New Plans

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"Good. Then, no one can interrupt us." Chrollo purred as a seductive smiled creeped onto his face. He pulled Miko closed to him and planted his lips on hers. The small and sweet kiss quickly turned passionate, rough and breathtaking. Miko wrapped her arms around Chrollo to pull him closer, making the kiss rougher. Chrollo slid his tongue into her mouth, exploring every inch of her mouth. Miko let out a small moan. There was a deep blush running across Miko's cheeks. The departed each other, leaving a thin string of saliva connecting the two of them. They were both out of breath. They were about to go to the bedroom, when the landline rang. The sexual, passionate moment, was thrown out the window.

"I'm sorry, I have to get that." said Miko feeling a bit guilty as she walked towards the ringing phone. Chrollo watched as Miko walked over to the phone and picked up. "Hello?" she said. "Another fight? I don't know. I'm pretty busy for the next few days. Can they wait until three days from now?" Chrollo walked up to Miko.

"It's ok. Schedule the fight." said Chrollo.

"Excuse me for a minute, please." said Miko as she put the phone to her chest. "Are you sure? I know you're only here for a short time." Chrollo chuckled a bit.

"I'm sure. I'd love to see you fight." said Chrollo. Miko smiled and pecked him on the lips.

"Change of plans. I can schedule the fight for tomorrow afternoon." said Miko, "I'll be needing three extra tickets." Chrollo looked at Miko confusedly. "Okay. Yes. Thank you." said Miko as she hung up the phone.

"Three tickets? Who are the extra two for?" asked Chrollo.

"Two friends of mine. One I know from the Zoldycks and the other I met during the exam. Don't worry. They don't know about my affiliation to the spiders. They're quite young and have a lot of potential." said Miko as she again wrapped her arms around Chrollo's neck.

"How old?" asked Chrollo curiously.

"Twelve. Both of them." Miko replied. There's a bit of shock in Chrollo's eyes.

"That is young. But then again, you were much younger when you learned nen." replied Chrollo.

"Yeah. It's getting late." said Miko.

"I'll shower then we'll go to sleep." said Chrollo. Miko blushed again. She showed Chrollo the bathroom and left him to take care of his own business.

Meanwhile, Hisoka was still alone in his room. He was thinking about how to get back into Miko's good graces. He smiled to himself as he thought of a brilliant idea. Hisoka pulled out his cellphone and began to call Illumi.

"Hello?" said Illumi.

"Hello~" replied Hisoka. Illumi rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?" said Illumi coldly and monotonously.

"I can't call to say hello?" jests Hisoka, "Okay fine. I need your help with something." A crooked smile appeared on Hisoka's face. "Come by the heaven's arena and I'll explain everything." Hisoka didn't give Illumi a chance to respond before hanging up. A few short hours later, Illumi was at Hisoka's hotel room. Hisoka explained his little plan to Illumi. When he finished, Illumi sat there trying to make sense of everything.

"Are you saying you want me to put a needle in Chrollo and make him cheat on Miko so she'd come running to you?" asked Illumi.

"Yep. That about sums it up." said Hisoka.

"That's next to impossible. His senses, not to mention the rest of the troupe's, are incredible. He's almost never by himself. It'll be next to impossible to stick a needle in him and keep it hidden for him to cheat and then retrieve it without being noticed." said Illumi, "Wouldn't it be easier for him to break it off with her?"

"No, that can easily be fixed. If he cheated, that's hard to fix. He broke her trust. Threw her love for him in her face. That can't be taken back to easily. I'll be there to comfort her when she runs off crying." Hisoka was truly an evil man when he wanted to be. Illumi sighed. "Don't worry. I'll make sure to pay you." said Hisoka. Illumi wasn't sure about hurting Miko like this but he's getting paid. That takes priority.

"When do you want to do this?" asked Illumi.

"I know he's here with Miko. I saw them in the lobby. We'll do this tomorrow." said Hisoka, "It's best that you stay here. Don't worry about getting a girl. I'll take care of that too." 

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now