So Close*

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"Hey Uvogin!" Miko yelled, "Wanna drink before I leave?"

"Hell yeah!" Uvogin replied with the same enthusiasm as Miko, "I got a load of beers in my room. Anyone else wanna join?" Almost everyone shook their heads. "Phinks?"

"No thank you," Phinks replied quickly and coldly. A sly grin grew on Miko's face.

"It's okay, Uvo," Miko smirked, "Phinks it just worried I can out drink him any day of the week," Suddenly, Phinks perked up to see Miko's grin. He shook his head as he approached Miko and Uvogin.

"The only reason I'm joining is to prove shorty here wrong," Phinks grumbled.

"Bring it on, eyebrows," Miko replied as her grin turned cocky.

"Hey boss, you wanna join too?" Uvogin asked. Chrollo looked up from his book to see Miko smiling up at him. Her contagious smile caused him to smile right back at her.

"Why not?" Chrollo replied as he closed his book and stood up from his seat. They all went to Uvogin's room and drank into the night. Phinks and Miko were the first ones to become noticeably intoxicated.

"Phinks..." Miko slurred, "Where the hell are your eyebrows? I mean *hic* What the f*** happened to them?"

"I'm not *hic* sure. I woke up one day and they were gone," Phinks replied as he rubbed the area where, normally, eyebrows would grow. Uvogin chuckled as he watched the two interact.

"You're both terrible at drinking," Uvogin laughed as he chugged another beer. Chrollo couldn't help but chuckle as well.

"Yeah, right," Miko slurred with beer in her breath as she directed her attention towards Chrollo. She got on her hands and knees and slithered towards Chrollo. "Who won this round, boss?" Miko slurred as she inched closer to Chrollo. She was nearly on his lap. "Me or *hic* Mr. No-eyebrows over there," Chrollo started into her sultry brown eyes as their noses touched. Chrollo fought to keep the blood from running to his cheeks. Uvogin and Phinks watched with utter fascination. Neither of them would've guessed that Miko had something like this up her sleeve. Miko's face turned red. This could be from embarrassment or booze.

"If you get to use that trick, then so do I," Phinks commented as he pulled Miko away from Chrollo attempting to recreate the same scenario. However, Chrolllo's face was a mix of disappointment and disgust. "Well who won, boss? Me or shorty?" Phinks asked.

"Damn it, Phinks," Chrollow thought to himself as he pushed Phinks away from him. Before Chrollo could answer, Miko pulled herself together and stood up.

"Well this was fun. I better get going if I wanna make the hunter exam," Miko stumbled out of the room.

"I'm going to see her out," Chrollo said as he stood up and followed Miko, leaving Phinks and Uvogin.

"Who knew she could've pulled off seductive like that?" Phinks commented.

"Obviously you didn't," Uvogin laughed, "You looked like you were enjoying the little show she was puttin' on," Phinks turned away with an obvious blush and downed another beer.

Miko continued to stumble out of the building with Chrollo keeping a watchful eye on her.

"You don't have to walk me out, you know," Miko spoke, still slurring her words.

"What kind of man would I be if I didn't see you out safely?" He questioned smoothly. Miko turned to look at Chrollo, when her foot missed a step. Miko could feel her eyes widening as she clenched herself as a brace for a painful impact. However, she felt no such pain. Miko opened her brown eyes to see Chrollo's ashy grey eyes as the rest of his face was in close proximity to hers. Chrollo had caught Miko with one arm wrapped around her shoulders. Miko's body was slanted like the end of an elegant dance and the partner had been dipped. With his free hand, Chrollo gripped Miko's hand. Part of her hair was covering her face. Even so, her blush was still visible. Such a sight allowed Chrollo's lips to curl in a gentle smirk. "You shouldn't allow yourself to fall into such a vulnerable state. Especially with a man around. You're lucky I am a gentleman," Chrollo cooed as he let go of Miko's hand and brushed her hair aside. "I can see you better now,"
Miko could feel her entire body's temperature rising. She wanted to crawl into a hole and bury herself until she calmed down. Although, another part of her wanted to see where this went. She was captivated by Chrollo's gentle tone and his seemingly warm eyes. Miko watched as Chrollo started to lean in closer to her. Caught up in the moment, Miko found herself pursing her lips and slowly shutting her eyes. Her heart raced as his light breath grazed her lips.

"Well, what do we have here?" Miko's eyes widened as she jumped away from Chrollo. At the bottom of the stairs, Hisoka leaned against the wall, feeling satisfied for ruining their moment. Chrollo stood behind Miko, glaring at Hisoka. Miko, on the other hand, rolled her eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm leaving for the hunter exam," Miko hissed as she walked past Hisoka without giving him any sort of attention. Chrollo and Hisoka waited for Miko to leave the building.

"What do you think of my new toy?" Hisoka asked, smirking. Chrollo narrowed his eyes further at the magician.

"Don't make her mad, Hisoka," Chrollo commented as he turned around to walk away.

"Worried, are we?" Hisoka teased.

"Not in the slightest," Chrollo replied cracking a smile as he turned back to face Hisoka, "After all, it'll be your funeral," Saying his piece, Chrollo left Hisoka in the stairwell.

"It seems as though we've taken interest in the same toy," Hisoka thought to himself as his smirk grew, "This is going to be very entertaining,"

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now