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At the city, Hisoka ran towards the building that crumbled on top of Miko. Kurapika fell to the ground to catch his breath. Hisoka began moving the debris, trying to find her. Then, there was a bright light. Miko burst through the debris using her nen bombs. Hisoka and other pieces of debris went flying into other buildings, killing people who were unfortunate enough to be nearby. Miko coughed up more blood.

"She's losing too much blood." Hisoka said to himself. He ran up to Miko to try and pin her. "Stop this, Miko. You're losing too much blood." said Hisoka. Miko didn't respond. She kicked Hisoka and he landed at the bottom of the rubble pile. Feitan got to the city. He could see Miko fighting the chain user. They were evenly matched. There wasn't going to be a winner. He looked over and saw Hisoka leaning on a wall for support.

"Why didn't you stop her?!" yelled Feitan, "She was out with you. What the hell happened?"

"It was all a complete coincidence. He bumped into her and she recognized him. She went ballistic and began fighting him. I tried to stop her. She was stronger than me." Hisoka admitted.

"The boss and Machi are on their way. We have to get her to hold still. If she keeps moving, she'll only lose more blood. She'll die before they get halfway here." said Feitan, "However, that would mean letting the chain user escape. Try using your nen to hold her down. I'll try to keep her from the chain user." With that Feitan left to try and keep Miko from self destructing. "When this is all over, the boss is most likely to take her ability so this doesn't happen again." Feitan thought to himself. Feitan began knocking down building to create a wall between Miko and the chain user. "It's not much but it should be enough to let him get away and for Hisoka to use his nen." Machi and Chrollo had reached the city. When they got there, Miko was pale from blood loss. She was still losing blood.

"Miko!" yelled Machi. Miko looked up and saw her sister. Then, the rage in Miko's eyes were gone. She stared at her sister.

"Machi...." said Miko before falling unconscious. When Miko fell, so did the ice that was protecting Killua and Gon. The two boys ran up to Miko.

"Is she dead?" asked Gon with tears in his eyes.

"No she's just unconscious from Blood loss." said Machi as she began to stitch up Miko.

"The chain user is gone." said Feitan.

"She killed him?" asked Chrollo.

"No, he escaped." replied Feitan, "Are you going to take her ability?"

"I have no choice. Until all this is done, I have no choice but to take her ability. She almost killed herself trying to avenge Uvogin. When we get back, I want her in chains. She doesn't leave base for any reason. Take away her knives and swords. " said Chrollo. Feitan and Machi nodded. Hisoka didn't respond. He hated to admit it but he knew Chrollo was right. Back at the base, Miko was laying in her bed. Hisoka sat on the floor next to her. He waited for her to wake up.

"How long has it been?" asked Kortopi.

"It's been four days." replied Bonolenov, "Are we sure she's not dead?"

"She isn't." said Pakunoda, "She used up her energy fighting the chain user. Then, the boss took her nen bomb ability. It takes away an immense amount of energy. It's normal for her to sleep this long." Paku, Kortopi, and Bonolenov went back to the main room.

"How is she?" asked Franklin. Everyone looked up at the three.

"She's still asleep." said Paku.

"Is Hisoka still with her?" asked Shalnark. Bonolenov nodded.

"It's a good thing he is." said Feitan, "She won't kill him once she finds out. She'll probably take it best hearing it from him."

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now