When They Met

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"Paku, give my hundred jenny back. I told you it wouldn't last." said Nobunaga. Pakunoda rolled her eyes and paid Nobunaga.

"You two need to stop better on her love life." said Shalnark. He sighed sadly. "I guess this whole thing showed us how close she and Uvogin were." Shalnark said under his breath.

"They've been close since they met." said Machi, "Almost like they bonded instantly." Machi began to remember how much time Miko and Uvogin would spend together. They were always getting in trouble. He protected her nonetheless. Miko wasn't physically strong like Uvogin. She taught herself nen so she wouldn't always have to protected. She was always riding on his shoulders. He always called her squirt because she was always smaller than him. When they were older, they'd drink together. They'd spar together. They looked more like siblings than Miko and Machi. They were nearly inseparable. Chrollo was the one who found Uvogin and introduced him to Miko and Machi. Machi was eight. Miko was seven, and Chrollo was eleven.

"Miko, Machi." said Chrollo, "This is Uvogin. He's going to join us."

"Hi, Uvogin." said Miko happily.

"Wow, you're small." said Uvogin.

"I'm not small. I'm fun sized." replied Miko. Uvogin laughed.

"Okay then, squirt." replied Uvogin who was nine at the time.

"Besides, you're just really tall." said Miko. Miko reached out to touch Uvogin when Machi stood in front of Miko protectively.

"If you hurt my sister, I will kill you." said Machi coldly. Uvogin was taken aback a bit by Machi's protectiveness.

"It's okay, Machi." said Miko, "He couldn't hurt me if he wanted to." She stuck out her tongue at Uvogin.

"Wanna bet?" dared Uvogin as he ran towards Miko. She threw a small nen bomb that had the same amount of impact as a weak firework. The small snapping sound sounded like a b.b. gun was being fired. It was enough to scare Uvogin a bit. He fell back a bit. Miko laughed and extended her small hand out to help him up. Uvogin took her hand. His hand was enormous compared to hers. She pulled him up. In reality, Uvogin pushed himself up. That moment was when they bonded.

"Wanna ride on my shoulders?" asked Uvogin. Miko's eyes lit up in excitement.

"Yeah!" she said happily. Uvogin lifted Miko onto his shoulders. From then on, Uvogin and Miko were inseparable.

In Miko's room, she was dreaming about when they met. When she woke up, she shot up from her bed.

"Uvo!" she yelled with her arm extended as if she was trying to reach him. Miko looked around and she realized that she was in her room.

"I feel hurt. Calling out for another man while I'm here in the room with you." said Hisoka teasingly. Miko chuckled a bit.

"Sorry." She looked down at her body. Most of her body was covered in bandages. "What happened to me?" said Miko. She moved to get out of bed when she heard something jingle. She moved the blankets and she found that she was chained to her bed. "Really?" she scoffs. She tried to make a nen bomb to destroy the chain but nothing was happening. "Why can't I make any bombs?" asked Miko as she glared at Hisoka. Hisoka, then, explain the situation Miko was in.

"SON OF A BITCH!!!" she yelled. The others in the main room could heard her yell.

"Sounds like she's awake." said Machi, "Who wants to go in and make sure Hisoka's not dead?" No hands were raised. Even Chrollo kept his nose in his book. Machi sighed to herself, "Come on, Feitan. I'm not going in there alone." Feitan stood up and walked with Machi. 

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now