Find Her

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The fight between Uvogin and Kurapika comensed. Uvogin was the first to attack. He had a wide range of attacks. Miko continued to watch in fascination. Uvogin punched Kurapika's arm and shattered it. Miko smiled. Kurapika doesn't stand a chance against Uvogin. Miko watched as Kurapika healed his own arm. She saw his eyes turned to a scarlet color. "He is a Kurta." She mumbled. Kurapika punched the ground to create a smoke screen. Miko watched anxiously, waiting for the dust to settle. Miko's eyes widened in shock. She saw Uvogin bound in chains. "Why doesn't he break free?" Miko thought to herself nervously. Then, she saw Kurapika punch Uvogin so hard that he began to cough up blood. She was about to go down and help Uvogin when she remembered Franklin's words.

"Relax, Mickey. Uvogin can handle himself." Miko sighed to herself.

"That's right. He'll be ok. I have to trust that." Miko thought to herself. Miko continued to watch Uvogin and Kurapika. She was struggling to hold herself back. Then, she was a chain pierce Uvogin's chest. That was her breaking point. Miko slid down the canyon wall and began to charge towards Kurapika. However, she was too late. She saw Uvogin spit up blood before falling unconscious. "Uvogin!" She screamed with tears in her eyes. "Hang on, I'll kill him and I'll save you. Just wait a little longer!" she yelled as tears poured from her eyes. Miko swung her sword at Kurapika. She looked at Uvogin and noticed the chains were gone. "I didn't see him take the chains off." Miko thought to herself, "No time to figure that out. I have to kill him and get Uvogin out of here." Miko continued to swing her sword at Kurapika. She shot ice shards from her hands to try and distract him. "His eyes aren't red anymore.." Miko realized.

Meanwhile, Machi knows that her sister isn't happy about having to stay behind. Machi went to Miko's room. The door was shut and locked. Machi knocked on the door. There was no answer. She knocked again. Still no answer.

"Miko. It's me." said Machi, "Let me in." There's no response. "Miko. This isn't funny." Feitan was walking by and saw Machi trying to get in. Machi turned around and saw Feitan. "She won't let me in. The dir is locked."

"Stand back." said Feitan before punching the door down. They walked around and saw that Miko's knives were gone. As was her new sword and mask. Machi felt the color drain from her face.

"She had to have went with Uvogin." Machi said aloud. Feitan and Machi quickly ran to the main room. "Miko's gone!" yelled Machi. Everyone turned their heads.

"What do you mean she's gone?" asked Franklin.

"As in she took her sword, mask and knives and left." said Feitan.

"Where could she have gone?" asked Pakunoda.

"Don't be an idiot." said Nobunaga, "She obviously went with Uvogin to fight the chain user."

"You didn't tie her down this time?" asked Shalnark.

"She didn't put up much of a fight, I thought I didn't have to." replied Machi as her anxieties were rising.

"Everyone calm down." said Chrollo, "We all know Miko well enough to know that she would've gotten out regardless. It was inevitable. Where did Uvogin go?"

"All we know is that he wanted to fight the chain user on his own." said Phinks, "He didn't say where he was going after that."

"If she was able to follow him then she must have been following us since we left base." chimed Shizuku.

"Did she take her phone?" asked Kortopi.

"No." said Feitan, "We won't be able to track her."

"Where's Hisoka?" asked Phinks. Chrollo put his palm to his face.

"He must've have followed her." said Chrollo. Then, he perked up in realization. "Track Hisoka's phone!" yelled Chrollo. Shalnark quickly found Hisoka's coordinates.

"It's the same pace where Uvogin was captured!" yelled Shalnark.

"Feitan, Machi, and Phinks. You three go get her." said Chrollo. The three ran out in an instant.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now