New Recruits?

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"Where were you?" asked Chrollo in a deathly serious tone. "It's probably all his fault, she was put in danger to being with." Chrollo thought angrily to himself. Another smirk made its way across Hisoka's face. He knows they found Miko because they tracked his phone.

"I followed Miko for a bit then I went to a bar. I have the receipt right here." said Hisoka as he held out the receipt. In reality, Hisoka asked Illumi to go and bring him the receipt. Nobunaga looked at the receipt and nodded. The next morning, Nobunaga and Machi disguised themselves to try and lure the chain user. Miko tried to go with them again. This time, Machi tied her up and Feitan decided, of his own accord, to keep an eye on her. Miko sat on her bed tied up. She hadn't spoken a word since last night. Feitan rolled his eyes.

"Why haven't you broken free?" said Feitan, "You're twice as strong as Machi. You could snap those threads like twigs." Miko didn't respond. At this point, Feitan was staring to get worried about her. "I know you miss Uvogin. Just-"

"It's not just that." Miko said in a low, self-hating tone, "I doubted myself. My instincts told me to go down there and ignore his directions. I listened to what Franklin told me and to trust Uvogin. Now's he's dead because I ignored my instincts. If I had listened to myself, the chain user would be dead and Uvogin would be alive." Feitan didn't respond. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her.

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you." said Feitan. Miko felt more tears roll down her face.

"Okay." she said as she sniffled. The door swung open and Phinks walked in.

"We found two kids that were tailing Machi and Nobunaga." said Phinks. Machi walked in shortly.

"Come on, Miko. I'll untie you." she said. Miko got up. She already broke free.

"That's okay, sis." said Miko as she walked past Machi. Machi looked at her in shock.

"How the hell do you keep doing that?" yelled Machi as she followed her sister. Phinks and Feitan followed behind them.

"Mickey seems to be feeling better. What did you do?" asked Phinks curiously.

"No clue." said Feitan as he shrugged. Miko walked into the main room and she saw Gon and Killua in restraints.

"What the hell, Nobunaga?" said Miko.

"You know these kids?" asked Phinks.

"Hell yes." said Miko, "That's Gon Freecs and Killua Zoldyck. I met Gon during the exam when a certain someone didn't let me use nen and I met Killua when I was living with the Zoldycks."

"Miko, we should recruit these kids. This green one reminds me of Uvogin." said Nobunaga. Miko narrowed her eyes.

"Mickey-nee, you're part of the Phantom troupe?!?!" yelled Gon. Miko looked at Gon. He had the most profound look of betrayal she had ever seen. Killua had a shocked expression as well. She sighed sadly.

"Yes. Be quiet. Don't say a word. That goes for you as well, Killua-chan." said Miko.

"I don't think it's a good idea for these kids to join." said Miko.

"What makes you say that?" asked Machi.

"They're just kids. They don't want to be here and if we do make them join, they're only going to run away. You caught them following you right?" said Miko. Nobunaga nodded.

"The only reason we caught them was because Phinks and Paku were tailing us as back up." said Machi.

"If they could hide easily, then they could escape easily." said Miko.

"That's not your choice to make, Miko." said Nobunaga, "We'll wait for the boss to return. He'll make the final decision." Miko narrowed her eyes and sighed to herself.

"Fine." said Miko reluctantly, "I'll keep an eye on them. Come on you two." Killua and Gon followed Miko to a separate room. Miko sat in front of the door to keep them from leaving.

"What the hell, Mickey-nee?" exclaimed Killua, "Why are you part of the group of murderers?"

"Why are you shocked Killua-chan? Illumi has killed more people than I have.." Miko shot back. Killua was speechless. "You both should know that the chain user killed one of my best friends. I'm assuming you both know who that is. I intend to kill him. I'm telling you both as a warning. Keep away. I care about you both and I don't want either of you to get hurt." said Miko.

"Mickey-nee," said Gon, "You people kill and steal without reason. That's wrong. You're strong enough to get rid of everyone here. Why don't you?"

"They're all family to me. My sister and I have been here since we were children. Most of us grew up together." replied Miko. She walked up to them and untied them. "Please don't try to escape. They'll catch and kill you. I'm one of the more powerful ones. I can't let you escape and lie about it. It's impossible. If I were weaker, I would. Just please don't do anything dumb. I'll keep Paku from touching you until then, you don't know who the chain user is. Got it?" Killua and Gon looked at Miko. Her eyes were filled with sincerity.

"Mickey-nee?" said Gon.

"Yes?" replied Miko. Gon walked up to Miko and hugged her.

"I'm sorry about your friend." said Gon. Miko hugged Gon back tightly. Then, there was a knock at the door.

"Mickey, the boss is back. Bring those kids." said Shalnark.

"Coming!" she yelled back, "Sorry boys. If you promise to try and not escape, I won't tie you up. Can you promise me that?" Gon and Killua exchanged looks and nodded. Miko walked into the main room with her hands on their shoulders.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now