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"Applicant 391 report to the conference room as soon as possible. Thank you."

"What did you do?" asked Illumi.

"Ouch. You have no faith in me. I actually did nothing this time." said Miko as she left the room. When she reached the conference room, the older gentleman from the second phase was waiting for her. "You wanted to see me?" asked Miko.

"Ah yes. Applicant 391 Miko Kenmochi. I am chairman Netero. Nice to meet you." he said as he extended his hand towards Miko.

"To you as well." said Miko.

"Now let's begin. Which applicant(s) are you keeping an eye on?" he asked.

"I'm keeping an eye on numbers 99, 405, 44, and 301." replied Miko easily.

"Is there anyone you wouldn't want to fight?" Netero asked without picking his head up to look at Miko.

"The ones I had previously mentioned. 99, 405, 44, and 301. I couldn't care less about anyone else." said Miko seriously.

"Last question, why do you want to be a hunter?" asked the chairman. Miko knows she can't say so she could join the phantom troupe. So she went with the most basic and partially true answer.

"For the money." replied Miko. Netero nodded and ended the interview. The applicants continued to be called to the conference room. Miko still had the bandages on her head. As Miko was walking to her room, she heard someone calling out to her. She turned around and saw Killua running up to her.

"Mickey-nee, what happened to your head?" asked Killua in awe.

"I hit my head. I'm okay." replied Miko, "What do you think of the exam so far?"

"It's not as hard as I thought it would be." said Killua.

"Number 99 please report to the conference room." said the loudspeaker.

"Well, I'll see you around, Mickey-nee." said Killua as he ran off.

"Bye, Killua-chan." said Miko. Miko began walking back to her room. She turned the corner to see Hisoka waiting in front of her door. She narrowed her eyes and glared at the unruly magician.

"What do you want?" asked Miko.

"I wanted to come in but Illumi wouldn't let me." said Hisoka teasingly. He hoped that Miko would be fine and things would be back to the way they were. His hopes were shot almost instantly.

"Good. Now go away." said Miko as she knocked on the door. "Illumi, it's me. Let me in." said Miko. The door slightly opened. Illumi's head poked out of the room.

"Don't try to convince me to let him in, Kenmochi. The reason he's even out here is because he tried to draw a star on my face while I slept." said Illumi as he glared at Hisoka.

"I tried to play a harmless joke on him and he got bent out of shape." said Hisoka playfully.

"I don't care. Just let me in, Illumi." said Miko. Illumi cautiously let Miko inside. She walked to the bathroom to shower. Once, Illumi heard the water running, he stepped out of the room where, he was certain, Hisoka was still waiting.

"She's not going to let up with you." said Illumi. Hisoka ran his fingers through his hair.

"I know. Even I don't know what to do." said Hisoka.

"I have to tell him." Illumi thought to himself, "If he really cares about her then he won't let her go this easily." Illumi let a small smile form in his mind at the thought of his ship finally getting together. "They're so alike it's almost impossible not to." He thought to himself. "She got a call earlier today." He said aloud.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now