A Perfect Night

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"I wouldn't have it any other way." Miko said happily. Miko hung up the phone. A few minutes later, Hisoka came striding back with two drinks in his hand. One of which was an alcoholic Shirley Temple and a Whiskey Sour. Hisoka gave the Shirley Temple to Miko and drank the Whiskey Sour.

"Here you go, Mickey." said Hisoka as he handed her the Shirley temple.

"Thank you she said softly. Miko sipped on her Shirley Temple. There was little conversation between the two. Awkward tension and nervous silence filled the air. Miko can be rather shy when she's out in public. Her cheeks were dusted with a red tint. Then, the sounds of violins, a grand piano, and cellos began to fill the room. A calming sensation filled the air between the two of them. Hisoka looked up at Miko.

"I must say," Hisoka started. Miko looked at Hisoka with curiosity in her eyes. "Despite all the devastation and disaster you've been put through, you still have a sense of innocence in your eyes. I admire you for that." Miko stared at Hisoka in awe. She didn't think he was capable of a real compliment let alone thinking about her that way. Hisoka stood up from his chair and walked over to Miko. He extended his hand out to her. "May I have this dance?" Miko stared into Hisoka's eyes. They were smiling. He wasn't some evil or crazed magician like he usually is. He was trying to make up for the way he treated her. Miko set her drink down and took Hisoka's hand. Hisoka, still holding Miko's hand, led her out onto the dance floor. His spare hand was on her waist and her free hand was on his shoulder. Hisoka guided Miko as they danced to the song.

"I didn't know you knew how to dance, Hisoka." said Miko in awe.

"It's not necessarily something worth bragging about. Besides, I don't know about you but I prefer a little mystery in a person." replied Hisoka as he spun her.

"I can't deny that." replied Miko as Hisoka pulled her close to his chest. As the two danced, they were locked in each others eyes. "Thank you, Hisoka." said Miko sweetly.

"What did I do?" replied Hisoka with a devilish smirk on his face.

"You brought me here to this beautiful restaurant. You saved my skin before I went to the hospital. You cheered me up after I had the worst day. Thank you." said Miko as she smiled genuinely. Hisoka smiled in returned. He, then, dipped Miko. The moment couldn't have been more perfect. Beautiful music was playing. The room's light was romantically dim. His eyes stared into hers. Miko had a rosy color in her cheeks. Then, the lights came back on and the music stopped. Everyone was clapping before heading back to their seats. "That was fun." said Miko as she sat down.

"Yes it was." replied Hisoka with a genuine smile on his face. The rest of their time at the restaurant was filled with pleasant conversation about the exam and times when they were younger. When the check came, Miko began to fish in her purse for some money. "Please, allow me. Think of it as my birthday gift to you." said Hisoka. Miko smiled and put her purse down. When the check was paid, Hisoka led Miko back to the valet where the car was waiting. The moon was high in the sky. It couldn't have been any later than eleven at night. Miko looked at the sky. No stars could be seen due to the city lights. Hisoka decided to take a little detour. Miko was looking out the window curiously.

"Where is he taking me?" she thought to herself. She eyed Hisoka curiously. Hisoka could feel her penetrating stare.

"Relax. It's a surprise." said Hisoka as if he read her mind. Miko continued to look out the window. A few short minutes later, Hisoka pulled over near a grassy field. He got out of the car and went to the trunk to pull something out. Then, he went to Miko's door and opened it for her. She looked at what he was holding and it was a blanket. "Shall we?" he said as he extended his hand out towards her. She took his hand and exited the car. She followed Hisoka to the top of a hill. He laid the blanket down and sat down. He motioned for her to sit next to him. Miko sat on the blanket next to Hisoka. She looked up and the entire sky was lit up by stars. She hasn't seen anything like it since she lived with the Zoldycks. A crystal clear night with the high moon above them.

"It's beautiful." Miko said as she continued to stare up at the sky. Hisoka was staring at a beauty as well. Although, he wasn't looking in the sky. A bit of a cold wind blew past Miko causing her to shiver. Hisoka took off his jacket and put it around Miko. "Thank you, Hisoka." Miko said softly before looking up at Hisoka. Miko's hand was flat on the blanket. Hisoka moved his hand to where his fingers were intertwined with Miko's. He used his spare hand to cup her cheek and bring her face close to his. Hisoka closed the distance between the two of them by pressing his lips against hers. The kiss was warm and sweet. It was loving and genuine. When it ended, Miko was looking at Hisoka with a deep red blush going across her cheeks. Hisoka didn't remove his hand from her cheek.

"I want to be the only one you look at like that. Never take you eyes off of me." said Hisoka before kissing her again. Miko melted into the kiss. Being like this stirred up old feelings that she had thought she threw away. She didn't want it to end. However, the night came to an end before long. Hisoka walked Miko to the elevator at Heaven's arena.

"Thank you for a beautiful night." said Miko as she handed Hisoka back his jacket. Right as the elevator doors opened, she kissed Hisoka's cheek. "Goodnight." she said with a devilish smile of her own. That devilish smile of hers was on Hisoka's mind for the remainder of the night. There was a smile on his face that couldn't be wiped off. He was completely lovestruck. Miko was too busy jumping in the elevator like a schoolgirl. When the doors opened to her floor, she stepped out still feeling happy. She turned on the lights and there was a giant banner with the words 'happy birthday, Mickey-nee'. Miko looked around the room and found the two culprits asleep on her couch. Killua and Gon were wearing party hats. Miko couldn't let this moment pass. She took out her phone and took a picture. She looked at the table and there was cake and two gifts. She looked at the two boys and smiled at them. She decided to wake them up. "Killua-chan~, Gon~" she said sweetly. It was no use. They weren't going to wake up. She grabbed a spare blanket and covered them. "Thank you, boys. Good night." Miko said as she kissed both of their foreheads. Before going to bed herself. She couldn't help but smile as she replayed the kiss with Hisoka over in her mind.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now