A Good Feeling

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I was up so I figured why not. Thank you all for your support and votes. I love you all.



 Chrollo saw a glimpse of a black shadow moving through the buildings.

"There she is." said Chrollo. He had never ran so fast in his life. He was able to cut off Miko. Once he got close enough, he jumped and tackled her. They both rolled and tumbled onto the ground. All Miko felt was someone grab her before she tripped.

"Ow.." said Miko. She looked up and saw Chrollo. He looked to be unconscious. "Boss?" she didn't get a response. She walked up to Chrollo and shook him a bit. She put her head to his chest to see if she could hear him breathing. If anyone else were to see, it'd look like she was on top of him in a way that lovers would be. Suddenly, she felt arms snake around her waist. She looked up and saw that Chrollo was awake. Before she could even say anything to him, Chrollo pulled her towards him and crashed his lips into hers. Miko immediately melted into the kiss. It was a sweet, breathtaking, genuine kiss that would melt even the coldest of hearts. Chrollo sat himself up and Miko moved along with him. When he let go, Miko was a blushing mess.

"B-boss.." Miko didn't know what to say. She looked down at her lap so Chrollo wouldn't see her blushing face. Chrollo lifted her face up with his index finger and thumb.

"I love you, Miko Kenmochi." said Chrollo. Miko felt butterflies in her belly. She smiled a genuine, happy smile. She leaned in and kissed Chrollo. Chrollo held her waist with one hand and her head with the other other hand. Neither of them knew but someone was watching them from the rooftops. Hisoka stood there in anger and jealousy.

"I'm not going to give up just like that, Chrollo Lucilfer." Hisoka thought to himself before returning to base. Chrollo looked at Miko. He put his head to hers. Miko flinched in pain.

"What's wrong?" asked Chrollo. Miko didn't respond. He gently moved her hair out of the way to reveal a huge scabbed up gash on her forehead. "Mickey, what happened?" asked Chrollo worriedly as he moved to lightly run his fingers across. "It looks like a week old." When he touched the scabs, Miko flinched again in pain.

"I got in a fight while trying to help another applicant." said Miko as she brushed her hair back over the gash. "He used nen to prevent me from moving. Once he got close enough, I headbutt him and that was enough for me to break free of his nen." said Miko. Chrollo stood up. They were broth drenched from head to toe.

"Come on, let's go back to the base." said Chrollo as he extended his hand out to Miko. She took his hand and he helped her up. Chrollo did not let go of Miko's hand. When they walked into the main room of the base, the rest of the members were there. They saw Chrollo and Miko holding hands. Everyone, except for Hisoka, rushed to the two of them.

"Hey, Nobunaga!" yelled Pakunoda, "You owe me a hundred jenny. I told you it would happen!" Miko was surrounded by Pakunoda, Machi, Feitan, and Shizuku. Chrollo was being bombarded by Kortopi, Bonolenov, Phinks, Uvogin, Franklin, Nobunaga, and Shalnark. "Hey, boss!" yelled Pakunoda, "Don't be rough with my princess!" Miko's face turned bright red. The girls laughed at Miko.

"Hey! There are drinks in my room!" yelled Uvogin, "This deserves celebration!" Everyone cheered and followed Uvogin to his room. Chrollo and Hisoka were the last ones in the main room.

"I won, Hisoka." said Chrollo with absolute confidence in his voice. Hisoka hated seeing Miko with him.

"Don't think it'll last long. Remember, she fell in love with me first." said Hisoka.

"She also gave up on your first." retorted Chrollo. He noticed the scabbed up gash on Hisoka's forehead. "So, you're the one she fought during the exam. You were supposed to look out for her. That was the deal you made with Machi. Instead, you pissed her off and fought her again. From the looks of her gash, she could've died from blood loss. If I ever find out that you hurt her again, I will hunt you down and kill you myself." said Chrollo. He didn't give Hisoka the chance to respond. He went up to Uvogin's room to drink with the rest of them. Before the drinking fest began, Machi put the spider tattoo with the number thirteen on her sister's lower waist. Everyone congratulated Miko on finally becoming part of the spider. Everyone drank until they passed out. The next morning, Chrollo was the first one to wake up. His head was still hurting from the fall. The drinking didn't exactly help. His head was pounding. Chrollo looked around the room and saw the troupe all passed out drunk in Uvogin's room. Chrollo scanned the room for Miko. He found her asleep on Machi's lap. Machi was sitting against the wall asleep as well. Chrollo felt himself smile. The rest of the troupe was scattered around Uvogin's room. "I'll never get another opportunity like this again." he thought to himself. He pulled out his cellphone and took a picture of everyone in the room. Chrollo looked at the picture and smiled before walking out into the mainroom. Chrollo sat on his platform and began looking at his book. He noticed Hisoka was gone. "Good riddance." Chrollo mumbled to himself. About and hour or so later, the rest of the troupe came out into the main room. They were all groaning in pain and holding their heads. Once they've all settled down, Chrollo began to inform them of a new mission. "September 1 in Yorknew city, the mafia is going to have an auction. Many rare items are going to be sold. We are going to take it all. You can all separate for now. Be back here by August 31." Everyone nodded and began to leave. A few left with each other talking about where they were going. Miko and Machi left together.

"Where are you going, Machi?" asked Miko.

"There's some business I have to take care of in Japoon. How about you?" replied Machi.

"I'm going to defend my floor at Heaven's arena." said Miko.

"I forgot your a floor master. You've certainly made quite the name for yourself there being the youngest floor master. Just remember not to use your real nen technique." reminded Machi.

"Never had a reason to. I was able to get there without it." said Miko arrogantly. Miko and Machi went to the airport. Miko is the only one that is unknown to the rest of the world. It made it much easier for her to travel. Machi left her sister at the airport. Miko traveled to the Mimbo republic to go to the Heaven's arena. When she arrived, she immediately ran to the Heaven's arena. The Heaven's arena was one of Miko's favorite places to be when she's not with the troupe. She bursted through the doors and ran up to the receptionist lady.

"Hello, I'm a returning floor master." said Miko.

"Are you sure? You seem rather young. What's your name?" asked the receptionist.

"Miko Kenmochi." replied Miko. The lady typed in Miko's name into the computer. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw that Miko was telling the truth.

"M-my apologies, Miss Kenmochi. Here's your room key card. Floor 238." said the receptionist handing in Miko's room key card. Miko took the key card and began to walk towards her the elevator. No one was in the elevator with her. She scanned her key car and the elevator took Miko to her floor. Once the elevator doors opened, Miko threw her bag onto the couch and plopped onto her bed.

"I love being with the troupe, but this room is so~ much better than the one back home." Miko said to herself as she enjoyed the softness of her bed. Suddenly, her phone began to ring. "Hello?" said Miko.

"Hey, Mickey." Miko instantly recognized the sweetness in the voice.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now