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When Miko woke up, the sun was shining onto her eyes. Miko tried to roll over to avoid the sun's blinding rays but found it utterly useless. She forced herself to get up. She dragged herself to the kitchen and began prepared the coffee maker so that she will be able to have a cup of coffee after her shower. The heated water ran down her back, sending a bit of a chilling sensation. After her shower, she wrapped herself in a robe and sat on the balcony to enjoy a cup of coffee. Once she was fully awake, she already had some challengers waiting for her. One of which was an older man who had battled Miko before. He was the final battle she had before challenging a floor master. He was incredibly arrogant at the time. He needed one more battle himself before challenging a floor master. However, he was at his final loss before having to start over again. His name is Gardon Sanchez. He is an enhancer. Very simple-minded and driven by emotions. However, he observes and adapts very well. When Miko fought Gardon, she used her enhancer ability. She shrouded her entire body in nen to make herself incredibly stronger. She was certain of her victory. Evidently, she was correct in assuming so. She never showed Gardon her ice ability. She smiled at herself. "He's prepared to fight an enhancer. Not so much a manipulator." Miko thought to herself. She looked at the information that was given to her. Gardon wanted a death match. That made the upcoming battle all the more interesting. She went to her closet and pulled out one of her favorite toys. A long, slender bladed sword with a curve at its end. A beautifully crafted scimitar. She never used her throwing knives at Heaven's arena. Her throwing knives had spiders on them. It was too risky. She was yet to be connected to the spider by the public. The crowd knows her name but, again, has yet to see her face. Only the faculty and the other competitors of the arena know her face. She wore a classic ninja mask along with a black tank top that outlined her figure and black sweatpants. She prepared herself for battle. She stood at the entryway to the arena and waited for her name to be called by the announcer.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Cocoa and I'll be your announcer for this fight. Ladies and gentlemen, we have a revenge battle between two foes who's previous battle meant the right to challenge a floor master. This battle led to the rise of the youngest floor master in history. Welcome to the arena, the youngest floor master in the world, Miko Kenmochi." announces Cocoa. Miko walks out onto the arena. The crowd goes insane for the young floor master. Miko raises her sword and the crowd cheers even louder. She, then, places her sword in her sheath. "Next, we have the fighter who wants revenge. He fought Miko in hopes of being able to challenge a floor master. However, Miko crushed those dreams. Now he's back for revenge and for the desired title of floor master. He's worked tirelessly to earn the right to this battle. Here he is, Gardon Sanchez." Gardon rushes out onto the arena. He smiles crookedly at Miko.

"Don't think your little enhancer trick will work this time, Miko Kenmochi." said Gardon.

"We'll see, Gardon." replied Miko. The battle quickly ensues with Gardon charging towards Miko. Miko uses gyo to see where most of his nen is located. "In his hands." she thinks to herself. Miko quickly dodges every attack Gardon uses with his hands. She wrapped her arms and legs in ten, leaving the rest of her body, defenseless. She blocks Gardon's punch.

"Your using ten this time." Gardon says aloud. "It seems as though your finally taking our battle seriously." Miko smiles under her mask. She kicks Gardon in the side. He flies ten feet away from her.

"What a kick!" yelled Cocoa, "The match is really heating up now!" The crowd gets pumped and starts cheering for Miko.

"It looks like it's now my turn to attack you." says Miko aloud. She takes her sword from its sheath and sticks it into the ground.

"What's this? Miko is going to fight without her sword." says Cocoa in surprise. Then, Miko does her famed technique. The crowd has decided to dub this, flash kill. No one has yet to survive Miko's technique. She disappears from the human eye and begins running at incredible speeds leaving Gardon in the middle. Suddenly, Ice shards begin flying at him from every angle.

"How the hell is she able to use ice? She's an enhancer!" Gardon exclaims worriedly. Gardon sees her sword and makes a beeline to her sword to use as a last line of defense. Before he gets to the sword, it disappears. He wraps himself in ten and tries to look for Miko. Suddenly, an ice shard shoots into and through his left shoulder. Barely misses his heart. Another shard is shot through his hand. Gardon screams in pain before Miko slows down enough for everyone to see her slice his throat with her sword.

"We have a winner! The youngest floor master in the world, Miko Kenmochi!"

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now