Before Anything Else

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The next morning, Miko woke up in her usual cheerful and happy mood. More so since the previous night. Her hair was a mess, she was still in her pajamas and she was in need of some coffee. Miko walked out into the living room. Miko looked over at the couch. Killua and Gon were gone.

"Maybe they left." Miko thought to herself.

"Surprise!" yelled Killua and Gon. Miko jumped back in surprise. She laughed at herself. "Happy birthday, Mickey-nee!"

"Thank you, Killua-chan and Gon. Sorry I got back so late. How did you two know it was my birthday?" asked Miko curiously.

"Killua told me." said Gon.

"I remember from when you were living with us for a while." said Killua, "Geez you're getting old." Miko's eye twitched.

"What do you mean I'm getting old, I'm barely seventeen!" yelled Miko as she chased Killua around the room for a bit. Gon laughed a bit.

"Mickey-nee, look at what we got you." said Gon as he held two gifts. Killua ran up to Gon and held out one of the gifts.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything." said Miko happily.

"I told you, Gon." whined Killua. Miko laughed. She opened up Gon's gift first. It was a rather small box. Miko opened the box and pulled out a new mask. It was like her black one but this one had red stripes going diagonally across the mask and over lapping each other.

"You're old one looked worn out so I thought you might need a new one." said Gon as he smiled. Miko hugged Gon tightly.

"You're just the sweetest thing!" Miko exclaimed. When she let go of Gon, Killua tossed her his gift. Miko unwrapped it. It was a new brown leather sheath and sword. Near the opening of the sheath was a black butterfly. The handle of the sword was black and had a guard for the fingers. Engraved onto the sword was 'Queen of Heaven's Arena'. Miko's eyes filled with tears and they began to slowly spill out.

"Mickey-nee, w-why are you crying?" said Gon. Killua was just as shocked.Miko got up and hugged Killua tightly.

"Thank you, Killua-chan. I love it." said Miko. Miko looked at Gon and opened her arms to him too. Gon quickly joined in. His arms wrapped around Miko and Killua. Miko looked down at Killua and his face was blushing red. "I ship so much." Miko thought to herself. She looked over at Gon and tears began spilling from his eyes.

"Baka! Why are you crying?!?" yelled Killua. Miko punched Killua in his head.

"What's wrong Gon?" asked Miko while Killua stood away from them with a bump on his head.

"We're leaving today and I don't want to leave you behind." said Gon as he wiped his eyes.

"Where are you guys going?" asked Miko.

"We're going to Yorknew." said Killua.

"That's okay. I'm actually heading there myself today. I'll tag along with you guys." said Miko. Gon smiled happily and hugged Miko. The three of them quickly packed their stuff and went to Yorknew. Miko separated from the boys with a promise to meet up with them later. She walked to the base with her throwing knives and sword on her hip. While she was walking through a small amount of forest to get to the base. She could feel someone tailing her. They were using zetsu but she was still able to sense them. Then, she felt that same person rush towards her. She already knew who was tailing her. Then, the footsteps became audible. They were right behind her. She pulled out her new sword and blocked the incoming katana. "Hey, Nobunaga." Miko said as she smiled.

"How the hell are you able to sense me?" said Nobunaga irritatingly.

"Your zetsu is crap." said Miko with a cat-like smirk that influenced Killua's. Nobunaga rolled his eyes.

"I swear you and clown boy are almost identical sometimes." said Nobunaga, "I thought the boss would've been with you." Miko looked down a bit sadly.

"No actually. I'm not sure where he is." said Miko.

"If you say so." replied Nobunaga. Nobunaga and Miko walked back to the base in silence. When they got there, Franklin, Shizuku, Chrollo, Feitan and Machi were already there sitting in their usual spots. Miko and Chrollo didn't make eye contact. Miko went up to her window ledge and stared out the window. Feitan and Miko made eye contact. He signaled for her to follow him. She did as instructed and followed Feitan to her room.

"Now explain to me what the hell happened at Heaven's arena." said Feitan as he shut to door behind him.

"It was just like I told you over the phone. I got a text from him to meet me at a different room. When I got there, he was in the middle of having sex with someone else." said Miko.

"Are you certain it wasn't some sort of misunderstanding?" asked Feitan with doubt in his voice.

"How do I misunderstand him thrusting inside another girl?" asked Miko. Feitan was at a loss. He wasn't sure how the boss could do something like that after trying so hard just to get a date with her.

"Come on. The meeting should be starting soon." said Miko as she walked out of the room.

"Wait, is any of this going to distract you?" asked Feitan.

"Of course not. It's all out of my system. I don't hate the boss. What's done is done." said Miko before walking out of the room.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now