Soon After

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Hello everyone. I know Miko's eyes are brown but let's pretend the girl in the picture's eyes are brown too :D thanks. I love you all.

-Rara <3


"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!" screamed Miko. In that instant, Illumi released control over Chrollo. Chrollo looked down and saw Anya. He recognized the position he was in. The feeling of hunger and desire was gone in an instant. He felt a deathly stare at his back. He turned around and saw Miko glaring at him with tears in her eyes. The tears began to stream down her face. Anya was a bit scared herself. She had no means of protecting herself. Her nen wouldn't be much help in this situation. Chrollo looked down at Miko's hands. He used Gyo. He could see a nen bomb in her hand. Very slightly her shook his head. That was her most powerful ability. She could destroy the entire arena if she wanted to. Then, the bomb disappeared. "We're through." said Miko shakily before she ran out of the room.

"Miko, wait!" yelled Chrollo. He pulled himself out of Anya and quickly got dressed. He ran down the hall after Miko but he couldn't find her. She was already gone. Hisoka was around the corner from Anya's room.

"Talk control of him again and extract the needle." Hisoka mumbled into a walkie talkie. Suddenly, Chrollo froze. He couldn't move.

"What the hell is happening?" He thought to himself, "I need to go after her. I need to explain myself." Illumi snuck up behind Chrollo and pulled out the needle before hiding. Chrollo continued to chase after Miko. Miko was already in the streets. She knows there's a nearby forest. She ran as far and as fast as she possibly could. She reached the forest in a matter of minutes. She ran into the deepest part of the forest. She took her destructive fury out onto the trees. She nearly destroyed half of the forest before her anger died down and tears poured from her eyes like waterfalls.

"He asked me to be his. Why would he throw it away?" Miko sobbed, "He wanted her. She's six years my elder. Maybe I was too young for him." Miko pulled out her phone and called Feitan.

"Happy birthday, Mickey" said Feitan.

"Thanks, Feitan." said Miko as she sniffled.

"Are you okay? I hear you sniffling. What happened? Where are you?" asked Feitan worriedly.

"I'll come to you. Where are you?" asked Miko

"I'm back at the base." replied Feitan, "What happened?"

"I was cheated on." said Miko.

"What? By the boss? That doesn't make sense. Do you have any idea how much the boss cares about you?" said Feitan in disbelief.

"I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes." said Miko as more tears poured from her face, "I'll be over in a bit."

"Okay. Don't do anything crazy." said Feitan before hanging up. Miko looked up. She could see heaven's arena. Her eyes narrowed. Miko went back to Heaven's arena. She didn't see Chrollo or Anya anywhere. She used the landline and called to arrange one last fight.

"I want to arrange a death match between myself and Anya Shinomiya, The Knight of Heaven's Arena for tonight." said Miko.

"Yes, Miss Kenmochi. I'll give notice to Ms. Shinomiya and call once more to confirm." replied the desk lady.

"Thank you." said Miko before hanging up. Miko sat on the floor and began to meditate to grow her nen. Before she knew it, her blood lust began to fill the entire room. It could be felt by everyone in Heaven's arena. Illumi, who was still in Hisoka's room, could feel it. He felt himself shudder. He recognized that it was Miko. Hisoka sat there with a tent in his pants.

"You caused this." said Illumi to Hisoka. Illumi looked at his needles. He began to feel regret for playing a major role in Hisoka's game.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now