Find Him

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"Land this thing. I'll take care of them." said Uvogin. Feitan landed the hot air balloon. Everyone waited on a ridge for Uvogin. Uvogin easily killed all of the men the mafia sent. Miko was right about the shadow beasts. They gave Uvogin a bit of trouble. The worm-looking one tried to punch Uvogin in the face. To the beast's surprise, it did absolutely nothing. As a last resort, it dove into the ground and tried to pull Uvogin down with him. To break free, Uvogin used his ability called big bang. It's basically a super punch. The big bang crushed the worm beast. Then, a dog-like beast bit off some skin on Uvogin's shoulder and releases poison into his body. The porcupine beasts used its hairs to stick onto Uvogin's fists. While the other members are boredly playing cards, Miko watches intently. She wants to go down and help. Franklin can sense her worry.

"Relax, Mickey." said Franklin calmly, "Uvogin can handle himself. Come play cards with us." Miko doesn't respond. She reluctantly joins the rest of the troupe for cards. While Uvogin is paralyzed with poison, another beast inserts leeches into his body that are meant to kill him from the inside out. Uvogin smiles evilly. He bites the head of the leech beast and kills him. Then, the dog beast runs towards him. Uvogin kills the dog beast by spitting a piece of the skull of the leech beast at the dog beast like a bullet. As for the porcupine beast on his fist, Uvogin inhales. Miko's eyes widened and She covers her ears. Everyone notices her movement and does the same. Uvogin releases an eardrum bursting yell that causes the porcupine beast's eardrums to explode and die from the blood loss.

"Give us a heads up next time, you big lug!" yells Miko.

"You guys had plenty of time." Uvogin responds. Everyone in the area is dead. However, little did anyone know, a Kurta was in the area and watched the whole thing. "Hey Shizuku, can your vacuum get these leeches out of me?"

"No." she says, "Blinky can only suck up non living things." Suddenly, chains wrap around Uvogin and drag him away.

"Uvo!" yells Miko. Machi quickly throws a needle with a nen string attached to it in Uvogin's arm.

"We can follow them as long as they don't see the needle." said Machi. Everyone slides down the ridge and gets into a car. "Don't worry, Mickey. Uvogin will be fine." says Machi to Miko as she puts a hand on her little sister's shoulder. Miko and Machi quickly run to the car and begin following the people that have Uvogin. With limited space in the car, Miko ride on top of the trunk. Suddenly, she sees a giant cloth above the car. She quickly jumps off. She sees the other members outside of the car. Except for Nobunaga. They looked up at a cliff and they could see another shadow beast holding a small bag. It was an owl beast. The bag was wiggling and Nobunaga's muffled screams and curses were coming from the bag.

"With a bag like that, someone could've easily taken the items." said Franklin. Soon, more shadow beasts came and attacked the Phantom Troupe. They were easily killed. However, the group that took Uvogin found the needle and took it out. When Miko opened the bag to let Nobunaga out, Miko began laughing.

"It's not funny, Miko." said Nobunaga. She continued to laugh nonetheless. Nobunaga feels his anger rise. He swings his sword at Miko. However, she is much faster. She pulled out a throwing knife and blocked his attack.

"Is there something you wanna say, Nobunaga?" asked Miko evilly. Nobunaga tch'ed and withdrew his sword.

"They got away." said Machi as she showed them the needle. Shalnark checked the owl beast's pockets and found another bag that was filled with the items from the auction.

"To avoid another situation like this, we'll have Kortopi make copies and auction those." said Shalnark. Everyone returned to base to tell Chrollo what happened. When they got there, Hisoka was gone. Miko didn't care about Hisoka's whereabouts at the moment.

"Uvogin getting kidnapped? How interesting." Chrollo mumbles to himself.

"All we know is that they're bodyguards for one of the mafia families." said Miko. The troupe found out that the people who took Uvogin were bodyguards for the Nostrade family. Phinks, Nobunaga, Shalnark, Machi and Shizuku decide to go to the Nostrades and get Uvogin.

"I want to go too." said Miko.

"It's too dangerous." said Machi, "You're staying here."

"But-" Miko cut herself off there and nodded. She knew that if she tried to fight Machi on it, she'd tie Miko up to keep her from leaving. Once they left, Miko went to her room. Soon Hisoka returned and looked around the room and didn't see Miko anywhere.

"Where is she?" he thought to himself. Miko snuck out of the main room and went to her room. She grabbed her new sword and mask. Hisoka was walking through the halls trying to find Miko. He saw her run past with her knives and sword. She was wearing her mask. Hisoka decided to follow her. She went to a gaping hole on the side of the building. She jumped out. Hisoka was surprised. He crept to the hole and watched her lower herself by landing on the ledges of other buildings. When she reached the ground, She ran out of the gates and after the small group. She caught up to them by jumping from building to building. Hisoka was right behind her. Miko watched as the small group went to the hotel and walk out with Uvogin. She sighed in relief. She continued to follow them. They walked to an apartment building. Uvogin was walking again. He wasn't paralyzed from the poison.

"At least the poison is out of his system." Miko thought to herself. Then, she saw Uvogin leave. He was heading in the direction of the place where they fought the shadow beasts. Miko crept along behind Uvogin. Uvogin stopped walking and chuckled.

"Come on out." said Uvogin. Miko and Hisoka froze. Hisoka didn't know if Uvogin was referring to himself of Miko. "I know you're there, squirt." Miko came out of hiding. Hisoka felt a wave of relief wash over him. She hung her head in shame for being caught.

"How did you know I was there?" asked Miko as she pulled off her mask.

"I didn't. I just know you well enough to know you wouldn't let them go without you." said Uvogin as he smiled at the young troupe member. "I'd tell you to go back but I know if I did, you'd only follow me some more. That's why you weren't with the group huh? Machi told you to stay put?" A bit of a guilty smile appeared on her face.

"Does that mean I can go with you?" she asked a bit nervously.

"Yes but stay on top of the canyon walls. I don't want you joining in. Okay?" said Uvogin. Miko nodded. When they reach the canyons, Miko jumped onto the walls and followed Uvogin. Hisoka was still following Miko. Suddenly, Uvogin stopped walking. Miko watched as another person approached Uvogin. She recognized him instantly.

"It's Kurapika" Miko thought to herself as her eyes widened in shock.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now