The Truth That Ends It All

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"God, I love her." Hisoka thought to himself as he ran down the halls chasing after Miko. When Miko and Hisoka reached the bar, Chrollo was still drinking and Illumi was there as well.

"Finally, you're here. I'm not sure what else to do with him. He won't leave. He started rambling out about how the end of you and his relationship wasn't his fault." said Illumi.

"It wasn't." said Chrollo, "She's here now. So start talking, Illumi Zoldyck." Chrollo grabbed Miko's shoulders and turned her around to face Illumi and Hisoka. "Mickey, those two played us both. They manipulated me. Hisoka used Illumi." Miko looked at them both. She scoffed nervously.

"That's impossible. Illumi is too dear of a friend to do something like that. You're hammered. Let's get you back to base." said Miko.

"Not until you ask him what happened that day. Do it, Mickey. Ask him." said Chrollo. Miko could feel tears begin to form in her eyes. She looked at Hisoka who slightly shook his head. Hisoka knew that Illumi would tell her the truth. He didn't want to lose her.

"Illumi...." she said in something similar to a pleading voice, "Tell me it's not true. Tell me that Chrollo is drunk and is out of his mind." Illumi looked sadly at Miko. He put his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Miko Kenmochi." said Illumi. Tears began to spill from her eyes. She looked at Hisoka. He had a remorseful look on his face. She shook her head in disbelief. She began to back away from Hisoka.

"Mickey, please, you know I love you...." said Hisoka. Miko accidentally backed into Chrollo who wrapped his arms around her.

"That's not true. She's with me now." said Chrollo. Miko ripped herself from Chrollo's grasp and ran outside the bar. Hisoka, Chrollo, and Illumi chased after her.

"Mickey, wait. Let me explain. Mickey!" Hisoka yelled while trying to chase after her. Suddenly, she stopped.

"What is there to explain?" yelled Miko as tears spilled from her eyes, "You manipulated Chrollo to cheating on me. Then, you just so happened to swoop in and make me fall in love with you all over again. Our entire relationship is based on a lie." said Miko angrily as tears poured from her eyes. Chrollo and Illumi followed behind them.

"Does that mean you're coming back to me?" asked Chrollo. Miko glared at Chrollo.

"Never. You couldn't leave well enough alone. Illumi's nen is based off a person's deepest desire. Sometimes people didn't even know that's what they wanted. Its uses that desire to control them. You're no better!" yelled Miko. Miko left Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo there speechless. Miko ran to the base. She iced the doorway to the stairs shut. She quickly packed what she could. She went to Feitan's room. She grabbed her sword, mask, and knives. Then, she went to Machi's room.

"Machi." she whispered, "Machi, wake up." Machi rolled over to see her sister with a tote bag and puffy eyes.

"Miko? What the hell are you doing?" Machi asked confusedly.

"I'm leaving. I wanted to tell you goodbye. I'm not coming back to the troupe." said Miko.

"What? At least, let me go with you." said Machi. Miko smiled sadly and shook her head.

"You need to stay here. You'll miss everyone too much and they'll miss you too. I promise, I'll call you to let you know I'm okay. I love you." said Miko with tears in her eyes as she hugged her sister.

"I love you too, Miko. Promise me you'll stay safe." said Machi as she hugged Miko back.

"I promise." said Miko as she kissed Machi's forehead. Suddenly, Miko and Machi heard something shatter. They both turned their heads towards the doorway.

"Miko! Miko, where are you?" yelled Hisoka.

"I gotta go. Bye sis." said Miko before she ran out the door without giving Machi a chance to respond.

"Bye, Miko." Tears began to fill Machi's eyes. Hisoka burst into Machi's room.

"Is Miko here?" Asked Hisoka frantically. The tears in Machi's eyes dried up.

"No. She left. She packed her things and left. What did you do, Hisoka?" said Machi in a murderous manner.

"There's no time to explain. I need to find her." said Hisoka before leaving the room trying to find Miko. He went to her room to see if it was all a sick joke. To see if she'd still be there with a smile on her face that she would only wear for him. However, when he got there, her things were gone. Hisoka felt his heart break in two. He fell to his knees. "Damn it!" He yelled as he hit the ground, "This can't be real. This is one of her sick jokes."

Machi could hear Hisoka yelling. She felt tears in her eyes spill out.

"Damn it. I'm not getting left alone here." Machi quickly packed whatever items she needed. She ran outside to catch up with Miko. She found Miko right as she was exiting the gates. "Miko!" yelled Machi. Miko turned around.

"Machi? What are you doing here? I thought you were staying with the troupe." said Miko confusedly. Machi jumped towards her sister and hugged her. They both feel on the hardened ground.

"We've always been together. Since the day we met. We follow each other to the ends of the earth. You're not leaving me and I'm not going to leave you."said Machi as she stood up. Miko stared at her sister. Machi held out her hand and Miko grabbed it. Machi pulled Miko up. They both looked back at the sea of buildings before walking out of the gates hand in hand.

The End


Hello everyone. This unfortunately is the end of the story. Don't worry. Another one is in the works. I hope you all have enjoyed this. I want to say thank you to unfunnyjoke, and SensitivePea and Anime_is_life and Weirdo__Alien, mayo0618 and Kirasms Thanks to all of you for your votes, comments and reads. It meant a lot to me. I'm glad you were able to enjoy this story. I love you all.

Maybe a sequel. Guess you'll have to wait and see. Mwahahaha.
Love you. :)

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now