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"Why aren't they in restraints?!" yelled Nobunaga. Miko threw glare at the scrawny swordsman.

"That's because I trust them. They trust me as well." replied Miko. Chrollo was a little impressed at her protectiveness over those two boys.

"I assume these are the two boys at Heaven's arena." said Chrollo.

"That's correct." Miko replied.

"I want to recruit this kid here." said Nobunaga as he put his hand on Gon's shoulder. Miko flared up her ren. Nobunaga reflexively moved his hand. When he realized what happened, he glared at Miko. Killua noticed Miko's stand off attitude when Nobunaga touched Gon.

"She still cares about us both. Despite being part of the Phantom Troupe. Maybe we could convince Kurapika to let her go." Killua thought to himself while Miko and Nobunaga argued back and forth about the fate of him and Gon. "That wouldn't work. Mickey-nee has already told us she plans to seek revenge for her friend."

"Both of you, stop arguing." said Chrollo, "Take those two back to their room."

"Yes, boss." said Miko. She walked the boys back to the room. When the door shut, Miko pulled a circular object from her pocket and handed it to Gon.

"They won't let me be in here for long after seeing how protective I am of you two. Throw this hard against the ground after I'm gone. Be careful. It fragments. Meaning pieces of it will go everywhere as if they're bullets. I hope your ten in strong. That may be your best defense. You'll still take damage. Just not as much. I can't guarantee that the boss will deny Nobunaga's request." said Miko.

"Okay Mickey-nee." said Gon.

"Killua-chan, turn around." said Miko. Killua looked at her confusedly but did what he was told. He felt Miko pull something from the back of his head. Killua turned around and saw Miko holding a needle.

"Guess who." said Miko before putting it on the ground and crushing it.

"Thanks, Mickey-nee." said Killua before hugging her tightly.

"I'll always look out for the two of you." replied Miko. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Mickey," said Shizuku as she opened the door, "The boss wants to see you."

"Okay." replied Miko. She kissed their foreheads before walking out of the room. She went to Chrollo's chambers.

"You wanted to see me." said Miko as she poked her head in.

"This isn't about those boys. I've already decided to let them go. This about what happened at Heaven's arena." said Chrollo.

"Not this again. What's done is done. I don't-"

"Let me explain. I wasn't myself. I was being controlled somehow." said Chrollo. Miko looked at him with doubtful eyes.

"Boss, I don't intend on taking you back. No excuse you give me will change that." said Miko. She was about to walk out when Chrollo grabbed her wrists.

"Think about it, Mickey. I love you. I always have. Why would I throw it all away like that? Isn't just a little too convenient that Hisoka was there to ask you out that same day?" said Chrollo.

"Not really. It was my birthday after all." Miko responded matter-of-factly.

"Damn. He planned it all out perfectly." Chrollo muttered.

"Do you really think Hisoka manipulated you? That's impossible. He's a transmuter. He wouldn't be able to have a mastery like that in manipulation." Miko responded, "If you don't mind, please let me go."

"I do mind. I love you and I'm not going to let you go that easily." said Chrollo. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. Miko knew that Gon must've set off the bomb.

"Gon! Killua-chan!" yelled Miko as she raced out of Chrollo's chambers and to the room where they were being held. Miko burst through the door and found Shizuku on the floor. "Shizuku! Are you okay?" asked Miko as she helped her up.

"Yes I'm fine. They surprised me. The spikey haired kid had a bomb." said Shizuku hoarsely. The other members came rushing in. Miko helped Shizuku up. She put Shizuku's arm over her shoulder.

"They escaped. I'm going to take Shizuku to her room so she can heal." said Miko as she helped Shizuku to walk. When Miko got to Shizuku's room, she laid her down in her bed and Shizuku fell unconscious. Miko walked out of Shizuku's room. She closed the door behind her. When she turned around, Hisoka was leaning against the wall. "Do you need something, Hisoka?" Miko asked with a playful smirk on her face. Hisoka wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him.

"You helped them escape didn't you?" asked Hisoka with a knowing smile on his face.

"You can't prove I did." replied Miko. Hisoka chuckled. He leaned in and kissed Miko. She instantly kissed him back.

"How about we go out for drinks tonight?" asked Hisoka. Miko smiled up at him.

"Sure. Y'know the boss was telling me something crazy earlier." said Miko.

"Oh yeah, what was that?" replied Hisoka curiously.

"He thinks you somehow manipulated him into cheating on me." said Miko. She looked up at Hisoka and waited for a response.

"That's ridiculous." replied Hisoka, "I'm a transmuter. Even if I wanted to, it would be nearly impossible for me to reach such a level of manipulation." Miko laid her head on Hisoka's chest.

"That's what I told him." said Miko, "How 'bout I meet you at the gates in twenty minutes and we'll drink the night away?"

"Sounds perfect." said Hisoka. Miko kissed him before walking away. Miko turned the corner and Feitan was there waiting as if he was a disappointed parent.

"Are you seriously going drinking right now? said Feitan as he walked alongside Miko, "There's still the auction and the chain user is still out there. Odds are he won't let you live this time."

"Well, this time, I have no reason to hold back. I'll use my bombs. I don't care if innocent people get hurt." Miko shot back. Feitan's eyes widened.

"Are you out of your mind? You know you're not allowed to use those bombs unless your given orders to." said Feitan.

"What choice would I have? My nen bombs are the only thing I haven't used on the chain user. They are probably my only chance at killing him." said Miko as she walked into her room and began to undress. Feitan followed.

"I know you're only doing this to avenge Uvogin. Don't act like your the only one who misses him, Mickey." said Feitan as he turned around.

"If you were as close to him as I was then, you wouldn't be fighting me on this." said Miko as she continued to change into some new clothes.

"I'm fighting you on this because I care about you. I know you well enough to know that you let your anger get the best of you. You become reckless. You put your life on the line when you don't need to." Feitan retorted. Miko finished dressing. She put her hand on Feitan's shoulder. He turned around to look at her. Miko hugged him.

"I know you care. I appreciate that. But this is something I have to do. I have no doubts that if I was killed, you'd be the same way." said Miko as she left Feitan in the room.

"What's funny is that I know she's right." Feitan said to himself before exiting Miko's room.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now