Old friends and More Nuisances *

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Two days passed and Miko reached Zaban City. She spent her time looking at all the goods and food Zaban City had to offer. When she got bored, she decided to make her way to the hunter exam. Miko found the hole-in-the-wall restaurant and told the chef the secret phase. As she waited for the elevator to hit the bottom, Miko found the excitement in her belly growing. Her fingers twitched and beat against the table. Once the doors opened, a little green thing waited right outside the elevator.

"Hello, my name is Bean. Here is your badge. Please place it on your chest and do not remove it." Miko nodded, taking a look at the number on her badge. It read 391. She placed the badge on her chest. Miko walked around the edge of the room, observing the other applicants. While she walked around, Miko bumped into someone. Looking down, Miko noticed a small, fat man with a deceitful look in his eyes.

"Excuse me," Miko said coldly, thinking it'd be best to avoid the man.

"It's not a problem! My name is Tonpa, " He replied. Miko eyed Tonpa coldly as she watched him fish in his bag before he pulled out two drinks. "To keep things on the up and up, how 'bout a drink?" Tonpa offered as he held out the drink towar Miko.

"Not interested," Miko growled as she walked away. She went back to observing the applicants when one in particular caught her eye.

"Killua!" Miko yelled as she raced towards the small boy.

"Mickey!" Killua exclaimed with the same enthusiasm. Killua jumped into Miko's arms.

"How's my favorite Zoldyck?" Miko asked as the two sat on the floor against the wall.

"I finally ran away from home. I didn't really have anywhere to go so I decided to take the hunter exam," Killua replied happily. Miko fished in her backpack for a second before pulling out the chocolates she packed. Killua's eyes lit up with joy as he snatched the sweets from her hands.

"Thanks, Mickey!" Killua beamed as he proceeded to inhale the chocolates.

"How's Illumi? Is he still mad that I chopped off his hair?" Mko asked whilst smirking evilly. Such a smile influenced Killua's current cat-like smirk. Killua nodded, actually taking the time to chew.

"Anytime I mention you, he gets in this weird irritated mood. I don't get what he was so upset about. With his abilities, it grew back easily," Killua grumbled. Miko chuckled hearing about Illumi. The two were friends at a younger age. At first, they did not get along. Over time they grew to tolerate each other.

Miko stopped, sensing an all too familiar presence. Her eyes narrowed feeling his eyes all over her, watching her every movement. Miko sighed, irritated.

"If he wanted my attention, he could've just signaled me or something," Miko grumbled to herself. Killua looked at her perplexed.

"Did you say something, Mickey?" Killua asked.

"No. I have to sort something out. I'll catch up with you later, yeah?" Miko smiled. She kissed Killua's forehead. Right after doing so, Miko noticed a quick spike in bloodlust for it disappeared only a second later. Killua swatted her away with a noticeable blush on his cheeks. Miko smiled again at Killua before turning to find the source of such blatant jealousy.

Miko found Hisoka leaning against the wall whilst shuffling his cards.

"I felt you watching me," Miko commented. Hisoka looked down at Miko, as a sly smile crept across his face.

"How do you know it was me?" Hisoka cooed.

"Your bloodlust leaked," Miko replied as she released her own sly grin, "That's a dangerous flaw," A chuckle escaped Hisoka's lips.

"Maybe I did it on purpose," Hisoka purred, causing Miko to lose her sly grin.

"I take it my sister sent you to keep an eye on me?" Miko asked with disappointment lingering in her voice.

"Yes and no," Hisoka chirped, earning a baffled look from Miko.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Miko questioned. Hisoka leaned down to Miko's height, meeting her eyes. Miko could feel blood rushing to her face.

"Well Mickey, I guess you'll just have to ask her yourself," He teased, standing back to his own height. A man bumped into Hisoka, quickly getting his attention. "Excuse me for a moment," Hisoka cooed, as he turned to the man. Hisoka snapped his fingers. Immediately, the man started bellowing in agony as he watched his hands and arms disintegrate into flower petals. His screams echoed through the entire room, gathering everyone's attention.

"It seems as though this man's arms have turned into flowers. No smokes or mirrors here. Simply magic. Maybe next time you should apologize when you bump into someone," Hisoka hissed before turning back to Miko. "Now, where was I?"

"I love it when he talks like that," Miko swooned to herself.

"I already had intentions of taking the hunter exam. Your sister simply asked for me to keep an eye on you since I was already going," Hisoka finished. His answer seemed to have satisfied Miko. Miko was about to walk away, when she came to an abrupt stop. Her lips curled into a sly smile.

"Hisoka?" Miko cooed.

"Yes, dearie~❤️?"  Hisoka replied flirtatiously.

"Where's Illumi Zoldyck?" Miko asked as she turned toward Hisoka with inquisitive eyes. Her question caught Hisoka off guard. "Don't even think about lying. I know the Zoldyck family well enough to know they wouldn't let Killua here without some sort of guard," Hisoka smiled slyly and shrugged carelessly.

Miko scanned the room looking for any sort of sign that Illumi would be around. She spotted a man with a royal blue mohawk and pins sticking out of his face and chest. Miko's lips curled into an evil smile as she took out a throwing knife and threw it at the man, just grazing his cheek as well as catching his attention. He and Miko locked eyes. Within a split second, the man was gone. Within the same second, he was gripping Miko by the neck and holding her up against the wall. Hisoka aimed his blood lust at the man.

"Betcha didn't think you'd see me in a long while eh, I-llu-mi?" Miko teased ominously. Illumi, also known as Gittarackur, let Miko down, trying to avoid getting everyone's attention. He turned his irritated attention to Hisoka.

"You told her?" Illumi accused.

"I didn't say a thing," Hisoka responded smugly, subtly defending Miko, "She figured it out on her own. If anything you gave yourself away responding the way you did," Illumi looked at the two and sighed.

"Sometimes it seems you two are one in the same," Illumi sighed before turning to Miko, "I expect you won't tell Killua about this,"

"Oh? What's to stop me from telling him? He is my favorite Zoldyck after all. I'd hate for him to be deceived like this," Illumi narrowed his eyes at the small woman. She was always making his life just a little harder. After spending years with her, he's learned to enjoy her sharp tongue. Although, this was no time to jest.

"I'll have no choice but to silence you," Illumi answered, pulling out his needles.

"Oh please," Miko scoffed, "I can take you in a fight and win. So tell me, Pin Cushion, what is it that's going to stop me from telling Killua?"

"Your sister can't stand a chance in a fight against me," Illumi spoke blatantly.

"Touche," Miko responded, "Alright, you have my silence," Ilumi narrowed his eyes.

"I know you better than that Kenmochi," Illumi shot, "How do I know you'll keep your word?" Miko pointed to Hisoka, who was leaning against the wall carelessly listening in on their conversation.

"He's here to watch me anyway. He'll make sure I won't spill the pins to Killua," Hisoka raised an eyebrow hearing his name tossed into the mix.

"This girl is always giving me unnecessary work," Hisoka thought to himself. Illumi looked at the two unsure if he should trust Miko's word.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you as well," Illumi said before taking his leave. Miko turned back to Hisoka.

"How is it you always throw me into things on a whim?" Hisoka questioned as Miko stood next to him.

"You're just in the wrong place at the wrong time," Miko laughed. Hisoka shook his head in defeat.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now