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At the Zoldyck estate, one of the butlers informed Miko and Illumi that dinner was ready. Miko gazed at the halls that surrounded her. Each corner they turned, the halls and doors all looked the same. "Mrs. Zoldyck wasn't joking about this place looking like a maze," Miko thought to herself. Illumi kept his focus on Miko, analyzing the details of her face. He found her brown eyes charming. They held a light that was seemingly absent from the rest of the household.

Finally, they arrived at the dining hall, where the rest of the family was waiting for them.

"Good evening, you two," Kikiyo said in her continued friendly manner, "Miss Miko, how are you finding the manor?" Miko, still feeling nervous around the adults of the family, tried to keep her composure.

"It'll take some getting used to," she replied smoothly, "I've never been to a place this big."

"Well I'm afraid you won't have too much ice to explore the manor because you'll be training alongside Illumi starting tomorrow," Zeno cut in.

"Yes, sir," Miko said, taking a seat between Illumi and Killua, "Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Of course," He replied stoically.

"Why didn't you kill me when you realized I was there?" Miko blatantly asked. Zeno and Silva exchanged quick glances.

"Quite frankly," Silva started, "We did plan on killing you."

"However, I saw a lot of potential in you and made the decision to spare your life. When we brought you here, my daughter in-law," Zeno said, gesturing to Kikiyo, who was smiling brightly, "felt you would make a lovely bride for Illumi when you both are older."

"Bride?!" Miko choked as she and Killua began hacking on their food. Milluki snickered as he watched Illumi's expressionless face turn noticeably red. Kalluto continued eating as if the conversation were normal chit chat. Even Silva stopped eating to stare at his wife.

"Of course, we aren't expecting an answer right away!" Kikiyo said, trying to calm down everyone, "It would be foolish of us to request an answer now. We only ask that you think about it until the time is right." Miko and Killua were still recovering from their near death experiences. Milluki's snickers ended when Illumi turned to glare at his younger sibling. "Well, I suppose that's enough for dinner. Illumi, Miko's room will be next to yours. Be a dear and show her where."

"Yes, mother," Illumi said, refraining from looking at Miko. He had finally returned to his usual shade of pale and didn't want to risk returning to his red state. Killua watched The two leave the table. He noticed Illumi's reaction to the news as well. He had never seen his brother react like that. This could very well be a fun experience for him.

"Mother," Killua said, "Would you mind if I also trained with them?" Kikiyo's bright smile widened further.

"Of course! I'm not gonna say no to more training!" She beamed.

"Thank you. May I be excused?" Kikiyo nodded, allowing Killua to leave as well.

"Well, I must say that Miss Miko might be a better asset to our family than we originally thought.

The sound of the loudspeaker ripped Miko from her thoughts.

"All remaining applicants please exit the tower." Miko scans the room finding Killua and Gon. She sighed in relief seeing that they had made it down in time. She followed the small crowd exiting the tower. Outside stood a man with a pink Mohawk and next to him was a box.

"Congratulations on passing the third part of the exam!" The man called Lipo said as he continued to explain the next part of the exam. The applicants are to pull a number from the box. The number on that box corresponds to a contestant's badge number. The applicants are to gather the badges of the other applicants. If you got the badge that corresponds to the number on the card, it would amount to 3 points. Your own badge as well as others badges were 1 point. The goal was to have a total of 3 points at the end of 3 days. A boat will drop off the applicants on a small island and there the fourth round of the exam will take place.

Each applicant took a number from the box starting with the first person to complete the tower. Miko, being the third person to have completed the tower, took a number that read 281. Like everyone else, she had already taken off her badge. She had no way of knowing which person was 281.

"Keep in mind," Lipo said, "The phase has not yet started and we do have records of who grabbed what number. No stealing badges and no trading cards are permitted until we reach the next exam site." With that being said, a boat had arrived to take the applicants to the next exam site.

Miko was already feeling as though she was stuck.

"This is going to really prove to be a challenge," She thought to herself, "I wish Illumi had been my target. He would've been fun to tease." She let out a small giggle.

"What's so funny, hm?" Hisoka cooed

"Nothing. Who's your target?" Miko replied. Hisoka pulled out his card to show number 287. "I know who that is. That's the guy with the big blow gun."

"Well, that saves me a bit of trouble," He replied, knowing exactly who his target was, "Who is your target?" Miko showed him her card. "Even I don't know who that is, I'm afraid."

"Oh well," Miko said, eyeing Hisoka, feeling a little mischievous at the moment, "Perhaps Illumi will know," She cooed, "It's been a while since we've had a moment to ourselves." Miko turned to walk away from Hisoka. However, he wasn't about to accept that. Miko could sense him approaching her from behind. She bit her lip with anticipation. Before she realized what had happened, Hisoka had pinned her to the wall with her hands above her head. She was on the smaller end compared to Hisoka. Looking from the outside, it would look like she could easily be overpowered by him. That is not necessarily true.

Miko's, commonly known, ice shard ability is her weakest ability amongst her three abilities. Her second ability would be that of an enhancer. She can magnify her raw strength exponentially. If she's angry enough, she could certainly overpower Chrollo. However, the drawback with this ability is her ten is remarkably weak whilst in use of this ability. Her final and more secretive ability is her new bombs. She can produce nen bombs that upon explosion fragments and pierce the body all the way through. Hisoka only knew of her ice and enhancer abilities, as did everyone else in the troupe.

Hisoka tilted Miko's head up towards him, her wrists bound by his other hand. Miko felt blood rise in her cheeks. Instead of fighting it, she embraced it. She dared not look away from his piercing gaze. "You're not really about to leave me for another man now, are you?" He purred, keeping her gaze as if it were a game of chicken.

"It would seem I'm stuck with you for the moment," Miko cooed as she wiggled her hands in Hisoka's grip, causing his grin to further widen to a mischievous level. She smirked as if to say now what? Hisoka slowly brought his face closer to Miko's, barely grazing them.

"Are you two going to be like this the whole trip?" Hisoka reflexively jumped away from Miko, much to her own disappointment. The two looked over to see Illumi. Miko cheekily waved while Hisoka's blood simmered for a moment.

"Who did you get for your target?" Miko asked, as if the last few moments never happened. She rushed up to Illumi without so much as another glance towards Hisoka. Illumi had shown her his card as she did hers but neither of them knew who each other's targets were. Hisoka watched the two converse and his blood continued to boil. He threw a glare towards Illumi, who on the inside was both internally and externally smiling. He wanted him to leave. The word screamed in Hisoka's mind hoping Illumi would get the memo. However, Miko was the one to leave as opposed to Illumi.

"Stop smiling," He sneered.

"My disguise won't allow me to stop smiling," Illumi replied almost as cheekily as Miko. Hisok continued to glare at Illumi, who in return, stared back. "I won't back down," Illumi thought to himself.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now