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    "STOP!!!" Someone yelled. Hisoka jumped away from Miko and whipped his head in the direction of the voice. "That man is not the real examiner!" The same person continued, "I am the real examiner! I can prove it to you all!" The man dragged out a monkey with nearly the same face as Satotz.
    "This is moronic," Miko thought to herself. She gazed at the other applicants. "He does seem to be fooling people,"

    "This is a man-faced ape! They are man eaters who get their prey through trickery!" The man pointed to Satotz, who stood with a blank expression on his face, "That is a man-faced ape! He's trying to lead you away and devour you all! I-" The man was interrupted by three playing cards piercing his skin and ultimately killing him. Another three were thrown at Satotz. However, Satotz caught all the cards without so much as breaking a sweat.

    "I see. I see," Hisoka cooed, catching everyone's attention, "You are the real examiner. Examiners are hunters themselves who do this job without pay. A hunter could easily dodge or block my attack." Miko stared at Hisoka, completely awestruck. "He also got what he deserved for interrupting me," Hisoka seethed to himself.

    "He never ceases to fascinate me," Miko thought dreamily to herself.

    "I appreciate the effort. However," said Satoz, "Should you attack me for any reason again, you will be disqualified from the exam. Am I clear?" There was no hostility in his voice. Hisoka nodded, knowing it'd be a bigger pain to have to take the test all over again."Expect this sort of trickery on a frequent occasion. Be sure to stay near me or you will get lost and will die," said Satotz as he began to jog through the Numere Wetlands, also known as Swindler's Swamp. Miko ran alongside Hisoka, thinking that if she stayed near him, she'd surely reach the next phase. Miko noticed that Hisoka began to stray from the rest of the group.

    "Where are you going?" Miko questioned as she eyed Hisoka amused with her own thoughts. Hisoka stopped in the middle of a small clearing. The fog surrounded the two like a thick white blanket, completely blocking their view as well as anyone else's from the outside. Hisoka turned to meet Miko's curious gaze. His lips curled into a sly, devilish smirk.

    "Maybe I wanted some alone time," Hisoka cooed. Miko fought the blood attempting to build inside her cheeks. However, Miko felt as though something was off. As much as she wanted this alone time with Hisoka, something was amiss and she wasn't sure if she wanted to stick around to find out. She continued to focus on Hisoka, as his eerie grin grew larger. Hisoka pulled out his cards. Miko's face dropped, realizing he meant fighting.

    "You know the deal I made with my sister," Miko scoffed before leaving the clearing to catch up with the group. Although, she didn't think he meant to fight with other people but she was already gone. She reached the rest of the group. They all stood in front of the tall, bright yellow gate. Miko stared in awe at the gate as she pondered what challenge might she overcome.

    "Mickey!" She heard. Miko whipped her in the direction of the voice to find Killua approaching her. "You made it too," He smiled. Miko quickly noticed that Killua's friend wasn't with him.

    "Where's your new friend?" Miko asked in a light tone, expecting Killua to say he wandered off to explore or something of that nature.

    "He went back to help his friend against that weird looking guy, Hisoka," Hearing Hisoka's name come from Killua's mouth was alarming, let alone hearing Gon went to fight him. She feared Hisoka wouldn't hesitate to kill the boy. Miko was about to speed off back to the clearing when she saw Hisoka trotting towards the gate carrying a seemingly old man over his shoulder. She waited in the shadows of the trees for Hisoka to set the man down before throwing a small knife just close enough to draw a thin line of blood from Hisoka's left cheek.

    "Where's the boy?" Miko growled. She could sense his growing devilish smile.

    "What if I say I killed him-" Hisoka was cut off by a second knife on his right side. A second thin line of blood leaked from Hisoka's right cheek. His smile dropped as a light stinging pain throbbed on both sides of his face.

    "The next one will be right down the middle. Last chance. Where's the boy?" Miko questioned in the same tone. Hisoka lifted up his arm pointing down the path. Miko glanced in that direction. She could see Gon and some blonde boy jogging toward the gate. Miko quickly grabbed both of her throwing knives and disappeared from Hisoka's sight.
Hisoka looked around to find that she had disappeared. His lips curled into a treacherous grin as his tongue ran along them.

    "Her bloodlust is such a marvelous sensation," Hisoka cooed and he rubbed his arms, "I have chills all over,"

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now