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Miko awoke strapped down to a bed with metal. A skinny lad with enormous pitch black eyes stared down at her. She stared at him in awe. She had never seen eyes so big. It was as if they stared into her soul.

"Who are you? Where the hell am I?"

"Such an unruly mouth," A voice came from the other side of the room. A woman stepped into the light. She wore a frilly dress and an equally frilly hat. In her hand was a matching fan. Her eyes were covered by machinery. "A young lady such as yourself should learn to speak properly," The woman spoke in an elegant tone. She gazed at Miko, analyzing all of her features before smiling down at her. "You have a natural beauty as if you were my own daughter," the woman cooed.

"Thank you?" Miko responded unsure of what to make of all this. Her eyes fell back to the boy, who's eyes hadn't left her since she awoke.

"Allow me to introduce everyone. I'm Kikiyo Zoldyck." Miko's eyes widened hearing the Zoldyck name. Anyone who lived in the shadows knew of the Zoldyck. "You've met my husband, Silva, and his father, Zeno." Miko glanced at the two men who remained emotionless in their respective seats. "Over there is Illumi, my eldest son," Kikiyo said pointing at the boy with enlarged soul windows, "Then there are his siblings: Milluki, Killua, and Kalluto." Miko looked over to see a rather spherical looking child, one with white hair, and another in a kimono. Miko kept her mouth shut not knowing what to say or do in this circumstance. "Now my dear," Kikiyo continued in a friendly tone, "What's your name?"

"Miko Kenmochi," she responded, trying but failing to mask her confusion.

"Well Miss Kenmochi, I've taken the liberty of contacting your older sister and informing her that you will be staying with us for the time being. You'll be training with our children. I assume you know our line of work?" Miko nodded trying to process all the information in those few sentences.

"Yes, ma'am," Miko responded, taking Kikiyo's advice for a better way of speaking, "If I may ask, what did my sister say?" Worry bit away in Miko's mind. She knows that if the Zoldycks had contacted the troupe, there was undoubtedly some trouble that was bound to come forth.

"She said that's what you get for getting caught," Kikiyo giggled with no change in her tone, "I must say, your sister and I have a similar way of thinking."

"Of course she'd say something like that," Miko thought to herself, initially thinking her sister would come for her.

"Well then my dear, I shall release you when dinner is ready," Kikiyo said to Miko before turning to the rest of her family, "Let's go everyone. Illumi, keep her company, would you? This house will be like a maze to her." Illumi nodded silently as he waited for the room to clear and the door to shut before he turned to Miko.

"Why don't you break free?" Illumi asked, shocking Miko for a moment before she grinned cheekily. She encased herself in her new and ripped the straps from the bed.

"Like that?" She purred, taking a better look at Illumi. Her attention was quickly snatched from Illumi around the room.

"What are you looking for?" He questioned, watching Miko scan the room.

"Cameras. I counted three. Is there more than that?" Illumi was impressed. Granted she did miss one, but the fact she was able to count three incredibly small cameras was impressive.

"Then again," Illumi thought to himself, "If she couldn't see them, that would be more worrisome."

Back at the Phantom Troupe, Kortopi had reached the base alone. His solo appearance had raised eyebrows from the entire troupe. All except for Machi, who had yet to tell anyone about her exchange with the Zoldycks.

"Where's Mickey?" Chrollo said being the first to ask. Despite his tone being far from anything malicious, Kortopi was nervous to speak about Miko's course of action. He told them the truth regardless, earning looks of surprise and concern from everyone.

"She told me to let you all know that she was fine." 

The room was silent and Everyone was motionless. Feitan was the first to move towards Kortopi. While his walk was calm, everything else about him was a far cry from calm. Gripping Kortopi by his neck, Feitan held him up against the wall. Anger leaked from his every pore.

"You just left her there," he growled as he squeezed Kortopi's throat.

"She-she didn't give me a choice!" he rasped, "She threw me out the window with the vase with the message that she was fine!" Feitan forced himself to calm down, dropping Kortopi like a sack of potatoes. He knows Miko well enough to know she'd do just that. Uvogin, however, didn't believe Kortopi.

"You're lying!" He roared about to lunge at Kortopi, not caring that he was still recovering.

"No he's not," Feitan cut in, causing him to pause. Ignoring Uvogin, Feitan turned toward Machi. "Where is she?" Everyone turned their heads to Machi, now wondering why she was so calm, when she, herself, is far more protective of Miko.

Machi gazed at the troupe, meeting everyone's eyes.

"She's with the Zoldycks," Machi answered without a care in the world.

"Are you serious?" Uvogin yelled, "They'll kill her!" He turned on his heel and marched towards the exit.

"Wait a minute, Uvo," Phinks chimed as he stood from his spot. Uvogin stopped and turned to face the rest. "How do you know she's with the Zoldycks?"

"The Mrs. called me. She said Miko's fine and she's going to stay with them for a while. They want her as an asset."

"You believed them!?" Nobunaga yelled, "Now that they have Miko, they'll torture her to get info on us then kill her!"

"Calm down, Nobunaga," Chrollo said in a calm tone, "The Zoldycks only kill when they are hired to do so. If you think about it, anyone at any time can hire them to kill us as is. We all know Machi's instincts are prime. What do they say about this?" Everyone turned back to Machi, who has remained unaffected by everyone's opinions.

"She'll be fine. If anything, she might come out stronger," Machi said with her same bored tone.

"There it is there. Miko will be fine. Without a doubt she'll return." Chrollo said, putting the matter to rest.

A short while later, Chrollo found himself thinking about the matter.

"Whether or not Miko comes back isn't important. If I encourage a war with the Zoldycks, it could be detrimental to the spider. We are as big of a threat to them as they are to us. Staying is better for the survival of the spider."

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now