I'll kill you

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"What's funny is that I know she's right." Feitan said to himself before exiting Miko's room. Miko and Hisoka were out and about in Yorknew city. They were enjoying the night. They went from bar to bar. They were drinking dancing. It was almost as if Miko was back to her normal self. She wasn't grieving. She wasn't blaming herself for what happened to Uvogin. It was as if nothing had changed. Miko and Hisoka were walking in the streets. They were holding hands and enjoying each other's company.

"She looks like she's enjoying herself." Hisoka thought to himself, "I haven't seen her this happy in a long time." He smiled at Miko while she was going on about the good memories she had with Machi as a child. Then, by complete coincidence, she bumped into someone. She looked at the man that bumped into her.

"You.." said Miko. Her voice was menacing. Her happy and cheerful smile was gone. Her eyes turned cold and murderous. Hisoka could see something forming in her hand. He didn't know what it was. Hisoka looked at the man that bumped into her. He tried to pull her away but it was no use. "I'LL KILL YOU CHAIN USER!" Miko yelled. He was with Leorio, Gon, and Killua. Miko pushed Gon and Killua into and alley, leaving Kurapika and Leorio to fend for themselves. She didn't have her sword of knives. She already had nen bombs form in her hand. She threw them at Kurapika's feet. He jumped out of the way, taking Leorio with him. Gon and Killua tried to run out to stop her. However, Miko created a wall and ceiling out of ice, trapping the boys there to prevent them from getting hurt. "I won't lose this time!" she screamed as she threw more bombs.

"Your friend murdered my clan! He deserved to die." Kurapika yelled back. Miko threw nen bombs at the buildings near Kurapika. Leorio ran up to Hisoka.

"What the hell are you doing, Hisoka?" said Leorio, "You need to stop her before she destroys the city!" Hisoka didn't respond. He was in a bit of shock. Her rage made her nen all the more powerful. Not to mention, he got to see her real nen ability. "Hisoka!" yelled Leorio snapping Hisoka out of his daze. Kurapika was on the defensive. Miko was not letting him attack. She threw her bombs left and right. Soon, the fragmented pieces of the bombs began to hit Kurapika. The were grazing his skin. One piece pierced his right shoulder. Kurapika created another smoke screen. Miko jumped onto a building. He looked carefully for any slight movements in the dust. Suddenly, Kurapika jumped from the side and punched Miko. She began to cough up blood. She created a makeshift sword by covering her hand in ice and shaping it like a jagged sword. She charged at Kurapika with blood still dripping from her mouth. She began using her own technique, flash kill. Kurapika couldn't see her. Whenever Miko was close enough, she slashed Kurapika. The only thing Kurapika could see was a quick glimmer of her sword.

"I can see her now. I can track her movements." Kurapika thought to himself. He saw the glimmer. He waited a split second before landing a kick on her. Miko flew into a building. The impact from her crash caused the building to crumble down on her.

"MIKO!" yelled Hisoka.

Meanwhile, at the base, Machi and Feitan were sitting on the roof of the base.

"What are we going to do with her?" sighed Machi, "She not going to give up." Feitan looked at Machi. She'd hate to admit it but she's worried about Miko.

"She's dating Hisoka now." said Feitan. Machi looked at him in shock.

"Are you serious? He'll kill her." said Machi. She knows Miko can be reckless but, to Machi, this was a different level. Suddenly, a loud bang. Machi and Feitan looked out to the city. They could see explosions and building crumbling in flames. "That's Mickey's nen bombs.." said Machi.

"Damn it. She probably found the chain user. Machi go run and get the boss. I'll try to stop her." said Feitan. Machi and Feitan separated. Machi bursted in the Chrollo's chambers. Her skin was pale as if she seen a ghost.

"Machi, what's wrong?" asked Chrollo calmly.

"It's Miko. She's using her nen bombs in the city. I think she's fighting the chain user. Feitan went to try and stop her." Machi spat out hastily. Chrollo's eyes widened in shock. He and Machi burst from the base and ran towards the city.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now