Perverted Jealousy*

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A man opened the door with light pink hair as well as the most perfect mustache Miko had ever seen.
"From this point on," The man started, "No more applicants will be accepted. The first phased has now commenced. My name is Satoz and I am the examiner for the first phase. If you follow me, I shall lead you to the next phase," The room shook as a wall was pulled up to reveal a tunnel that seems like it stretches forever. Miko's eyes lit up in wonder and excitement. Hisoka noticed the child-like look in Miko's eyes. He couldn't help but smirk as he took note of the innocence in her eyes.

"Such an innocent smile," Hisoka thought to himself as his smirk turned wry as he imagined Miko quivering underneath him, "I can only imagine taking away such innocence."  He turned to look back at Miko but found that she and many other applicants had already taken off after Satoz. Hisoka mentally kicked himself for not having noticed sooner as he sped off trying to find Miko in the crowd of applicants.

Miko was running through the crowd trying to find Killua. She found him running alongside another boy about the same age as Killua. Miko surprised Killua by lifting him onto her shoulders while running.

"Hey, Kil," Miko beamed.

"Mickey," Killua whined, somewhat embarrassed, "I can run on my own," Killua jumped off Miko's shoulders and back onto the ground, while still keeping pace with the group.

"Who's your friend?" Miko asked as she waved at the boy next to them.

"I'm Gon," the boy said happily.

"Well, nice to meet you, Gon," Miko said, copying the happy tone, "I'm Miko Kenmochi. I'm very close with his family. Killua's like a little brother to me." Killua eyed Miko suspiciously.

"Did they ask you to bring me back?" Killua whispered.

"No," Miko chuckled, "I have my own agenda," Killua let out a sigh of relief. Miko glanced at the people running behind. She could see Illumi, guised as Gittaracur, keeping an eye on them.

"Are you okay, Miko?" Gon asked.

"Quite the observational one," Miko thought to herself. She smiled at Gon. "I'm alright," Miko said aloud to dispel the boy's worries, "I have a quick matter of business to attend to. Why don't you boys race to the finish. I'll buy the winner's next meal," Gon and Killua exchanged excited looks before taking off. Miko slowed her pace and waited for Gittarackur to catch up.

"What did he whisper to you?" Gittarackur asked.

"He wanted to know If I was asked to take him home," Miko answered truthfully, "You ought to know me better than that. I don't break promises,"

"I'd rather be cautious," Gittarackur retorted, causing Miko to narrow her eyes at him.

"I will cut your hair off again," Miko growled.

"Should I tell my parents that you were the one who advised him to run away?" He fired.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Miko responded coyly.

"Much to my family's dismay he looks up to you and takes your words very seriously. He wouldn't have run away without some outside influence, Kenmochi."

"Maybe I did influence him," Miko admitted, earning Illumi's anger, "If I were you, I'd keep my bloodlust to myself. You don't want Killua sensing it and learning of your presence here," Miko chuckled evilly, enjoying pressing Illumi's buttons, and sped off to find Gon and Killua.

Gittarackur turned his head to see Hisoka running beside him.

"I didn't know she was so close to your family," Hisoka noted, "From the way you two interacted, it doesn't seem like you hate each other."

"My father and grandfather found her when she was younger. She stayed with my family and I for a while." Illumi said, reminiscing about his time alone with Miko. He'd never say it out loud, but he did enjoy Miko's company very much. "In fact, my mother wanted me to marry her," Illumi stated, catching Hisoka's glare. "From the way you're looking at me, you're already possessive of her," Illumi commented. Hisoka remained silent, thinking this was still the arrangement. Illumi rolled his eyes. "I had no intention of marrying Kenmochi," he lied, "Miko was the same. When she told my parents her thoughts on the matter, they sent her back to the troupe,"

"I'm not sure if I believe you," Hisoka sneered.

"It makes no difference to me," Illumi said plainly before jogging ahead.

Hisoka ran by himself the rest of the way, brewing in his own jealousy. He never would've imagined, the small woman would have gotten so far underneath his skin. He wasn't sure whether to believe Illumi had no intention of marrying Miko.
"I am possessive," Hisoka thought to himself, "She's mine and I don't intend to share," Hisoka was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he didn't realize he was nearing the end of the tunnel. As he ran out the exit, Miko caught his eye. She cooly leaned against the wall as if she were waiting for him.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't make it," Miko teased. She was about to walk away when Hisoka grabbed her wrist and pinned her against the wall. Hisoka brought his face in close proximity to hers. Miko's cheeks instantly flared.

"He has an intoxicating smell," Miko thought to herself.

"I'm not about to let you have all the fun, Mickey," Hisoka cooed, still inching his face closer to Miko's.


Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now