Two Sets of Eyes*

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"The hunter exam?" Miko questioned. Those three words caught everyone's subtle attention. Even Chrollo looked up from his book. Usually when he's reading, he's deaf to everything else around him. Hisoka gazed over a well. He already had plans to retake the hunter exam. Although, Miko's presence would make the venture more interesting. He always kept an observant eye on Miko. Not only for her looks but her strength as well. He's never witnessed her real nen ability. He's heard of her ice ability but he's certain it's only a secondary ability. Her primary ability was kept secret.

"Yes," Machi responded, "If you complete the hunter exam without the use of your nen abilities, then I won't keep you from joining the troupe. Do we have a deal?" Miko's eyes lit up in excitement. Chrollo gazed at Miko with fascination. He's never seen her look so joyful before. He couldn't help but wear a slight smile.

"Yes, we do," Miko answered confidently as she shook her sister's hand.

"The exam starts in three days in Zaban city. If you fail, no more pestering me about joining," Machi said coldly. Miko nodded and hugged her sister. She jumped off the ledge and ran back to a small bag.

"That was an interesting bet, Machi," Chrollo mused, "How are you going to make sure she keeps her end of the deal? I'm sure you know how much of a trickster Miko can be," Machi sighed irritatingly.

"Hisoka," Machi said. Hisoka appeared next to Machi in a blink of an eye.

"Yes~?" Hisoka cooed with a sly smirk that disgusts Machi.

"I know you're taking the hunter exam. Keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't break the deal. I expect that you'll keep her safe from real harm," Machi said with her usual bored, monotonous tone.

"It sounds interesting but..." He said teasingly. Machi rolled her eyes.

"I'll give three free nen stitches," she said bluntly. Machi never liked dealing with Hisoka. More so without compensation.

"I want something else. I'm sure you're aware of what it is I want," Hisoka smiled. Machi narrowed her eyes at the magician as his bloodlust began to leak, causing everyone to be on guard and watch him carefully. It was obvious that Hisoka had some sort of attraction to her sister. Whether it was infatuation or mere lust eluded everyone. Although the latter seemed more likely.

"Name it," Machi growled, fearing he'd want to fight Miko.

"I want to know her real nen ability-" Hisoka was cut off by the sound of Chrollo shutting his book. The smack of the book closing rang in the room causing Hisoka to turn his attention to Chrollo.

"That is restricted information. It's limited to a select few of usand you are not one of them," Chrollo said in a stern tone, "No one else is to know unless I say so," Machi felt a wave of relief wash over her. Hisoka's lip curled into a smile.

"Well, I can't go against the boss," Hisoka said almost too easily, "I'll see to it she keeps her end of the deal," Hisoka left the room to make his own preparations for the hunter exam. Once he was out of range, Machi let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks, boss. Who knows what he'd do with that kind of information," Machi relaxed. Chrollo nodded without saying a word and returned to his book.
Feitan could feel his concern for Miko gnawing in the back of his head. He didn't trust Hisoka and thought that anyone in their right mind shouldn't. He sure as hell didn't trust him with Miko's life. He walked into the room where Miko was packing. She was mainly packing any and every throwing knife she owned in her small backpack and on a special belt made for her by Machi.

"Got a minute?" Feitan asked, poking his head into Miko's room. Miko turned her head and smiled happily at Feitan.

"Of course," Miko chirped as she proceeded to pack some chocolates and a cellphone.

"I thought you hated chocolates," Feitan commented. A chuckle escaped Miko.

"They're for an old friend," Miko replied loosely, "Is that all you came here for?"

"Hisoka is also taking the hunter exam," Feitan stated, knowing about Miko's attraction to Hisoka.

"Is that such a bad thing?" Miko smirked.

"Be serious. I don't trust Hisoka and I don't think you should either," Feitan warned.

"Relax, Feitan," Miko said calmly, "I won't have time to play Hisoka's games. I'll be too busy trying to pass the exam." Miko smiled evilly at Feitan. "If he does something I don't like, I'll send him to you for torture," Feitan's stoic look cracked as his lips curled into a slight smile.

"I wouldn't have it any other way,"



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Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now