Thieves in The Night

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When Miko and Feitan returned to the main room, the rest of the members had arrived. Miko instantly ran to Uvogin and jumped on him. Miko and Uvogin acted like siblings more than Machi and Miko. Machi didn't care for acting like the big sisterly type. She was protective of her nonetheless.

"Hey squirt!" said Uvogin with his usual giant grin. Uvogin was sitting was his legs criss-crossed. Miko, being much smaller than Uvogin, easily fit on his lap. Uvogin would never admit it but if there was anyone he cared for most in the troupe it'd be Miko and Nobunaga.

"The underground auction starts tomorrow. Feitan, Franklin and Shizuku, you three will get rid of the guests. Miko and Uvo you two will be take the items. Everyone nodded before dispersing to make their own preparations. Miko left to meet back with Gon and Killua. They were having a food. The Kurta boy was with them.

"Mickey-nee!" yelled Gon before giving Miko a hug.

"Hey, Gon." Miko said happily as she picked up Gon and put him on her shoulders.

"Hello, Miko." said Kurapika.

"Hi. I remember you. I met you at the hunter exam right?" asked Miko. Kurapika nodded.

"Why did you guys decide to meet here anyway?" asked Miko curiously.

"Well Gon and I are here for a game called Greed Island." said Killua.

"I've heard of that game. Isn't super rare? How do you plan on getting it?" asked Miko as she set Gon down from her shoulders.

"We plan on getting it through the auction." said Gon happily. Miko's eyes widened in shock. Kurapika noticed her reaction.

"Is there a problem, Miko?" asked Kurapika suspiciously. He remembered about Hisoka's advice about the spider being in Yorknew. He didn't want to think someone as nice as Miko would be in the Phantom troupe. However, that would explain her connection to Hisoka.

"No." Miko replied easily, "Just be careful."

"Why would we need to be careful?" asked Kurapika.

"Because the auction is run by the Ten Dons. I wouldn't want Gon and Killua to get on the mafia community's bad side. Who knows what'll happen to them if they do." said Miko. "Does he suspect me?" Miko thought to herself.

"We're not going to that one." said Killua. Miko sighed in relief.

"I'm afraid I have to be going. I'm going to the auction as well. There's a vase that I wanted to get for my sister. I need a new dress." said Miko aloud before leaving. Despite her little lie, she wasn't lying about the dress. Miko and Uvogin needed to blend in with the crowd. No one was supposed to survive the night. Miko felt grateful that Gon and Killua weren't going to the night auction. She bought a simple black dress with spaghetti straps and a low top that pushes her breasts up to make them seem bigger. The night begins. Miko has her throwing knives strapped to her thighs. The dress she has is short enough for her to reach them without any hassle.

"Look at you." said Chrollo, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." Miko said coldly before leaving with the few troupe members that were going to the auction. Chrollo sighed to himself.

"She's completely given up on me." Chrollo thought to himself.

"What's up with Miko giving you the cold shoulder, boss?" asked Pakunoda.

"She ended things with me." Chrollo said bluntly. Everyone looked at him shocked.

"Why would she do that?" asked Machi. Chrollo didn't say anything in response. Hisoka was secretly paying attention. He was fighting a smile when he saw his Miko give Chrollo the cold shoulder. She follows Uvogin to the auction house.

"You and I will be waiting outside. When we here the nen bullets, we'll grab the items and leave." said Uvogin. Miko nodded. "What's going on between you and the boss?" asked Uvogin.

"I dumped him." Miko said plainly. Uvogin looked at Miko in disbelief. "I don't want to go into details so please just leave it at that."

"Are you with Hisoka now?" asked Uvogin.

"I'm not sure what we are." Miko replied. Before Uvogin could respond, the nen bullets went off.

"Let's go." said Uvogin as he took off. Miko followed behind him to the vault. "What the hell?"

"There's nothing here." said Miko in shock. Uvogin and Miko began to hear voices coming to the vault. They escaped and went to the hot air balloon. Uvogin called Chrollo.

"There was nothing to steal. The vault was completely empty." said Uvogin.

"How did they know we were coming?" asked Chrollo.

"It's possible that we may have a Judas in our midst." suggested Uvogin. Chrollo shook his head.

"I doubt that. No one would gain anything from giving them a heads up." said Chrollo. Suddenly Miko snapped her fingers in realization.

"The shadow beasts." she said.

"What?" said Machi.

"They're beasts that the ten dons have. If they knew that we were coming, they must've sent the beasts after us not to mention other mafia dogs. They probably think we stole all of it." said Miko. Shalnark looked over.

"Well speak of the devils." said Shalnark. everyone looked behind They could see cars following them.

"Land this thing. I'll take care of them." said Uvogin.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now