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"Come on, boss." said Machi, "The bar is closing." Machi pulled Chrollo's arm around her and helped him up. She began to walk him back to the hideout. On their way back, she came across Uvogin.

"Machi?" said Uvogin confusedly. Then, the saw the boss hanging over Machi. "What the hell is going on?" asked Uvogin.

"He's wasted. Just help me." said Machi irritatingly. Uvogin laughed at Machi struggling to carry Chrollo back to the base. Chrollo was passed out drunk. Uvogin threw Chrollo over his shoulder and carried him back. Machi couldn't help but think about Chrollo's words.

"She looks out for you." said Chrollo. His words repeated over and over in Machi's mind.

"I was supposed to be the one to do that, you idiot." Machi thought to herself.

"You okay there, Machi?" asked Uvogin.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Did you know that the boss has a thing for Miko?" asked Machi.

"I had suspicions. He's definitely better than Hisoka. Something about him doesn't sit right with me. I know Miko has a thing for him. She told me when she and I were drinking. She doesn't remember telling me. I never brought it up around her. Instead, I always kept it in the back of my mind." said Uvogin. He was rather worried about Miko. If she did let Hisoka in, he could push her off the deep end.

"Do you think you can steer her away from Hisoka?" asked Machi. Uvogin had a doubtful look on his face. Miko can be quite the stubborn person when she wants to be. "You and Feitan are her best friends. She won't listen to me if I come out and say it. She'll at least listen to the two of you. If not you, then Feitan."

"I can try but I can't promise anything." said Uvogin, "I'll see if I can get Feitan in on this as well."

"Thanks, Uvo." said Machi.

"Anytime. I'd do anything to help that little squirt." replied Uvogin.

The sun rose over Zevil Island. A small bit of sunlight found its way onto Miko's eyelid. She groaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyelids.

"Ah, you're finally awake~."

"What the hell?" Miko thought to herself. She poked her head out and saw Hisoka sitting next to her tree. "What are you doing here?" asked Miko, "Don't you have applicants to terrorize?" Hisoka chuckled a bit.

"I finished that earlier." replied Hisoka teasingly. Miko crawled out of her hole and stretched.

"Did you find your target?" asked Miko curiously. Hisoka smiled smugly and shook his head.

"I thought I'd check on my precious toy to make sure she hadn't run off with someone else." said Hisoka, "Like those damn Zoldycks." He thought to himself. Miko rolled her eyes.

"Don't be an idiot, Hisoka. I'll cut up your cards again." she said with an evil look on her face.

"I'm sure you remember what happened the last time you did." replied Hisoka in a threatening tone.

"Yes, I do. If you were paying attention, I was still smiling at the end of that." Miko shot back. Hisoka was now intrigued. He noticed her smile. However, he thought that was because she has a bit of a crazy side. "It wasn't a total loss. I learned a lot about you." said Miko with complete seriousness in her eyes.

"Do tell." said Hisoka. Miko smiled evilly and placed a finger over her mouth.

"That's a secret." she said seductively before beginning the search for her target and leaving Hisoka alone at the tree. While Miko was walking, she happened upon a river. Deciding to bathe herself, she stripped herself of her clothes and walked into the river. She shivered as the water embraced her body. She kept one throwing knife in her hand in case anyone tried to sneak up on her. Suddenly, she heard rustling in the bushes. She threw her throwing knife at the bush. Then, she heard a scream. She got out of the river and walked to the bush.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now