What She Knows*

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Miko walked around the boat on her own. She leaned over the rail looking out onto the water. She replayed the last few minutes in her mind before giggling to herself.

"I can always count on Illumi to be a cockblock," Miko thought to herself before sighing aloud, "Hisoka gets riled up so easily. It's like he's asking me to tease him." Miko rubbed her wrists, remembering the iron grip he had on her. Her cheeks turned to a light rosy color thinking about how Hisoka stared lustfully down at her. She could feel the hunger in his aura as if it were a fog trying to envelope them both. Miko wanted to melt in his clutches. The sound of her phone ringing had ripped her from her thoughts. She groaned, pulling out her phone. Her dismay was short-lived, seeing Chrollo's name appear.

"You must really miss me if you keep calling me," Miko teased.

"I might," Chrollo responded, playing along, earning a chuckle from her.

"What can I do for you?" Chrollo cracked a small smile, seeing his window of opportunity.

"Well," He started, "If you're offering, I would like to take-" The phone call was interrupted by numerous beeps, ending the call. Miko looked at her phone wondering what happened.

"Oh," She said, "I guess I'm out of cell reception." She shrugged and dropped her phone back in her pocket. Miko noticed they were approaching the island. She made her way to the front of the boat. Once they docked, a woman began calling everyone by number to exit the boat. She would wait two minutes before calling the next applicant. Miko waited patiently as she waited for her target's number to be called. However, it seemed as though the woman would call everyone else's number first.

"281," the woman finally called. Miko perked up as she watched a rather stumpy, short man with gray hair and a basic saber leave the boat. She memorized the details of the man. There were still plenty of people left on the boat. As fate would have it, she was the last person to leave the boat. She spent the rest of the day searching for her target but ultimately found nothing.

Chrollo stared at his phone, whose next stop would be the wall, with contempt.

"No one even interfered this time..." Chrollo thought to himself, wondering why the world felt so against him in this matter. He pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't even notice Machi enter the room.

"Boss, are you okay?" Machi asked, concerned.

"Yes I'm fine. I have a slight headache," Chrollo responded.

"I was going to head to a nearby bar. Do you want to come with me?" She asked, abandoning her concern, going back to nonchalant, "You look like you could use a couple of drinks."

"That sounds nice," He said, standing up, "Let's go." Chrollo accompanied Machi to a bar not far from their base. They had gotten a couple drinks for themselves and sat at a table away from everyone else.

"Have you spoken to Mickey?" Chrollo asked.

"Not since she left for the exam. Why do you ask?" She responded, with worry tucked away in her chest.

"I thought you would be more concerned with Hisoka having to keep an eye on her." Chrollo took a sip from his drink as he awaited Machi's response. He felt earning favor with Machi would increase his chances with Miko.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried. I know I asked him to do this but I still don't like it," Machi took a sizable drink from her glass. "I know Miko is attracted to him. He knows it too."

"We all do," Chrollo responded, trying to keep jealousy from showing in his voice.

"I wish she'd pick someone else. Anyone else. Even you," Machi continued. Chrollo stopped, meeting Machi's eyes.

"You know?" He asked, masking his nervousness like an expert.

"We all do," she mocked, finishing her drink and signaling the wait staff for another. Chrollo kept quiet. He knew anything he said would come out in stammers. "I'm joking," she said in her usual tone, "I can't speak for everyone else."

"How did you know?" He asked with an uneasy calmness.

"It was a hunch. Keyword was."

"What are your thoughts?"

"If you weren't listening, I already said I liked you better than Hisoka," Machi said as a waiter came and sat another drink in front of her. Chrollo formed a small smile as he took another sip from his drink. "However," she started, "Hisoka isn't the one you need to worry about." Chrollo furrowed his brow. Who else did he have to worry about now?

"What do you mean?" He asked, wondering to himself if it would be easy to get rid of this person.

"Illumi Zoldyck." Perhaps it wouldn't be so easy.

"The oldest son?" He inquired. Machi nodded, sipping her drink through a straw.

"They spent a lot of alone time together on missions. It was the mother's wish that Miko marry Illumi and be part of their family. They greatly encouraged a relationship. But when time came for Miko to give an answer, she declined. That's when she returned to the troupe."

"I see," Chrollo said, too angry to hide his jealousy entirely, "Do you know if they still speak to each other?"

"I can't say for sure. I know she keeps in contact with one of the younger ones."

"At the risk of sounding like a creep, do you know anything of the relationship her and Illumi have?" Machi thought about it for a moment before realizing Miko never told her any real details about her time with Illumi alone. She had only told Machi that they disliked each other at first and she made him mad when she left.

"Well I know in the beginning they weren't fond of each other. At the end, I think she made him angry with her."

"Nothing in the middle?" Machi shook her head in response.

"That's all she told me." Chrollo and Machi finished their drinks in silence and returned to base. Chrollo sat in his quarters with a single candle dimly lighting the room. He stretched out on his bed with his closed eyes hoping to drift away for the night. A relationship wasn't the only thing that had eluded the phantom troupe leader that day. The night proved to be long as thoughts of Miko fluttered throughout his mind. 

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now