Need To Let Go

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They walked into her room, to see Miko trying to break the chains with her bare hands.

"Damn it. This can't be happening. They're really gone?!"

"You can blame yourself for this." said Machi.

"I almost had him." Miko shot back.

"You almost killed yourself is what you did." Machi retorted, "The entire auction is cancelled because half of Yorknew is destroyed."

"I didn't intend on that happening." Miko said under her breath, "Are Gon and Killua okay?"

"They're fine. You ice protected them." said Feitan. Miko felt herself relax. "What do you remember?"

"I remember drinking. Then, someone bumped into me. I turned around to see the chain user. Then, all I saw was red. He was walking with Gon, Killua, and some other person who was in the exam as well. I threw Gon and Killua into an alley and making an ice wall. From there, I remember just trying to kill him. I didn't feel any pain. Most likely from adrenaline. The next thing I remember is see, Machi, and the boss on a roof. Then, I remember waking up here." said Miko.

"Is the chain user dead?" asked Miko. Feitan and Machi exchanged looks before turning to Miko.

"Yes. A building I knocked down crushed him." said Feitan, "The fire department discovered his body during the clean up." Hisoka looked at Feitan. Feitan gave Hisoka a look that said 'if you tell her the truth, all of us will make sure you die.' Miko sighed in defeat.

"Okay." she said as she laid back down. Feitan and Machi left the room. Miko waited a few more seconds before standing up.

"What are you doing?" asked Hisoka as Miko began to freeze the chains. She clenched her fist and the chains snapped.

"He's not dead. If he were, I wouldn't be in chains and my ability wouldn't have gotten taken away." said Miko. She tried to walk out the door. Hisoka used his bungee gum and attached Miko to the bed.
"Damn it, Hisoka. Let me go." said Miko irritably.

"He is dead." said Hisoka, "This is your punishment for what happened last night." He used his nen and made chains that attached to Miko's ankles. He removed the nen that attached Miko to the bed to give her more room for movement. "Even if he wasn't, you don't have your nen bombs. You wouldn't stand a chance against him." Miko sighed.

"I guess you're right." said Miko as she laid back down in her bed. Machi came in with a tray of food. She looked on the ground and saw pieces of the chain on the ground.

"How do you keep doing that?" yelled Machi. Miko laughed.

"Never gonna tell." Miko teased.

"Relax. My bungee gum is acting as her restraint." said Hisoka. Machi gave Miko her food before leaving.

"How long am I going to be locked up?" asked Miko.

"Until all of us are sure you won't do anything like that again." said Hisoka. Miko looked down at her food. She felt a pit in her stomach.

"Do you want my food? I'm not hungry." said Miko. 

In the main room, everyone was sitting anxiously waiting to hear what happened.

"She already broke the chains." said Machi, "Hisoka is using his nen as new restraints. She won't be able to break free of those."

"That's good. His nen is strong. It's annoying but strong." replied Chrollo, "If you all will excuse me, I have some errands to run." Chrollo walked out of the gates and called up an old acquaintance.

"Hello?" said a monotonous and emotionless voice.

"It's Chrollo Lucilfer. I need to talk with you. Meet me here at the abandoned buildings." said Chrollo.

"Ok. I'll be there tomorrow." said Illumi before hanging up.

"I told you, I won't lose to you, Hisoka." said Chrollo. 

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now