Birthday Surprise

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The night ended quickly and the sun rose. It was Miko's 17th birthday. Chrollo decided to treat Miko to breakfast. When they got out of the elevator, another girl, older than Miko, approached Chrollo. She has short blonde hair, golden yellow eyes and a slim figure. She mostly work red and black. Her outfit reminded Miko of a futuristic knight. Others have had the same idea and dubbed her The Knight of Heaven's Arena. Her real name Anya Shinomiya. They're considered rivals to the public. They fought once and Miko barely won. She was still beaten up pretty bad.

"Hello, Miko Kenmochi" the young woman purred sweetly. Miko rolled her eyes.

"What do you want A-"

"Why hello there handsome." Anya said to Chrollo, "What do you say we ditch her and go for some drinks hm?"

"Jesus, Anya. It's like eight in the morning. Chrollo is my boyfriend. Screw off, Anya. I don't have to deal with you until our match this afternoon." said Miko as she pulled Chrollo away. Chrollo felt a bit of happiness when Miko called him her boyfriend. Anya watched as Miko dragged Chrollo out of the building. Hisoka, who had witnessed the entire thing play out, approached Anya Shinomiya.

"Can I help you?" asked Anya irritatigly.

"I see that you had your eyes on that guy over there." said Hisoka.

"Yeah but he has that kid, Miko." replied Anya a bit sadly.

"I can change that. The question is, are you willing to forfeit your match with Miko?" asked Hisoka. Anya eyed Hisoka curiously and nodded.

"What's your room number?" questioned Hisoka with a smirk on his face. Anya didn't care about Chrollo returning her nonexistent feelings towards him. She just wanted to hurt Miko.

"153." replied Anya. "He'll be there. I'll make sure of it." Hisoka walked away and called Illumi.

"Follow Miko and Chrollo. Stick the needle whenever you see fit. Make sure it's before Miko's fight." said Hisoka.

"The pay had better be worth it, Hisoka. I'm potentially making an extremely dangerous enemy. As are you. Not to mention, the entire troupe could come after us." said Illumi. He hated having to hurt Miko. He no longer cared about his ship between her and Hisoka.

"They're not going to find out. They'll trust Miko's word when she sees him in bed with someone else. They won't even think of me or you. She trusts you too much to think it's you." said Hisoka. Illumi rolled his eyes and hung up his phone. Illumi pulled out a needle that would allow him to take control of Chrollo whenever he wanted. Illumi waited until they were leaving a diner to throw the needle. It went inside Chrollo and hid in his hair. Illumi followed Chrollo and Miko back to Heaven's arena.

"They lower their guard around each other." Illumi thought to himself, "They look so happy. I don't know why mother wanted me to marry her. It's not like we could've made each other happy like that. If I remember correctly, today is her birthday. Happy birthday, Miko." Illumi thought to himself.

"That was delicious." Miko said happily, "Thank you so much."

"Happy birthday, Miko." said Chrollo as he hugged her.

"Thanks." said Miko. She looked over at the clock.

"Oh shit. My match is going to start soon. I've gotta get ready. Go head to the arena." said Miko hastily as she handed Chrollo the ticket, "I've still gotta find those boys and give them their tickets and get ready. Go hurry. The seats fill up fast." Miko kissed Chrollo and took off to her floor to get ready. On her way up, she called Killua and Gon to meet her at her floor. Miko dressed in her battle uniform. She had yet to put her mask on. The elevator doors dinged to reveal Gon and Killua. She handed them their tickets to her fight and ushered them off to the arena. Miko put on her mask and grabbed her sword. Still in the lobby, Chrollo didn't feel like himself. He wanted to go to the arena and yet he found himself walking through the halls and stopping at the room with the number 153. He knocked on the door. Anya Shinomiya opened the door. She bit her lip.

"Why am I here?" Chrollo thought to himself. He couldn't control himself. Before he could process what was happening, he found himself hungrily kissing Anya. Anya's hand found its way to Chrollo groin where she began to rub. Chrollo picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. "I should be at the arena." Chrollo continued to think to himself and yet, he couldn't stop himself. Undressing her and himself before marking her. Miko was at the arena waiting for Anya to show up. So far there was no sign of here. Miko made eye contact with Killua and Gon who were just as confused as she was. She didn't see Chrollo in the crowd. Anya's moans echoed through her room. Chrollo continued to kiss her neck and leave a trail of love bites. Thirty minutes passed before the ref called Anya's absence a forfeit. Miko didn't bask in glory like her previous victory. To her, this was nothing to be proud of.

"Sorry Killua-chan and Gon. I had expected the match to go differently." Miko said a disappointedly.

"It's okay, Mickey-nee." said Gon as he tried to comfort Miko. Killua just stood there not having much of a care. Miko smiled and left. While Miko was walking down the hall to the main room, she got a text from Chrollo saying to meet her at room 153. Miko wasn't mad at the fact that he missed the 'battle'. If one would like to call it that. She got to room 153. She was about to knock when she could hear moans and grunts coming from the room. The quietly turned the doorknob. When she got inside, she saw them clear as day. Chrollo on top of Anya with her legs wrapped around his waist.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!" screamed Miko. In that instant, Illumi released control over Chrollo.

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