I'm done

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Hello everyone. Just a quick note. I've decided to change the deal between Miko and Machi. Miko has to complete the hunter exam without using her nen abilities instead of nen as a whole. That's it from me. Thank you for reading this. I love you all.



 "Come out, Gittarackur." Miko said annoyingly. Illumi came out. "Is there a reason you're following me?" asked Miko.

"Calm down, Kenmochi." said Illumi, "I'm just filing in for Hisoka."

"Where is he?" Miko asked. Ilumi looked at Miko with a bit of confusion.

"No clue. Since when do you care about his whereabouts?" asked Illumi as he sat against a tree.

"I have no bloody clue. Did you find your target?" asked Miko curiously as she sat next to him.

"Yes. He wanted to deal with Hisoka so I let him. I already had his badge and he was going to die anyway." said Illumi coldly. Suddenly, Miko felt Hisoka's eyes on her.

"Honestly, he never learns." Miko mumbled to herself. Then, she smiled evilly. "Don't freak out, Illumi. I am going to use you to teach a certain someone a lesson." she whispered into his ear. Illumi turned to her. He was about to respond when Miko kissed his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his and held herself close to him.

"What the hell are you doing, Kenmochi?" Illumi thought to himself. Then, they both felt Hisoka's jealousy surround them like a thick fog. Miko lifted her head and a card flew in between the two of them. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to get me killed." said Illumi out loud. Miko couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you going to sit there brewing in jealousy or are you going to come out?" yelled Miko. Despite having her little crush on Hisoka, Miko took Feitan's warning very seriously. Although, teasing Hisoka was a completely different matter. She stood up and leaned against the tree. Hisoka appeared next to her. He was no longer teasing, He was, indeed, pissed.

"I thought I made myself clear when I said you were mine." said Hisoka angrily.

"The funny thing is, I never agreed to that." retorted Miko. Illumi stood up and rolled his eyes.

"You're both idiots. I'm going to sleep." said Illumi as he took out his pins and dug a hole for him to sleep in. Hisoka was glaring at Miko. Miko kept the same smug smile on her face.

"I'll say it again you are mine. You are not allowed to touch anyone else and they are not allowed to touch you." said Hisoka in a threatening tone. Miko was starting to get angry.

"What the hell do you even care? The only reason you even say that is so you can learn my nen ability then kill me. You don't have a shred of care for me in your entire body. I'm starting to get sick and tired of these games. I did fall in love with you." yelled Miko. Hisoka's eyes widened in shock. He knew she liked him but he didn't think she would flat out say it. "You don't love me back. I'm not going to stick around wasting my time for someone who doesn't care." said Miko before storming off. She felt tears form in her eyes. She could feel her heart ripping in two. Miko pulled out her phone and earphones. She started listening to music to help her forget about her troubles. Hisoka was still standing where Miko had left him. Despite all the teasing and harassing he does, he knows his life would be dull without Miko. When he saw the tears in her eyes, he wanted to hug her and comfort her. However, he knew that she most likely would doubt his actions.

I don't think I've ever seen her that upset." Hisoka mumbled to himself, "Damn it all. I gotta find her." said Hisoka before taking off to find Miko. He began to yell her name. Miko continued to get as far away as possible. Once she was far enough, she used zetsu so Hisoka couldn't find her. Miko climbed into a tall tree and stayed there for a while. While she was listening to music, she could hear someone call her name. She took out her ear phones and listened carefully.

"Miko!" Hisoka yelled, "Miko, Come out. I need to talk to you." Miko felt her heart break even more. More tears flooded her eyes and spilled out. She tried to drown out Hisoka by listening to music. She began to text Feitan.

M: Hey, are you there?

F: Mickey? You don't usually text. Is something the matter? Did Hisoka do something?

M: I give up on him. He tried to claim me as his. I thought he was joking until he got pissed. Then, I blurted out that I loved him.

F: What did he say? Did he reject you?

M: He didn't respond. I told him that he only cares about my nen ability and that I know he doesn't care about me. Also that I'm not going to waste time on someone who doesn't care. Then, I left him there.

F: Are you okay?

M: I don't know. I felt relieved that I told him but I felt like crap when I said I know he doesn't care. He's looking for me right now. I can hear him shouting my name.

F: Stay where you are. Don't go to him. I'm sorry, Mickey. You shouldn't waste your kindness on filth like him.

M: Thanks, Feitan. I can't feel bad for myself forever. I'm going to finish this damn exam. Bye, Feitan.

F: Anytime. Bye, Mickey.

"Well, it looks like we won't have to do anything." said Feitan to Machi and Uvogin. Uvogin and Machi looked at each other confusedly.

"What do you mean?" asked Machi. Feitan tossed her his phone. Machi and Uvogin read the text messages.

"It seems like the problem solved itself." said Uvogin.

"Even so," said Feitan, "I'll talk to her once she gets back to make sure she doesn't plan on going back to him. If I were the two of you, I wouldn't talk to her unless she goes to you first." said Feitan. The two of them nodded before going their separate ways. 

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now