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When Miko awoke, Hisoka was gone. Miko rolled over, feeling his warmth from where he laid. "He couldn't have been gone long," Miko thought to herself as she enjoyed his scent. Not long after, the airship landed at a prison known as Trick Tower. The remaining applicants stood at the very top of Trick Tower. The only instructions they were given was to reach the bottom within seventy two hours. Miko walked around the roof of Trick Tower, trying to think of a way down. As she walked about, Miko fell through a trapdoor.

"Ouch!" Miko yelled, having landed right on her bum. She rubbed the sore area as she stood up. A bright screen illuminated the room. The screen read 2 of 3 applicants have arrived. "2 of 3" Miko thought to herself.

"Hello, Kenmochi," Miko turned around to see Illumi.

"Ah Illumi," Miko sang as her lips curved into a smile, "I take it you were the first one here?"

"Yes. You could've found this place a little faster if you weren't so careless," Illumi shot.

"Don't be like that," Miko cooed in her own honeyed tone as she approached Illumi, "I'm sure you of all people are glad it's me who you had to team up with," Illumi hid his nervousness by a cold exterior as Miko approached. Miko was no longer the little girl she once was and Illumi could easily see in every way that she grew up. Miko stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around Illumi's neck. Pulling her face centimeters from his. "I know you missed me," She said as she lightly traced Illumi's jaw with her index finger. She could feel Illumi's lust surrounding her. As if on cue, another applicant fell through the trapdoor, leading to Illumi and Miko. Miko jumped away from Illumi unsure of who had entered.

"Ah it's my Miko and Illumi," Hisoka's voice rang in the stone room. Irritation bit away at Illumi. "Just a few seconds too soon," Illumi thought to himself as he glared at Hisoka. A stone door lifted to allow the three to pass. The hall was big enough for two to run side by side. One person had to be in the back. The three ran through the extensively long hall. Miko could sense Illumi's coldness next to her.

"Are you planning on being this cold throughout the entire phase?" Miko asked, not hiding her smug smile. Illumi kept his silence. She could feel Hisoka's prying eyes at their backs. "He's listening," Miko thought to herself. Her smile widened as she looked at Illumi. "You know," she started, "I remember a time when you and I were rather close." Illumi kept his eyes straight, refusing to look at Miko. However, that didn't stop her. "We were close to inseparable. You ask me to accompany you on missions. I would ask you into my room and we would-"

"That's enough, Kenmochi," Illumi interrupted, "Those times are over. We're over,"

"What the hell? What kind of relationship did they have?" Hisoka thought to himself as his jealousy grew even bigger. He ran between the two, speeding ahead. Miko snickered, seeing Hisoka so worked up.

"Did you really have to make him jealous like that?" Illumi asked, noticing Miko got what she wanted.

"It was. Thank you for playing along by the way," Miko chirped, pecking Illumi's cheek, "You can't deny having me around wasn't fun," Miko said cheekily, "I know you definitely had fun,"

"I did," Illumi responded plainly.

"Would you change any of what we were?"

"I might."

Hisoka, Illumi, and Miko reached a room at the end of the hallway. There awaited three prisoners lined up in a row.

"Welcome to the first challenge," the middle one spoke, "I won't make this too long. To pass, fight us and win. Either we kill you or you kill us. Whoever is left standing, gets to proceed. You can use any weapons you brought with you. Any complaints or grievances?"


"I do not."


"Let's get this shit show started then, hm?" The middle one said as the other two raced towards Miko, both of them stabbing and injecting some sort of serum into her bloodstream. The middle one cackled as the two jumped back to their respective sides. "That serum is a poison that will eat you from the inside out," Miko dropped to her knees, screeching in pain. She held herself as her agonizing screams filled the room.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now