What Comes next

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"Hey, Mr. Netero, Is it alright if I check on my friend?" asked Miko. She didn't care to be there for the rest of the phase.

"Yes it's alright." said Netero. Miko nodded and walked off. She found Gon's room. She pulled up a chair and sat by Gon. She ran her fingers through his hair.

"You did good. Don't mess it up by trying to fight Hanzo again." Miko said to the unconscious boy. Time seemed to have passed by slowly. Suddenly, Miko felt nen. It was cold and deathly. It was meant to instil fear. She already knew it was Illumi's. She quickly ran to the banquet room. She seen Illumi without the needles in his face. He was going on about how Killua didn't need friends. "Don't listen to him, Killua-chan!" yelled Miko, "You're already friends with Gon. Never forget that." Illumi glared at Miko.

"If you won't fight me, then I guess I'll go kill Gon." said Illumi. Before he could even begin walking towards the door, Kurapika, Leorio, and Miko were standing at the door ready to fight Illumi. Illumi knows that Miko can beat him in a fight and yet he kept walking towards the door.

"You win." said Killua, "I surrender." Illumi felt a very small smile from on his face.

"Don't worry, Kil. I was never going to kill Gon. It was just a test to see if you really deserve him as a friend. You don't." said Illumi as he walked back to Killua and tapped his head before walking back to the sidelines. Killua began to walk back to the sidelines. Something was different about Killua. He wasn't himself. Leorio's battle with Bordoro started. Before Leorio could get a good punch in, Killua went up from behind Bordoro and killed him. Without saying a word, Killua left the hotel.

"Killua-chan!" yelled Miko, "Wait!" She grabbed Killua by the shoulder but Killua simply ripped it from her grasp.

"Leave me alone. I'm going home." said Killua. Miko stood there speechless. She knows that Illumi manipulated Killua into doing that. Soon after, the hunter exam was complete. Everyone was gathered in a conference room for the orientation. Miko was sitting by herself. She was thinking about Killua. She was terribly worried about him. Suddenly, Gon busted through the room. Miko looked at him. Gon was furious.

"He found out what happened with Killua-chan." Miko thought to herself. Gon walked up to Illumi and grabbed him by the wrist. Gon tried to get Illumi to go apologize to Killua. However, Illumi saw no reason to. Then, Gon left the building. The orientation finished and everyone was about to leave. Miko was walking toward the exit when she heard someone calling out to her. She turned around and it was Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio.

"Mickey-nee, are you going to come with us to go get Killua?' asked Gon.

"I'm sorry, Gon. I can't. I have to see my sister back at home. I'll help you out though. His home is at Kukuroo mountain. Good luck." said Miko before hugging Gon and leaving. Miko was walking about to leave the hotel when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Hisoka.

"I know you don't want to see me but I want to make it up to you. If you're at all interested, I'm going to be at Heaven's arena." said Hisoka.

"How convenient." Miko thought to herself, "He knows I'm a floor master and that I'll have to be there at some point." Miko sighed to herself. "No promises." said Miko before leaving the hotel.

"I already told your sister that you passed without using your nen abilities." said Hisoka. Miko stopped walking. She didn't turnaround to face him.

"Thank you, Hisoka." said Miko. She walked away from Hisoka and didn't turn back. "I hope Killua-chan is okay. I should've gone with them. If I did, Kikiyo probably would want me to stay and go on a quick mission with Illumi. Then, it'll be too late to leave and I'll have to stay the night. I'm sorry Killua-chan but your friends will come for you. They'll do just fine without me." Miko said to herself as she boarded the train to Yorknew. The hideaway is just outside the city. It took two days to get back. When she did, everyone was gone. "Maybe they're all on a mission." Miko thought to herself. She went to her room and began to unpack. When she finished, she went into the main room and waited for everyone to get back. She sat on her window ledge and watched as clouds began to blanket the sky. The winds began to pick up speed. Soon rain began to fall from the sky.

"Mickey?" Miko turned around and saw her sister, standing at the doorway.

"Machi!" yelled Miko happily. She ran up to her sister and hugged her. "I've missed you." When Miko let go, Machi flicked her forehead. Machi flicks hard. Those used to be Miko's punishments if she almost got killed or if she did something extremely stupid. "Oww!" yelled Miko. She flicked Miko in the same spot where she headbut Hisoka. Miko was on the floor, holding her head in pain. "Machi, what the hell was that for?"

"Why didn't you tell me you fought Hisoka?" asked Machi angrily.

"When?" asked Miko.

"When you went on that 'solo mission'." said Machi. Miko's face morphed into a blank one. Then, an angry one.

"One, he was disrespecting you and I wasn't going to let that slide. Two, I didn't want you to worry. I told you I was going to be the one to protect you." said Miko, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I knew you would've killed him..... Wait, how the hell did you find out about that?" asked Miko in realization. Machi froze. The only person who knew was Chrollo and Hisoka. They both know Hisoka wouldn't have told anyone. That'd be like asking for a slow and painful death. She can't pin it on anyone else. "Boss told you didn't he?" said Miko as she stood up. Machi didn't respond. "I can't believe this. He promised me he wouldn't tell a soul." Miko was hurt. She felt like she couldn't trust anyone. With impeccable time, Chrollo walked in the room.

"You're back!" said Chrollo happily. His happiness was short lived when he saw the look on Miko's face.

"You told Machi about my fight with Hisoka?" asked Miko. Chrollo stared at her with widened eyes. "I don't believe this." said Miko as she stormed out of the room.

"Mickey, wait." said Chrollo as he chased after her. She was too fast. Miko was already out of the building and on her way to Heaven's arena. Machi ran down and found Chrollo standing outside completely dumbfounded.

"I know that magician is on his way back here. I'm going to find her." asked Machi.

"No. That won't help anyone. Let her cool off." said Chrollo, "I finally had a date with her and I screwed it up. On second, I'm going after her. I'm not going to let her go like this. If anyone asks, tell them I needed time to myself." Chrollo sped off after Miko. Miko had to run through the sea of buildings in order to get out. "She's using zetsu." Chrollo mumbled to himself. Even for someone as fast as Miko, it'd take at least five minutes to get out. "Damn it, Mickey. Where are you?" Then, he thought of a brilliant idea. He pulled out his cell phone and called Feitan.

"Boss? What's up?" said Feitan calmly.

"Call Mickey's phone." said Chrollo.

"Okay." said Feitan. Fetian pulled up Miko's contact and began to call her. Chrollo began to listen for any sort of noise. He could hear something vibrating in the distance. It was moving fast. Then, Chrollo saw a glimpse of a black shadow moving through the buildings. 

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now