Time to act

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Back at Zevil Island, Miko took out her earphones. She couldn't hear Hisoka yelling for her anymore.

"Maybe he gave up." Mko thought to herself. The sun had set to reveal the moon shining brightly. Miko decided to stay in the tree for the night. However, before she could fall asleep, she felt the cruelest, coldest, most mind-shattering blood lust she's ever felt in her life. She recognized that it was Hisoka's. She was going to ignore it when she realized it was in the direction, Gon was in. Miko used zetsu and ran in the direction of the blood lust. She hid in a tree. She could see Hisoka talking with two other applicants. Miko recognized one of the applicants. "It's the Kurta boy." Miko thought to herself. The other applicant was an older man with small, circular glasses. He wore a business suit and held a briefcase. Hisoka didn't seem to be attacking. Miko watches in fascination as Hisoka lets the two applicants go in exchange for a badge. Suddenly, Hisoka's bloodlust spiked.

"Great." Hisoka said maliciously, "Now I'm all worked up. There's only one thing to do. I need to quell it." Miko stared at Hisoka. She could see Gon crouching in fear. "Oh shit." Miko thought to herself, "If Hisoka finds Gon, I won't be able to stop him without using my nen abilities. That's assuming I even get there in time to defend Gon." Hisoka didn't move from the tree for the remainder of the night. Miko kept an eye on both Gon and Hisoka. When the sun rose, Hisoka began to move. He didn't look like himself. He looked like he was mindlessly looking for someone to kill. Gon fled from Hisoka. Miko followed Gon. When she caught up to him, she called out to him.

"Gon!" yelled Miko. Gon turned around to see Miko running up to him.

"Mickey-nee!" exclaimed Gon.

"Are you okay? I saw you near Hisoka when he let his bloodlust loose and-" Miko was cut off by Gon hugging her. Miko was shocked for a minute before she hugged Gon back. "Thank you, Gon. I needed that." Gon smiled at Miko before looking at her eyes.

"Are you okay, Mickey-nee? Your eyes look puffy like you were crying." Miko looked away from Gon. She didn't want to think about Hisoka.

"I'm okay." said Miko as she sniffled.

"If you want to tell me, I'll gladly listen." said Gon, "That's what friends are for." Miko stared at Gon befored she sighed in defeat.

"A guy I fell in love with doesn't love me back. The reality of that hit me and I have to move on. I'm okay. Really." said Miko a bit sadly. Gon hugged her again. This time, Miko instantly hugged back.

"You know, you don't always have to be by yourself in order to cry." said Gon. Somehow, that did the trick. Miko's tears began flooding from her eyes like waterfalls. Gon let her go and pulled out a tissue from his backpack and handed it to Miko.

"Thank you, Gon." said Miko. She wiped away her tears and stood up. "Let's go get your badge from that bastard." said Miko with a huge, genuine smile. Gon smiled back and they both began to run throughout the island. Miko followed Gon into a tree. Gon pointed out an applicant that's going to cross paths with Hisoka. Miko couldn't believe her eyes. The applicant that Gon pointed out was Miko's target. This was almost too easy. She wouldn't have to lift a finger. Hisoka would kill him and Miko could take his badge.

"Now we wait until they meet." said Gon. Miko nodded. "Mickey-nee?" said Gon.

"What is it, Gon?" replied Miko.

"The guy you love, was it Hisoka?" he asked. Miko's face instantly turned red like a tomato.

"W-w-w-what makes you say that?" She said as her speech was completely falling apart.

"You two are together a lot and I seen him trying to get close to you during the second phase. Not to mention that time he tried to kiss you before we were running through the swamp." said Gon. Miko felt absolutely petrified. She didn't anyone, let alone Gon, noticed that. Then, she sighed to herself.

"It's doesn't matter. He doesn't love me back anyway. There's no use going on about it." said Miko, "Oh, so what do you think about my Killua-chan?" said Miko trying to change the topic.

"He's so much fun. It makes me really happy that I'm able to be his friend." said Gon.

"I ship." Miko thought to herself. Suddenly, Miko and Gon Froze. They could feel Hisoka's bloodlust. Miko ushered Gon to his position in the nearby bushes. Miko stayed in the tree so she can act as a distraction for Gon to get away. Miko's target and Hisoka entered the clearing just as Gon predicted. Hisoka began to charge towards the applicant. Gon readied his rod. Hisoka pulled out his card and killed the applicant. Right as Hisoka killed the applicant, Gon took Hisoka's badge. Miko jumped down from the tree. Hisoka didn't know whether to go after Gon or talk with Miko. Miko kept a cold look in her eyes. She walked to the dead applicant and grabbed his badge. She was about to walk away when Hisoka called out to her.

"Miko, wait." said Hisoka. Miko stopped. She didn't turn around to face Hisoka.

"I have nothing to say to you." said Miko. Suddenly, she felt another presence. It was going in Gon's direction. She was so focused on Gon and Hisoka, she didn't stop to think about if anyone else was following them. Miko ran after Gon. She didn't care if Hisoka followed her. She needed to know that Gon was safe. When Miko found Gon, he was lying on the ground. His backpack was ransacked.

"Gon? Gon! Are you okay? Can you move?" asked Miko.

"Geretta took the badge." said Gon hoarsely. "He shot a tranquilizer dart at me." Suddenly, Geretta's body dropped in front of Gon's face. Miko picked up Gon's body and backpack and moved a short distance away from the body.

"That's not very nice. I did do this for you, Gon." said Hisoka as he tossed back the two badges Geretta stole. "Think of it as a small favor. Now you owe me." said Hisoka as he was walking away. Gon used all of his will power to stand up.

"Wait." said Gon. Hisoka turned around to eye the boy. "I don't want to owe you." He tried to hand the badge back to Hisoka. Hisoka smiled evilly as he began to walk towards Gon. Miko could see the evilness in his eyes.

"Hisoka, don't-" Miko was about to run up and defend Gon but Hisoka used his nen to keep Miko from moving.

"You stay put." Hisoka said to Miko, "I still need to talk to you."

"Mickey-nee!" yelled Gon before turning to Hisoka. "What did you-" Gon was cut off by Hisoka who had punched Gon in the face and sent him flying.

"I'll take my badge back only when you can punch me in the face like that." said Hisoka.

"Gon!" yelled Miko. She sent an angry glare at Hisoka and she tried to get free of his nen.

"Your wasting your time. My ability have the properties of both rubber and gum. You'll never break free of it." said Hisoka. That didn't stop Miko from trying to break free. Hisoka tightened his nen around her to keep her from struggling. She screamed in pain. Hisoka tilted Miko's face up towards him. She couldn't look at Hisoka. She was too worried about Gon. "Don't bother with Gon." said Hisoka, "You should be worried about yourself." Miko ripped her head from Hisoka's grasp.

"You don't know me at all." Miko muttered. She head butt Hisoka with full force. Both of their heads were bleeding. Hisoka's nen let up a tremendous amount. Miko broke free. She grabbed Gon and his stuff before running as far away from Hisoka as possible. Miko and Gon were in a cave. She laid Gon down on her lap. Miko was nearly out of breath. Her heart was racing. Her mind was in a complete panic. She knew that once Hisoka recovered, he was going to be after her for one thing or another. It'll be impossible to avoid him for the remainder of the exam.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now