Wasted Opportunity

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“Hey, Mickey.” Miko instantly recognized the sweetness in the voice.
“Hey, boss.” said Miko happily. Chrollo chuckled a bit.
“I know you’re part of the troupe but still call me Chrollo.” he said, “On second thought, call me that when we’re on the phone or when we’re alone. Where are you anyway?”
“I’m at the Heaven’s arena. I’m the youngest floor master. Besides, it’s a good way to pass the time before the Yorknew auction.” replied Miko, “Whenever you’re not busy, you should stop by. I have an entire floor to myself.” said Miko a bit seductively. Chrollo smiled.
“Sure. I’ll let you know if I’m in the area.” said Chrollo.
“Ok. I have to go. I’m still hungover and tired from my flight.” said Miko.
“Ok. I love you.” said Chrollo.
“I love you too.” replied Miko before hanging up. She got up and walked over to her favorite part of the entire floor…. The bathroom. The bathroom has a giant mirror when you first walk in. There is also a small secondary room. That is where the toilet and sink are located accompanied by another mirror.. Then, there is a bathtub and next to it is a separate shower. Opposite to the shower is a washer and dryer. Miko decided to take a shower before going out for some food. The cold water felt good on Miko’s forehead. She didn't want to get out until she heard her stomach growl. Miko got out of the shower and began to get dressed. She wore a plain grey tank top along with a flowy black skirt with zip up pockets and some black combat boots. As she walked through the lobby of the Heaven’s arena, she felt a familiar aura. “Damn it.” Miko thought to herself. She didn't stop walking. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of acknowledging that he was there. She could feel his stare at a particular lower region. It sent a shiver up her spine. “He gets creepier every time I see him.” Miko mumbled to herself. Miko left the arena and put on her sunglasses. She could feel him following her. She turned the corner and activated her zetsu. Then, she ran throughout the city. She hid in an alley. Miko poked her head out from around the corner. She didn't notice him anywhere. Miko sighed in relief.
“I finally lost him.” Miko mumbled to herself.
“Nice try.” said a sly and evil voice. Miko jumped back and turned around.
“What do you want, Hisoka?” asked Miko as she narrowed her eyes angrily at the manipulative magician.
“Now now,” said Hisoka in a teasing voice, “After all, I did say I wanted to make it up to you.”
“I’m not interested, Hisoka. Leave me alone.” said Miko. She tried to walk away but Hisoka grabbed her arm and maintained a strong grip. The only difference is nothing is stopping Miko from using her nen abilities. She Formed ice shards from her nen and shot them at Hisoka. Hisoka jumped back. He couldn’t see Miko’s eyes through her glasses but he could tell that she was pissed. There was no part of her that was joking.
“I know you’re with Chrollo. That changes nothing for me.” said Hisoka. That only pissed off Miko even more. She covered her hands in jagged and sharp ice and charged at Hisoka.
“What the hell do you mean it changes nothing?” yelled Miko angrily. Every swing and lunge she made towards Hisoka, he dodged with ease. When Hisoka had enough of this little game of tag, he grabbed Miko.
“This is what I mean.” said Hisoka right before he planted his lips on Miko’s. The ice melted from her hands. She couldn’t find the strength to fight back. Hisoka wouldn’t let Miko go. He wasn’t going to let Chrollo win. He licked the bottom of her lip as a request for access. In return, Miko bit his lip to where he bled. The kiss was nothing like Chrollo’s. Hisoka’s was more dominant and passionate. When Hisoka departed his lips from hers, he smiled genuinely. His smile was short lived when he felt a stinging pain in his cheek. He, then, felt something drip down from his cheek. He ran his fingers against it. He looked at his fingers and saw blood. Miko wrapped her hand in nen to slap Hisoka.
“Now you decide to care? Now that I have someone who actually cares for me? Unlike you, I care for Chrollo. I don’t see him as some powerful challenge that I just want to fight and kill. I love him. You had your chance and you threw it away. I have two words for you pal…. Fuck you. Don’t ever come near me again.” said Miko before leaving to go back to Heaven’s arena. She felt grateful for her sunglasses. Tears were beginning to flood her eyes. Luckily, she got back to her floor before they spilled out. “That asshole.” said Miko as she cried into her pillow. “That’s not fair. He had his chance. He threw it away. He never loved me. The only reason he wants me now is because I’m with Chrollo. I hate him.” She cried until she fell asleep. When she woke up, it was late in the night. Her head hurt even more from the tears. She checked her phone. There were a few missed calls from Chrollo. Then, Machi. Then, Feitan. Then, Uvogin. Then, about everyone else from the troupe. Not mention roughly a million texts from everyone asking if she’s ok.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now