Goodbye My Friend

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Miko was still fighting Kurapika. Little did she know, her efforts were in vain. Kurapika tried to use the smoke screen trick on Miko. However, Miko was smarter than that. She jumped up onto the canyon walls. She put her sword down and she created a rain of ice shards. She used the distraction to check on Uvogin. She ran up to his body. She tried to wake him.

"Come on, Uvo." said Miko hastily, "He's distracted. Let's get away while we can." She rolled him over onto his back. More tears began to form in her eyes and spill out. "Uvogin, wake up. I can't carry you. Please wake up." said sobbed. She put her head to his chest to listen for a heartbeat. There was nothing but silence. She stared at Uvogin with tears continuously pouring from her eyes. "No. No no no no no no no no no no no no." she sobbed, "Don't leave me here. Please. Don't leave me alone." she cried. She cried onto Uvogin's chest. The dust settled and Kurapika emerged without a scratch.

"There's no chance of him waking up." said Kurapika, "He's dead." Miko's hands were shaky. She glared at Kurapika and stood up. She tried to draw her sword. However, she couldn't move. Her arms were bound to her side. She looked down at herself and she was wrapped in chains. She couldn't activate her nen. "These chains are made of nen. They activate zetsu and therefore preventing you from using your nen. "You're going to meet the same fate as Uvogin if you don't answer my questions." Kurapika threw a knife attached to a chain made of nen into Miko's chest. Before Kurapika could ask any questions, his phone rang. Kurapika looked at his phone and saw that it was Hisoka.

"What do you want?" said Kurapika.

"You don't want to kill her." said Hisoka slyly.

"Why the hell not?" yelled Kurapika. An amused smile slithered across Hisoka's face.

"Pull off her mask." said Hisoka with evilness in his voice. Kurapika looked at Miko and walked towards her. He yanked off her mask. Miko lifted her head and revealed herself. Kurapika's eye widened.

"It's you.." said Kurapika, "Why the hell are you here?" he yelled.

"I was here to help Uvogin. I followed him without him knowing." she said. Kurapika's eyes turned red again. He tightened the chains around her. Miko screamed in pain. She could feel her ribs cracking.

"Were you part of the massacre of my people? Answer me truthfully or you will die." said Kurapika. Miko looked up at Kurapika and noticed that is eyes were red again.

"No. They wouldn't let me go to that." replied Miko. Kurapika put the phone back to his ear.

"Why the hell wouldn't I want to kill her?" Kurapika yelled into the phone.

"She's the darling of the Phantom troupe. You've already killed one of their own and they're going to come after you regardless. If you kill her, it'll be ten times worse." said Hisoka. Suddenly, his voice turned deathly. "Not to mention, I will come after you as well."

"Why would she matter to you?" asked Kurapika.

"I fought for her and won. I'm not going to let her get taken away so easily. If you do kill her, I will reveal to you the troupe and make your little plan impossible to complete." replied Hisoka, "If you continue to interrogate her, she will lie. Then, she'll die." Kurapika hung up the phone. He looked to Miko.

"If you communicate to anyone in anyway about my identity or nen abilities, you will die. The knife made of nen will pierce your heart and you will die instantly. Do you understand? Say it!" yelled Kurapika.

"I understand." Miko said reluctantly. Kurapika punched Miko and sent her flying into the canyon wall, making another smoke screen. Kurapika used that and escaped. Miko got up and looked around. "He escaped.." she said to herself. She ran to Uvogin. She was on her knees beside him. She cried more into her hands. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She didn't want to see who it was. Then, a chilling wind blew past her.

"Goodbye, squirt." she heard. The hand left her shoulder. She picked her head up and looked around. She didn't see anyone there. She looked at Uvogin and more tears began to spills from her eyes.

"Goodbye, my friend." said Miko. Miko turned around to start walking back. She looked up and saw Machi, Feitan and Phinks running towards her. Machi sped past the two and ran up to Miko. She hugged her sister tightly. Miko returned the hug. Feitan and Phinks caught up. They looked behind her and saw Uvogin's dead body. They looked at Miko. Her face was swollen, she was covered in bruises, and she had a black eye. Machi let go of Miko. She slapped Miko so hard that she fell onto the ground.

"I told you to stay at the base." said Machi, "What the hell happened?"

"I followed Uvogin. He knew I was there and didn't send me back. He told me to stay on the canyon walls until the fight was over. The chain user was winning. I went down to help but I was too late." said Miko. Feitan was looking around.

"We tracked Hisoka's phone here." He thought to himself, "Miko didn't even mention Hisoka. Did she even know he was here?"

"You saw the chain user? Who is he?" asked Phinks. Miko looked down.

"Under the threat of death, I can't say." she replied.

"Was anyone else here with you?" asked Feitan. Miko shook her head.

"No. I followed Uvogin alone." Miko said. The three exchanged looks. "What is it?" asked Miko.

"Nothing." Machi said before anyone else, "Come on. I'm taking you back to the base." she said as she grabbed Miko's wrist.

"Why didn't the chain user kill you?" asked Phinks.

"I'm not sure. He was about to. He got a phone call then instead of killing me, he threatened." said Miko.

"Did he use nen on you?" asked Feitan.

"Yes." she replied.

"How did it work?" asked Machi.

"I cannot say." Miko replied. When they got back, everyone surrounded Miko asking what happened if she's okay. Miko explained what she could. Then, she went to her room for the remainder of the night.

"She didn't mention Hisoka." said Chrollo.

"I don't think she knew he was there." said Feitan, "None of us saw or sensed him when we got there." Shortly after, Hisoka entered the main room. Everyone turned their suspicious stares towards Hisoka.

"Where were you?" asked Chrollo in a deathly serious tone.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now