I'll Protect Her

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"We have a winner! The youngest floor master in the world, Miko Kenmochi!" yelled Cocoa enthusiastically. The crowd cheered for Miko. She raised her sword and bowed before the audience as is she had just gave the audience the performance of a lifetime. She exited the arena with glory still chanting her name, growing louder with each step she took before gradually dying down. As Miko walked down the hall to exit back into the main rooms, she felt a chilling aura. She released her deathly aura as a bit of a warning.

"That was an interesting fight, Mickey-dear~" Hisoka purred. She observed Hisoka. He was holding his dismembered hand in his other hand.

"It seems that Machi didn't get to you, yet." She scoffs. Hisoka hums in agreement.

"I noticed you didn't use your enhancer ability." he recalls, "Were you uncertain of your victory?"

"I knew he had grown. I wasn't sure how much. To answer your question, no. He had come prepared to deal with an enhancer. Not a transmuter." She explains. Miko was about to walk away when Hisoka stood in front of her. "Is there something else you need, Hisoka?" she asks coldly.

"Allow me to make amends." declared Hisoka. Miko scoffed and tried to walk around him. Hisoka dropped his arm and grabbed Miko's. She stopped walking and turned to glare at Hisoka. "You were wrong. I do care about you. Not just for your nen ability. Not just because you're with Chrollo." admitted Hisoka. Miko couldn't believe her ears. "At least, let me prove it to you." Miko ripped her arm from Hisoka's grasp. She sighed to herself.

"It won't be good if I'm constantly mad at him. Soon, enough people will notice." Miko thought to herself.
"Fine," she says to herself, "You have one chance. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm tired." Miko leaves Hisoka in the hall and goes back to her room. Right as Miko left, Machi walked into the hall and looked at Hisoka tiredly.

"Let's get this over with." said Machi. Machi followed Hisoka to his room and began her nen stitches. While Machi was focusing on Hisoka's arms, Hisoka was fascinated with the art of Machi's nen stitches. Machi finished the first arm.

"I never get tired of watching that." Hisoka cooed. Machi rolled her eyes.

"Hold your other arm." said Machi Hisoka held his arm and watched Machi sew his arm together in awe.

"Alright, I reconnected muscle tissue, nerves and blood vessels. Next time, be more careful will you? It's such a pain to do that especially without pay." whined Machi.

"Machi." said Hisoka. Machi peered at Hisoka. "Have you ever gotten Miko mad at you?"

"We're sisters. Of course I have." replied Machi.

"How did you get her to forgive you?" questioned Hisoka.

"You pissed her off, didn't you?" She says. Hisoka didn't say anything. Machi took that for agreement. Machi sighed once more in annoyance. "I'm saying this now, I don't think your good enough for my sister. She's better off with the boss than she ever will be with you. Figure it out yourself to make her forgive you. I'm not going to help you." She declared. "That's right. You'll kill her. I'll protect her. Especially from you." She thought to herself.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now