Different Kinds of Happiness

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"You caused this." said Illumi to Hisoka. Illumi looked at his needles. He began to feel regret for playing a major role in Hisoka's game. Hisoka ignored Illumi and turned on the tv. A commercial for Miko's fight with Anya came on. It captured Hisoka's interest instantly. "She's going to kill her." said Illumi.

"So what? She's killed as much as you have." replied Hisoka. Illumi didn't respond.

"I'm going home. I'm not going to tell her what happened. However, if she asks me. I won't hesitate to tell her the truth." said Illumi before shutting the door behind him. Hisoka rolled his eyes and went to purchase tickets for the upcoming event. Hisoka noticed that Miko's aura was becoming more powerful. He wasn't near her but he knew that she was, indeed, growing in power. The time for the match between Miko and Anya came. Miko's bloodlust and deathly aura did not calm down in the slightest. Everyone in the audience felt a bit fearful of Miko. Even the announcer's voice was a bit shaky when she introduced Miko to the arena. Nonetheless, the coward was in an uproar. The energy was the same when Anya came out into the arena. Anya still felt fearful of Miko seeing as how her nen was still as deadly as before.

"Begin!" yelled the ref. He quickly ran off the stage. Hisoka sat in the audience. He adored the chills he was getting from Miko's killer aura. Miko instantly charged at Anya. Anya began to fire her guns at Miko hoping to derail Miko. Even with Miko's mask on, Anya could see the evil smile on her face. Miko began to shoot ice shards at Anya. Anya barely jumped out of the way in time. Even then, one of the ice shards grazed her cheek. Anya quickly stood up. Miko charged at Anya again. This time, she was using her sword. Anya crossed her arms in front of her face. She blocked the sword with the guns on her suit. The sword's tip was right in front of her eye. Miko's raw strength was more than the last time they fought. It was more than Anya had anticipated. Miko jumped back and threw more ice shards at Anya. One ice shard hit Anya's right arm, making it useless. She used her nen to stop the bleeding. Anya is an enhancer herself. When Anya looked up, Miko was gone. Her sword was in the arena along with the sheath. Then, Miko appeared behind Anya. Anya turned around. The moment she saw Miko, Anya got punched in the face. Anya went flying across the arena. Miko walked up to Anya. She grabbed her neck and picked her up. Anya's feet were nowhere near the ground. Miko readied a giant ice shard in her hand. Then, there was a loud bang. Miko dropped Anya and fell. There was a bullet hole in her right leg. She quickly iced over the wound. Anya wrapped her fists in nen. She charged towards Miko. Miko grunted in pain as she stood up and jumped out of the way. Anya punched the exact spot where Miko was sitting. The entire arena was cracked. Miko spun around and kicked Anya's face. Miko quickly grabbed her sword and ran over towards Anya. She stuck her sword through Anya's hand and through the cement of the arena. Miko stepped on Anya's other hand. She readied another giant ice shard and shot it into Anya's head, killing her. The crowd went insane for Miko. They were chanting her name like never before. The announcer who had been stunned and silent the entire time finally awoke from the trance she was in as she watched the fight.

"The winner is Miko Kenmochi!" announced the commentator. Miko's blood lust was quenched. Her aura had calmed down. Miko raised her bloody sword in the air. The crowd cheered even more. The blood from Miko's gunshot wound began to leak. She was starting to feel weak. Color left her skin. Then, she passed out. The last thing she heard was the shocked gasps from the audience. When Miko woke up, she was in a hospital. She looked down at herself and realized she was in a hospital gown.

"The tattoo!" Miko thought to herself. She lifted her gown and realized the tattoo wasn't there, "What the hell?" Miko ran her fingers across the area where her tattoo would be and it didn't feel like skin.

"I snuck that on you before they loaded you up into the ambulance. You're welcome." Miko looked over and Hisoka was sitting in the doctor's chair with a leg crossed over the other.

"Hisoka..." said Miko. She didn't think Hisoka would be the one to save her skin. Literally. She smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you." She said happily. A very slight pink tint crept across Hisoka's cheeks. He smiled genuinely at Miko.

"Happy birthday, Mickey." said Hisoka as he brushed the hair out of Miko's face to reveal the scabbed up gash. "I'm sorry.... About everything. I should've told you that I care instead of acting after you got with the boss." When Hisoka mentioned Chrollo, there was a sad look in Miko's eyes.

"Don't worry about it. Things ended between the boss and I." replied Miko a bit sadly. She looked away from Hisoka and out the window.

"Mind if I ask what happened?" asked Hisoka as he peered into Miko's face, curious if she was going to tell the truth.

"We wanted different things." replied Miko.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Mickey." replied Hisoka. A bit of a smirk appeared on Hisoka's face. "It's still your birthday. Why don't you join me for dinner?" Miko looked down. She wasn't going to take Chrollo back but a bit of the pain was still there. "It'll help to distract you." said Hisoka as if he read her mind. Miko smiled sweetly.

"Ok then." agreed Miko, "I'll gladly join you for dinner." Miko sat up and ripped the IV out of her arm. She looked at her leg and it was already healed. Wasn't even sore. She grabbed her clothes and shoo-ed Hisoka out so she can change. Hisoka walked Miko back to Heaven's arena.

"Meet me down here in an hour. Make sure to wear something nice." said Hisoka. Miko nodded and went up to her room. By some miracle, the smile she had on her face, wouldn't disappear.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now