Hisoka 1 Chrollo 0*

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"I know you're in there Mickey," Hisoka purred from the other side of the door. Miko rolled her eyes and jumped back in bed. "If you don't let me in, I'll rip the door off," Hisoka continued in the same tone. Not wanting her door to be ripped off, Miko opened the door and poked her head out.

"What do you want?" Miko hissed.

"I don't have a room and everyone else has a roommate. You look like you have this room all to yourself. Mind if I join you?" Hisoka spoke in his usual honeyed voice.

"Why don't you go pair with Illumi? I sincerely doubt a normal person would share a room with him." Miko barked. On the inside Miko was thrilled that Hisoka came to her door.

"Maybe I wanted to room with you," Hisoka slowly poured more and more force against the door only to be met with Miko's own strength to keep the door from opening. As if on cue, Hisoka stopped. "Well then," Hisoka said, "I'll see if I can sway Illumi into letting me stay in his room," Hisoka turned from the door and began to walk towards Illumi's room.

"Wait," Miko said, almost wishing Hisoka didn't hear. Her hushed voice, however, didn't escape Hisoka's ears. He turned with a strangely innocent smile.

"Yes?" He cooed.

"I suppose you can stay," Miko grumbled as she opened the door. Her cheeks were dusted with a light pink. Hisoka's grin widened for a moment before turning to his previous look.

"That's awfully kind of you," Hisoka walked into Miko's room.

"No," Miko replied, "I know you would've just waited for me to fall asleep and break in," Hisoka's seemingly innocent grin morphed back to his usual sly grin. "I'm going to shower. Don't touch my stuff." Miko locked the bathroom door behind her, leaving Hisoka alone in the room. He looked over at the bed with Miko's backpack on it. He picked up her backpack and set it on the other bed. He laid out on the bed, waiting for Miko to exit the shower.

Roughly ten minutes later, Miko walked out of the bathroom.

"You could've just said you wanted that bed," Miko commented carelessly as she rummaged through her bag. Disappointment was in Hisoka's mind. He had expected a more fueled reaction from Miko. "Shower's yours. I'm done there," Miko said without so much as turning around. She couldn't help but enjoy the strange game of cat and mouse between Hisoka and herself. Hearing the bathroom door lock, Miko relaxed. She shook her limbs, getting out all of her jitters. To Miko's surprise, her phone rang.

"Hello?" Miko answered.

"Hey, Mickey," Chrollo spoke, happy to hear Miko's voice.

"Boss? It's rare for you to call. Is everything alright? Is Machi okay?" Miko couldn't help but sounded worried. Usually a call from any one of the spiders are usually for melancholy occasions.

"Your sister is fine. And how many times do I have to tell you, you're not a spider. You don't have to call me boss. Call me by my name," Chrollo's attempts for Miko to refer to him by his name since the spider had formed.

"It sounds strange to call you by your name. I've been calling you boss for a long time," Miko replied as she laid into bed. She always liked the sound of Chrollo's voice. There was always something so tranquil in his voice that she couldn't help but enjoy and take peace in.

Hisoka pressed his ear against the door. He could hear Miko but he could hardly make out anything Chrollo was saying. Although, he had an inkling as to where Chrollo was going.

"How's the exam so far?"

"So far so good," Miko replied into the phone, "Aside from Hisoka's antics, things couldn't be going more smoothly," For a moment Chrollo had forgotten hisoka was taking the exam with her. He noticed an icky feeling in his chest as it grew heavier.

"I wanted to talk to you about the other night," Chrollo said, referring to the night when Miko left for the exam. Miko was under the impression that he wasn't happy with the ways things turned out.

"It's alright. We were both drinking and thing got a little out of control. Don't worry boss- I mean Chrollo," Chrollo relaxed a bit hearing Miko finally call him by his name. Hisoka, still listening in on them, decided the time for waiting was over. He silently opened the door, never minding that was only wearing a towel, and crept towards Miko.

"I was actually going to ask if you-" Hisoka snatched the phone from Miko and ended the call.

"What the hell, Hisoka?" Miko yelled. Hisoka smirked, satisfied with the rise he got out of Miko.

"Now now," Hisoka taunted, "Haven't you heard the saying 'The walls have ears?'" Miko's eyes narrowed as Hisoka placed the phone back in Miko's hand before turning around to get dressed. Miko eyed his toned back.

"I could outline each of his muscles with my pinky," Miko thought to herself as she thought about running her hands up and down Hisoka's body. She grinned, licking her lips. Out loud, she exhaled tiredly and announced she was going to bed. Miko pulled the covers over her and kept her back to Hisoka, refusing to give him any more satisfaction.

Thinking Miko was asleep, Hisoka crawled into Miko's bed. Wrapping his arms around her, not caring if she hogged the blanket, he fell asleep almost immediately. Miko, on the other hand, was indeed awake. However, the comfort of Hisoka's arms and his natural scent was enough to help her sleep.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now