God I Love Her

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The next day, Illumi met up with Chrollo as they had discussed. Chrollo decided to take Illumi to bar where no one would  bother them.

"Did you want me to meet you all the way out here only for you to drag me to a bar?" asked Illumi.

"I know you and Hisoka had something to do with the end of my relationship with Miko." said Chrollo. Illumi was taken aback.

"What makes you think I had anything to do with it?" said Illumi.

"Hisoka can't manipulate objects let alone people. You're closer to him than anyone else." replied Chrollo. Illumi looked down at his drink and sighed.

"I can't say give you that information. If Miko asks, I'm afraid I'm too close to her to even imagine lying." said Illumi. Chrollo didn't respond. Instead, he sighed. Already forming a plan.

"You know, I owe your grandfather my gratitude." said Chrollo. Illumi looked at Chrollo curiously.

"Why is that?" asked Illumi.

"He taught Miko how to control her nen bombs and to make them so she won't get hurt when it breaks into fragments." Suddenly, the look in Chrollo's eyes darkened. "A few days, she almost killed herself." said Chrollo. Illumi stood up and turned towards Chrollo.

"What happened the hell to her?" said Illumi menacingly.

"She fought someone for the sake of revenge for someone she was close to. She kept him on the deffensive for most of the time. However, he was able to deal more damage the few times he got a hit in. She didn't feel any pain due to adrenaline. She did lose a lot of blood. She was so caught up in her anger she probably didn't even realize she was hurt. She kept going and didn't stop. Even when a building crumbled on top of her she kept going. She's stubborn, loyal and strong. I love her. When you made me do that, she dumped me instantly. She may be loyal but she isn't loyal to those who aren't loyal to her." said Chrollo, "I want to get her back. I don't care what I have to do." Chrollo looked at Illumi with determination in his eyes.

"Do you think it'll work out the way you want it?" asked Illumi, "You may find it that Miko can and will defy your expectations. That's one thing you can always count on." Illumi thought to himself.

"I'm certain it will." said Chrollo, "Their entire relationship is based on deception. A deception that he created. He doesn't deserve her. She doesn't deserve a relationship like that." A few hours had passed and Chrollo started to get a bit drunk. He was starting to get beyond Illumi's control. He grabbed Chrollo's phone and called Miko.

"Hello?" said Miko. Hisoka was with her.

"Who is it?" Hisoka asked as he pressed his ear to the other side of the phone.

"It's Illumi. I need your help." Illumi said.

"I knew this day would come. It's okay. I'll help you with your internal issues." said Miko in a sympathetic voice. Illumi felt himself deadpan.

"You...are.... An idiot. I'm talking about Chrollo. He's drunk and I don't want to call Hisoka." said Illumi.

"Aww~ I feel hurt, Illumi. Why wouldn't want to call me~?" said Hisoka. Illumi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed annoyingly.

"Kenmochi, just come over here." said Illumi.

"I can't. I'm chained to the bed." said Miko. There was a long silence. Miko checked the phone to make sure the call didn't end. "Hello? Illumi?"

"Gross." Illumi finally spat out. Miko's face turned bright red. Hisoka began laughing his ass off.

"WRONG. This is my punishment." said Miko as if that was any better.

"Don't talk to me about your sex life, Kenmochi." said Illumi coldly. Miko felt her face turn so red that steam began to come out of her ears.

"Talk to him, Hisoka." said Miko as she handed Hisoka the phone. She sat in the corner of her bed with her head against the wall trying to process what just happened.

"Mhm.... Yes....... Ok...... I know where that is. Bye, Illumi-chan~" said Hisoka as he hung up the phone. "The boss is drunk at a bar. Illumi wants us to come get him. Are you coming?" asked Hisoka.

"I'm not allowed to leave remember?" said Miko as she laid back in bed. She didn't want to see Chrollo at the moment. "Besides you chained me to the bed remember."

"Since when has that ever stopped you? You might as well be an escape artist instead of a murderer or thief." Hisoka waved his finger. "There it's gone." said Hisoka. Miko looked at him.

"No." she said as she rolled over with her back facing him. An evil smile spread across his face. He laid in bed next to Miko. He wrapped his arms around Miko.

"Well, if you don't want to go, we can always do what Illumi thinks we're doing?" Hisoka whispered seductively in Miko's ear. She felt a shiver run down her spine. She quickly jumped over Hisoka and landed at the doorway.

"You coming or not, slowpoke?" said Miko as she ran out the door. Hisoka chuckled and ran after her.

"God, I love her." Hisoka thought to himself as he ran down the halls chasing after Miko.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now