyard, leaning over a small patch of vegetables and watering them. ,,Pathetic.'' He mumbled, but he still continued to watch Karma water his plants.

After a while, Karma stood up, going back into his house. Asano, the observer he is, watched him again, following him with his eyes as he disappeared in his house. He then shook his head trying to concentrate on his work.

,,You're my Moron'' - A KarmaShuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now