A Sad Beginning

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An hour had passed by quickly. Miko was wearing a burgundy dress. With long sleeves and a slight v-neck and an exposed back. The skirt was a bit above her knees. Her long hair was in a high ponytail and the hair that draped down over her back. Her shoes were black, velvet wedges with a small bow on the strap that goes around her ankle. She also had a small handbag filled with her cellphone, hunter's license, and a small bit of cash. Miko walked into the elevator. She was going through her bag to make sure she had everything she needed. When the elevator doors opened, Miko could see Hisoka standing outside of Heaven's arena. She was about to go over to him when she felt someone grab her wrist. Reflexively, she released her ren to ward off whoever grabbed her. She turned around and it was Chrollo.

"Boss?" said Miko.

"Please let me explain." said Chrollo. Miko narrowed her eyes and sighed to herself. Had he been anyone else, she would've have killed him.

"There's nothing to explain. We're through. Now please, let me enjoy the last few hours of my birthday." said Miko sadly as she ripped her arm from Chrollo's grasp.

"That wasn't me." Chrollo said trying to keep Miko from walking away.

"I'll see you at the end of August, boss." Miko said as she continued to walk away. Miko found it useless to harbor resentment towards the boss. He's the leader of the troupe. It wouldn't end well if she did try to hate him. She decided not to think much about it and enjoy the rest of the night. Chrollo continued to watch Miko leave Heaven's arena. Miko walked outside to meet with Hisoka. He wasn't in his usual jester-like outfit. His fuchsia hair wasn't gelled up in a way that would defy gravity. It was down. He wore a black tuxedo with a bow-tie. Miko almost couldn't believe her eyes.

"Hello, Mickey dear." Hisoka said, "You look beautiful." Miko blushed a bit.

"Thank you. You look handsome yourself." Miko replied. Her face turned redder. Hisoka couldn't help but smile at her blushing face. There was a car parked in front of Heaven's arena. Hisoka opened the door for Miko and she got in. "I didn't think he could drive." Miko thought to herself. Hisoka got into the driver's seat and drove off. The city was lit up. Everyone was walking about. Miko's gaze remained out the window, admiring all the lights of the city. Hisoka couldn't help but smile at her wonder.

"It's amazing." Hisoka thought to himself, "She can kill and go on a complete rampage. She can survive years of devastation a disaster. Somehow, she still has a look of innocence and wonder." Hisoka pulled up in front of a four star hotel. Miko's widened in awe. The valet opened the door for Miko.

"Thank you." She said softly as she got out of the car. Hisoka gave the valet the keys before holding his arm out to Miko. She took his arm and he led her up stairs to the restaurant. Miko couldn't help but still feel a bit saddened after seeing Chrollo. She looked at the ground. Hisoka took notice of her sadness. He gently took his arm from her. He stood in front of her and gently cupped her cheek with his hand.

"I've always loved how confident you are. Don't let him take that away from you." said Hisoka as he peered into her beautiful, light, brown eyes. Miko smiled sweetly. She hugged Hisoka. Hisoka was a bit surprised by Miko's sudden movement. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her in return.

"Thank you, Hisoka." said Miko and she smiled up at him. Hisoka smiled at her in response. Hisoka grabbed Miko's hand and led her to the maitre d'.

"Reservation for two under Morou." said Hisoka. The maitre d' looked through his book before finding Hisoka's name.

"Ah yes, Morou. Sir, madam, please follow me." Hisoka and Miko followed the man to their table. The maitre d' pulled out the chair for Miko and pushed it in after she sat down. A waiter brought by some water and two menus for the both of them.

"I'll be right back, Mickey dear. I'm going to bring us some drinks from the bar." said Hisoka. Miko nodded and Hisoka left. Suddenly, Miko's phone went off.


" I just got a drunk call from the boss." said Feitan.

"So?" replied Miko carelessly.

"You dumped him?" said Feitan in incredulous disbelief.

"Of course I did. He cheated on me." said Miko.

"He also said you're out with Hisoka." said Feitan.

"He saw us?" said Miko nervously.

"Why are you with Hisoka, Mickey? I thought you were done with him." said Feitan. Miko sighed. She might as well explain everything to him.

"Look, I got a text from the boss telling me to meet him at a certain room. When I got there, he was banging another girl. I walked in on them doing it. There's no way I could misunderstand that. I dumped him and killed the girl in one of my matches. During the match, she shot me and I passed out from blood loss after I had killed her. When I woke up, I was in a hospital room while wearing a hospital gown." said Miko calmly.

"They saw your tattoo?!?!" yelled Feitan through the phone.

"No. Thank Hisoka for that. He used one of his abilities to hide it. While I was in the hospital, he offered me to join him for dinner to celebrate the last hours of my birthday. So here I am. He's at the bar right now getting the drinks." replied Miko.

"How do you know he's not trying to poison you?" said Feitan.

"What would it matter? My body is immune to all poisons. Thank the Zoldycks for that one." Miko shot back. "Does my sister know about any of this?" asked Miko worriedly.

"No but I should tell her." said Feitan.

"Don't do that. She'll never let me out of her sight again. Look, I'll be back at base tomorrow and you can question me further. I've had a real shitty day. At least, let me enjoy the rest of the night." said Miko in a bit of a sad voice.

"I shouldn't but I will." said Feitan in defeat, "If he does something you don't like, I'll torture him."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Miko said happily.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now